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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. 24 hours and no new pics Did any MW members attend Wonderfest? Save, if you attended WF, did you get to snap any pics of the Yamato booth? thanks in advance.
  2. You and me both Shin. Found another one, but it's like pulling teeth
  3. whoa, that's cool! thanks for the pics SuperHobo and will74
  4. k well that's good to know cuz the mass production is fugly
  5. Yeah, was about 90% sure it was 1/60 but wanted your guy's opinion before the news spread. wonder if they are going to include the bubble clown hands for the TV valks. I hope so. Yup, I'm gonna be throwing those on a VF-1S haven't found many more pics, the Yamato booth bouncers must've been in full force this time. If you guys find any more pics, post em here!
  6. i'll repost here the pic that CF18 posted in the minmay thread you can see the VF-1D on the banner in the background
  7. found these pics of some Bandai offerings being shown at Summer Wonderfest 08 so is this what the Mass Production evas are going to look like in the coming movies? kinda goofy and they got their nails done to match their lipstick now
  8. guess it's still a coming soon lineart pic
  9. K i've been checking a bunch of japanese sites for any pics of Yamato's booth from Summer Wonderfest 08 so far there hasn't been much, but I did find this. Could this be a first glimpse at a 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J? I think the 1A Gerwalk in the foreground is 1/60 because of the new foot thrusters, so...
  10. to anyone who just attended Wonderfest, did Megahouse show the Houquet ride armor? thanks in advance.
  11. You can see the 1D in the background of this pic CF18 posted in the Minmay figure thread. Anyone get some good, closer pics of the Yamato booth?
  12. well it's funny that you mention that because in Allstar Batman and Robin by Frank Miller and Jim Lee, when Dick Grayson meets bats for the first time, he says to himself: "that's not his real voice, it's like he's doing some lameass Clint Eastwood impersonation"
  13. I read that also. That's awesome, but I don't think it'll happen until after Nolan is done with his run. I don't see DC and WB allowing there to be 2 live action Batman franchises running concurrently. So who would Snyder get to play old Wayne/Bats? Gerard Butler? This is.....GOTHAM
  14. well if they somehow decide that Robin is going to be in a Nolan Batman movie, I hope they make it Carrie Kelly even though she's part of the Frank Miller Batverse.
  15. right on, thanks for you input Master Dex
  16. Got a question in anticipation of a fansub for this episode. I know in previous threads most folks thought Shinsen did the best job of subtitling, but since they are pretty far behind, who do you think is the next best fan sub group? thanks in advance.
  17. thanks gubaba. I ended up buying a copy off of ebay
  18. Hi Gubaba did you happen to notice if they ordered a few extra issues in addition to yours to stock on their shelves? thanks in advance
  19. right on, thanks for the clarification there kanedaestes
  20. So, I think I glanced over something that said Marvel is ending the Ultimate Universe. I'm too out of the loop and get a headache when trying to figure out what's going on, so can anybody explain in short summary what this story arc is going to be? Thanks in advance.
  21. Is anybody here on the board affiliated with Overdrive? I wonder if they are going to be carrying the 1/48 TV Max
  22. I want that reissue but I can't bring myself to buy it just because the boxart is so horrible.
  23. I've got all my Transformers Animated figs in Robot mode on my coffee table. Out of 15 figs the only that fell over was Prowl
  24. I was actually at that panel at Comic Con and I felt that Kevin Smith was coming across as a dick the whole time. You could kind of tell that some of the cast felt uncomfortable and irritated with the tone that he was taking with the questions. He was especially being a douchebag to Michael Trucco, the guy who plays Anders. I don't really like the character he plays, but he stayed pretty composed and had some witty comebacks despite Smith being an ass to him, so I have a new respect for the guy. Ironic that I don't like his character but think the actor is cool now and how I think Kevin Smith movies and his Silent Bob character are cool but now I think he's a dick as a person.
  25. Complete Comic Con panel online
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