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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. October apparently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDbH9C_9je4
  2. TFC Toys not Aerialbots: Rest of the article here: http://tformers.com/...17806/news.html And countdown to David Hingten pointing out inaccuracies in 3...2...1...
  3. What David said to the Engineer: http://io9.com/5920183/what-exactly-did-david-say-to-%5Bredacted%5D-in-prometheus
  4. I'm diggin MP Sideswipe except for that his face is a little Derpy. Maybe it's that his face is too small, or the top part of his helmet comes down too much. Thought the faces on all the Masterpiece Seekers were Derpy too, but MP-11 fixed that. Hope Sideswipe's isn't final.
  5. A Beautiful looking film, but the pacing of the first half felt a little slow to me and the second half left me with Way too many questions. I can accept that with LOST where it's expected, but for this film it was a bit frustrating. Yes, I'm looking at you Damon Lindeloff. This made me LOL Do NOT click this if you haven't seen Prometheus yet. *Spoilers Ahead* http://enchantedmitt...his-series.html
  6. "Designer Shogo Hasui has tweeted that Takara will be releasing more information about their upcoming Masterpiece figures MP-12 Lambor/Sideswipe and MP-13 Soundwave at this year's Tokyo Toy Show. The tweet also includes the new teaser image of MP-12 Lambor/Sideswipe"
  7. Finally saw it tonight and Loved It!! Kudos to Marvel for building up the seperate franchises while having the foresight to shoot those prologues that started to tie them all together, eventually culminating into the Avengers. While I love Nolan's Batman movies, I've always felt they were more like detective thrillers that happened to take place in a comic book backdrop, whereas the Marvel films are more "Comic Book" movies. With the Batman movies being so gritty & raw, it made it really difficult for me to imagine the Green Latern movie taking place in that same universe. So I think DC will have a rough time trying to integrate their characters into a cohesive universe if they finally decide to do a JLA movie. IMO, if the two companies were sports franchises, DC has one Star Player (Batman), a disappointing rookie (GL) & a unproven draft pick (Snyder's Superman). Marvel has a Star Player (Iron Man), a Strong Starting Lineup (Cap, Hulk, Thor) & a decent bench (Black Widow & Hawkeye). Not to say Marvel hasn't had any stinkers (Elektra, FF4, Ghost Rider). As a comic book fan, i'm just grateful that the characters I grew up reading about are considered viable enough to make it to the big screen. Stoked on the Avengers, now bring on the new Spidey and Batman!!
  8. Dallas says "the bones are bent outward" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMPXIcB1huM Maybe the thing it's sitting in is a periscope or telescope
  9. If anyone is setting up a Group Buy, please sign me up
  10. So I rewatched Alien last night and made an observation during the discovery of the Space Jockey body scene. When Dallas is inspecting it, the Space Jockey's body seemed quite large compared to the size of an average human. So, was it an abnormally large facehugger that infected the Space Jockey?
  11. It's looking decent! But my bar has been set low because of the first one. Just wish they would have ditched Junior Varsity Marky Mark as Duke. If the climbing/Red Ninja fight is an homage to Issue #21 then i'm pretty impressed http://cdn.comixology.com/assets/gijoe_cover.jpg
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD9e24cbelA&feature=player_embedded
  13. chowyunskinny

    SCOOP thread!

    New Picture of the Britai Softbi courtesy of Toysdaily http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32369
  14. New Picture courtesy of Toysdaily
  15. 100% accurate TV version Please. I'd also like to see Yamato take a note from other Toy Companies that are adding translucent/transparent add on parts to simulate fireballs, muzzle fire, energy beams etc: An optional Daedalus molded in a Translucent bluish white plastic to simulate the Daedalus attack 3 attachable colored disks to simulate the Pin Point Barriers Translucent colored plastic "Energy Particles" to mount between the two main cannons TV Styled ARMD 1 & 2
  16. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow Chris Hemsworth as Thor Chris Evans as Captain America Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Incredible Hulk
  17. Well it should be obvious that it was recorded by someone with a video recorder at a convention somewhere & not an official upload Do us all a favor and post something Higher Quality if you can find it
  18. Got my Super 7 Stormtrooper Super Shogun the other day
  19. Kudos!!! *AMAZING* work
  20. "My mom said Jax is my daddy" "Hush little girls, lotta cats got dat name"
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