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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. ok, I feel a little better now that you guys said you didn't catch anything either I think ol chief is a little too close to it and since they've pretty much wrapped on the show perhaps he is fuzzy on what's general knowledge and what's privy to the actors or maybe the cut he saw of that episode was different than what actually aired perhaps they made a running change since they decided to "F" us and split up the season and air the rest of it next year
  2. some info from Aaron Douglas about this past season's last episode SPOILER WARNING Wow, so did anybody get those details when they watched it??? I sure didn't got the info from Aint It Cool
  3. Well the point is, if they are going to have Cromartie as the big bad this season, people should start recognizing him as a psycho dead actor and maybe acknowledging that something strange is afoot, otherwise why even throw in that bit about his Direct To Video Barbarian movie gaining a whole new audience?
  4. No worries man. It's just when I saw you posted confirmations plural, I thought that maybe I had missed out on, so it's all good
  5. Save, I was waiting for a followup to your last Post and never saw one, so I didn't think you were offering to acquire these...bummer dashgtr, did you receive your confirmations?
  6. When you guys say Richard are you talking about Charlie? Speaking of resemblance he kind of looks like Robert Patrick. Pretty good episode. Only thing that annoyed me is that they went through the trouble of showing that the B-movie Conan movie had become a cult hit but yet No One on the pier recognized Chrome Arnie walking around. In the promo ads for this season they have Chrome Arnie in the pic, so if he's gonna be around the whole season, people should recognize him as the murderer of a whole SWAT team and as a dead actor. If they don't acknowledge that, then I think that's some bad writing.
  7. Big Bad just listed 2 versions of Wave 13 for Pre Order 1x Snake Eyes (Black) 1x Cobra Flint 1x Cobra Commander Resolute 1x Cobra Trooper Resolute 1x Blowtorch 1x Dreadnok Torch 1x Firefly 1x TBD Revision 1 1x Cobra Commander Resolute 2x Cobra Trooper Resolute 1x Blowtorch 1x Duke Resolute 1x Python Patrol Crimson Guard 1x Dreadnok Torch 1x Firefly
  8. today is the 30th anniversary of the Original Galactica so, here's an article about how the original cylon design was created enjoy
  9. I think it's nice that in 23 years a brand new ratter only costs 11 dollars more what it did when we were young (based on the price listed in this Sears Toy Catalog from 1985)
  10. scored a rattler this morning at my local Target click the link below and click "find it at a target store" then plug in your zip code and it will tell you which stores have them worked great for me! http://www.target.com/G-I-Cobra-Rattler-We...tler&page=1
  11. Whoa that's crazy! Especially since they are Target Exclusives!
  12. 1st look at some animation in Motion
  13. I order a lot from Lost and Found and I'm sure the shameless plug is appreciated Misterryno, but Carlos has not listed the 1/60 Bandai's for pre-order Which is why I had to pre-order it with Big Bad. Otherwise, LAF would have been my first choice.
  14. I didn't know Ernest Borgnine from Airwolf was still around until I saw Strange Wilderness.
  15. GNU Repaints from Yamato's website
  16. new pic from Yamato's website
  17. next wave I'll probably pick up the Cobra Trooper and Scuba Diver
  18. FYI, Tokyohunter is making 20 pieces available on ebay for $450 plus $68 for shipping
  19. more pics from Volume 3 here
  20. To justify opening an Animation Studio in Singapore and outsourcing what could have been a lot of American Animation Jobs wow, I think you might be in the minority on both of those opinions
  21. Comic Con TF Panel Recap Second to last question:
  22. yeah and the upcoming Blazing Lockdown has the chainsaw! still haven't fixed his damn hands by the look of it though I read some where they said the hands are purposely designed that way....BOO!!
  23. and here's posters of them
  24. from the Art section of the main page: On the DYRL style valks, Yamato made this section solid on the 1/48 what's odd is I just went and looked at the lineart in the This Is Animation for DYRL book and the VF-1S they have in there has the U-shaped elbows also. I didn't even know about these differences until Graham pointed it out in his posts.
  25. 2009??? damn...well it would be nice to know if they are gonna do a 1/60 TV Max before then so I can decide to keep pursuing this or just wait for a 1/60
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