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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. complete Comic Con Panel online
  2. right on, thanks Cube, looks good!
  3. Just to spite you I hope that they do the Blonde one carded and the Red Head butch haired one only with the Wolverine Blonde or Red, she needs an update. She fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch.
  4. Uh we kinda already do Sides we'll probably end up with both. Like the OG Lady Jaye and the Cartoon style
  5. BAM! What Godzilla said besides, we know it's your self proclaimed Redhead fetish influencing your demand You got Scarlett for your ginger, so I say First Cartoon appearance Trumps.
  6. but she's a blonde in the cartoon David
  7. How 9/11 kept the Bryan Singer/Tom DeSanto Galactica from happening
  8. Wonderfest and C3 exclusive Black Megahouse Mospeada Info from Tokyo Hunter
  9. it's by PopCultureShockCollectibles. It's basically a Jerry Macaluso, the former owner SOTA Toys Being distributed through Sideshow popcultureshock
  10. Lots of new stuff over at Hisstank from Comic Con Booth Images 1 Booth Images 2 Stoked because a lot of the stuff they are showing are things that were on my wishlists of remakes/reissues. Scrap Iron, Eels, Airborne, the Claw, Fang, Skyhawk, swamp skier and Water Moccasin. Gives me hope about them reissuing the Polar Battle Bear, Ferret and hopefully the Whale.
  11. But it doesn't say anything about the Max being limited? Nice! Anything about prices on either? Thanks CF18
  12. from the latest Dengeki hobby
  13. Alternity GT-R Convoy and Henkei Stuntron Wildrider Exclusive
  14. You know, makes me wonder if it's the factories being shady. Maybe they are on good behavior when Yamato is at the facility, and give them the best specimens for "pre-production" samples. Then after Yamato leaves, they cut corners and use cheaper materials. You gotta wonder especially hearing how some of these factories leak product out the back door and let stuff fall off trucks.
  15. Fan made CG Transformers to Saint Seiya theme with misheard lyrics :lol:
  16. yes, not to be confused with Whhhhhhuuuuttt??? OKAAAAAAY!!!!
  17. Caprica Trailer it's like the plot of Small Wonder, guy builds an underage girl robot at Esai Morales as Grandpa Adama... RIT-CHIE!!!!!!!!!
  18. from Graham's review Damn, makes me wish Yamato would just include a 1S head with the DYRL Hikaru 1A and the inevitable future release of a DYRL Max 1A
  19. shoot, if it was 13 or 14 years ago I think Gary Oldman would've made an awesome Joker, going by his performances in True Romance and The Professional
  20. I thought it was funny and awesome that they got the guy who played Batmanuel from the Tick as the Mayor of Gotham. Him and Deebo were my crack up moments of the flick.
  21. Loved DK. DK is my favorite drama of the summer that happens to be based on a comic book. Iron Man is my favorite comic book movie of the summer. I think the two are apples and oranges, one serious, the other fun, but I love em both. One thing I think DK has over Iron Man is the Ensemble cast. Everyone is a heavy hitter. Bale, Caine, Freeman, Oldman, Eckhart and especially Ledger, my hats off to them all. I'm so glad I stayed spoiler free before seeing it. My friend said as we were leaving he'd be happy if it ended here and they didn't make a third one and I couldn't agree more. Retire at the top of the game. oh yeah, seeing Deebo took me out of the movie for a minute. I had to laugh.
  22. Yup, you're right, I stand corrected. My point is, it's ironic that a song from a horrible comic book film has found new life in the trailer for what might be an amazing comic book film. Wonder if it'll be on the soundtrack or if it's just for the trailer. Was that NIN song from the 300 trailer on the soundtrack?
  23. That's because you can't Pimpwalk if you're driving Besides he probably had two many DUI's and had his license suspended So Ranka was in the hospital and they didn't detect those crystal worms things in her, or notice her glowing stomach? How does that get glazed over? In regards to Ramaria, have they ever delved into how the whole Macronization/Micronization works? If I remember correctly, whenever they show the machine, there's always a Macronized body in the large chamber and a Micronized body in the small one. If she died Meltran sized wouldn't there be a micronized body still? Is it the whole consciousness/soul transfer that occurs? And on a sidenote, when Max goes from small to big in DYRL, he didn't have a Zentran sized body before he hooked up with Milia. So I'm guessing they can create a big body off of a person's dna? They've never explained stuff like that have they? In the sing off Sheryl reminded me of Beyonce'. Lost the impact of having a stronger voice when trying to upstage so much.
  24. teaser vid for Season 3 Is that Mohinder getting powers and hooking up with Maya? They are the 2 most annoying characters, they deserve each other.
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