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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. Good catch Fatalist. Yes, Max's VF-1S did not have the Strike Packs. updated my other post with the correction
  2. I only saw two things on your list that were inaccurate Pochimus Hikaru never flew a 1A in the TV series IIRC. He did have a Cannon Fodder colored 1J during his bootcamp phase. And for DYRL, Max flew a 1S, not a 1J when he became Skull Leader after Roy Died.
  3. You know that might actually be cool as a subscription based order. Break the thing up into 6 parts over 6 months then the hit wouldn't be as bad on the wallet. Kind of like Sideshow's Flexpay, except you'd get a piece with each payment. 100 bucks a month. I'd do it. Of course they'd only offer it to people who lived in Japan
  4. Well if the Monster ever gets made, knowing our luck it'll probably be a Wonderfest or Macross Chronicle exclusive
  5. I could live with that. I pointed out in the other thread that the 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J doesn't seem to have the u-shaped elbows like TV 1/48's
  6. They could do Kakizaki, Cannon Fodder, Angel Birds I say do a full valk for Kakizaki but just sell the heads for the Cannon Fodder and Angel Birds, then we can just swap out the DYRL style heads. Shoot, they might even move some old stock of Cannon Fodders for those who want DYRL & TV style. While I welcome that possibility I cringe at the hoops that need to be jumped through to obtain them
  7. can someone please translate the order information from Chronicle #2? If there's anyone in Japan willing to help, I have Issue 1 and 2 on the way to me and will be able to provide the coupon and Order Form. Of course there would be gratuity for the trouble incurred. Thanks in advance.
  8. Honey Bunches of Valks!!! It's from Yamato's blog and I think it has to do with the QC guy inspecting samples at the chinese factory I ran the page through Google Translations
  9. New Renders from the Creative Director of Imagi's Blog The new Gatchaman logo The Utoland, Joe's muscle car at the left corner. Car chase sence of Joe Galactor invade ISO the team in ISO lobby, Joe was arrested by ISO solider. For sure you know who is playing yoyo. The city look is inspired by HK Phoenix in Utoland, mission start! This Phoenix is a still work in progress version... This looks like it has some promise. Biggest departures I can see are with Ken the Eagle and the Phoenix. Looks like they bulked up Ken's character design, he doesn't look like the slender old version. The Phoenix looks more like the 90's OVA version, which I'm a little bummed about. Although the original 70's Phoenix is a little dated, it was just so Iconic looking. I think it would be cool if they kept the team goofing off between missions, with Jun and Jinpei rocking out on guitars and Joe and Ken playing Ping Pong, although I don't know if that was a Battle of the Planets thing they added or if it was in the original. Except now they'll probably have them playing Rock Band on the 360 and Wii Tennis instead
  10. so I guess the Megahouse Yellow Belmont ride armor is out pics from toysdaily
  11. I think both are great actors, but Chow Yun Fat was kicking ass and taking names back in 89 in "The Killer" and in 92 with "Hard Boiled." This was back when John Woo films were actually decent and not played out. Ken Watanabe wasn't even on the radar in the U.S. until the Last Samurai in 03. Sides he took a backseat to a gaijin scientologist in that one. Chow Yun Fat brought a level of acting to Crouching Tiger that would have been lost if they had gone with Jet Li like they planned. And for not being a martial artist he made Li Mu Bai look pretty badass. Fat > Wat of course, i'm slightly biased as you can see by my forum name You know what would be great is a movie with both of them about the Triad vs. the Yakuza It'd be the asian equivalent of De Niro vs. Pacino in Heat I'm sure some folks would be so confused by who's who
  12. I like Statham, I think he's made some entertaining movies, but I don't know if he can act without the accent.
  13. Thank you for the tasty High Res pics charger69! Any chance you can work your magic and find some High Res VF-1D pics? Interesting that they are not using the U shaped TV elbows for the Hikaru 1J.
  14. Thanks lord breetai! I was wondering when the heck some footage would surface. If they can keep the same tone and attitude of this teaser it's gonna be pretty friggin cool. Nice to not see blue and red lasers in a firefight. I already think this animated series is gonna be way better than the Live Action movie. I'm just worried Joe will be oversaturated next year with Resolute, the Live Action movie and the new Larry Hama comic from IDW.
  15. well this is what the Hasegawa VF-1D Canopy/Nose section looks like I compared the Hasegawa pic to the lineart I have in my Pefect Memory book and the Hasegawa actually looks a little too long to me here's the Hasegawa Ostrich and Elint for reference and Yamato 1/60's Version 1.0
  16. Great find David, thanks!
  17. Nice catch there Danth! Dammit I've seen a ton of pics of the Bubblegum Crisis motoslaves too and it looks like those were to the left of the 1D....Did everyone just skip that corner of the booth, WTF Makes me wonder if the VF-11 was lurking around there somewhere also
  18. not physically but as pictures on a banner at the back of the booth (see middle of this pic) can't believe none of these fools in front of the booth got a good shot of it
  19. Guess Yamato heard about the trickiness with releasing the swingbar from the nose section they created a page about it
  20. Guess Yamato heard about the trickiness with releasing the swingbar from the nose section they created a page about it
  21. Thank you Jepoyako, you rock sir!
  22. I'm still waiting for my 1/60 to arrive and I think I'm going to keep my 1/48's, so I'll ask again has anyone tried putting the 1/60 articulated or fixed hands on the 1/48? Are the pegs the same size? reason I ask is because if they fit, I might want to recast the 1/60 hands to put on my 1/48's thanks in advance
  23. updated my post on page 1 with 2 more pics found off of Toysdaily
  24. thanks for the review Jenius and thanks for the pics honkhet. Out of curiosity, has anyone tried putting the 1/60 articulated and fixed posed hands on the 1/48? Just wondering if the pegs are the same diameter. Thanks.
  25. Hey man, I sifted through pages and pages of loli and tentacle sex garage kit pics to bring you those two pics. Seems like all the otaku were too busy pervin out on jailbait to bring us some good Valk pics. By the way Wolfx, where's yer boy Tokyo Hunter's coverage?
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