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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. yes, yes I did...it was a typo...good catch fixed now
  2. anybody have more info on this 1/18 Tomcat? found it on toysdaily
  3. and it's a ninja priceless
  4. couple on ebay auction 1 Auction 2
  5. WOW The Masterpiece Beta isn't vaporware Guess it's out in HK and before the end of the year even First a new Guns N Roses album, now this, must be freezing in hell right now more pics here
  6. Went to Frank and Sons today and surprisingly Yoshi had Masterpiece Thundercracker already I hadn't read anything on any of the TF sites about it being released yet. He had 3 and two of my buddies each bought one for 120 a piece. I would have bought one if I didn't have him on pre order with LOS already.
  7. Saw it tonight as well and like many of you, thought it was good, but not as good as Casino Royale but I sure am getting sick of the quick cuts and shaky cam style that friggin Bourne Supremecy started that shi-ite is getting tired in my opinion, I can't focus on jack squat during the action scenes it's like the editor took all the footage, cut the film into 24 frame pieces and shot them out of a shotgun like confetti
  8. Nice, I just got the Weathered version TV arcadia and I've got the Weathered version Emeraldas Zeppelin on pre-order from Big Bad. It's gonna look great next to the other Aoshima Arcadia and the BPX-01 Yamato thanks for the vid
  9. I read that as well about Bryan Fuller and it's bittersweet news for me because I love Pushing Daisies. Maybe if it gets cancelled they can bring Anna Friel and Lee Pace onto Heroes. Perhaps Lee Pace could be a hero with the power to resurrect Dead People
  10. That's too bad because I thought tonight's episode was probably the best one this season, but then again I like flashback episodes. Especially ones that take you back to the first season and show you different perspectives, although now I want to go back and watch some of Season 1 to see where Arthur Petrelli at the hospital and the Sylar/Elle scenes would have been inserted if it was in chronological order. IIRC we only heard reference to but never saw Papa Patrellie until this season. The whole train on fire with Claire running in was a nice touch. From reading the synopsis of the 3 upcoming episodes, it sounds like there's some good storypoints coming up. If they can sustain the same caliber of writing as this last episode I'll be pleased. For any fellow Robot Chicken fans, apparently Seth Green and Breckin Meyer are gonna be guest stars in an upcoming Episode I also read that the show might be pursuing some prolific comic book writers like Warren Ellis, Mark Millar and Grant Morrison Also, regarding my complaint of them reusing powers, I was glad to see that they tied the two pyrokinetics (Claires biological mom and the Level 5 guy) together as siblings.
  11. I really enjoyed tonight's episode, I liked seeing pretty much the whole cast coming together I do agree that Cromartie did seem to be taken down pretty easily. I was hoping Cameron was going to engage him in some hand to hand combat especially after she turned the last one into a pretzel. I'm weary that Derek's hottie girfriend (Kendra Shaw from BSG Razor) is there to f them over. She was hiding files about the Connors under her hotel bed. Is she a skinjob or just a traitor to the resistance? Either way, I hope they keep her around for a few more episodes. Was a little disappointed with Cameron's "talk" with John, I was hoping it would be a little more persuasive.
  12. Got mine in the mail today
  13. interview with Di Caprio from MTV “We’re waiting for the final draft of the script [for 'Akira'],” DiCaprio told MTV. “I’m a big fan of Japanese anime — that and another project called ‘Ninja Scroll’ we’re trying to get developed and made into a movie, and I know there a lot of loyal fans out there of the project and die-hard fans, so we’re going to try to do the best job we possibly can and we’re not going to make the movie until the script is in the right shape.” However, for those of you out there hoping to see DiCaprio on Kaneda’s souped up motorcycle in “Akira” or munching on rice balls a la Jubei Kibagami in “Ninja Scroll,” don’t hold your breath. When asked about what his role will be in these properties, DiCaprio made it clear that he’d be producing, and as for as any interest in acting: “No, not really,” he responded.
  14. James Cameron Clarifies His Thoughts On The Film There's been some discussion at AICN and elsewhere of me rescinding my so-called blessing of T4 and that's not the case. The truth is there never was a blessing to rescind, and there's been some kind of misunderstanding between me and McG, perfectly innocent I believe. He asked me in a phone call when I was shooting in New Zealand earlier this year if I would be a supporter and creative participant in the new film. I said sure, send me the script and I'll give you my thoughts. And I warned him that free advice is usually worth what you pay for it. For whatever reason I never got the script and to date I haven't seen a foot of film other than what everybody's seen in the trailer, which is not enough to form an opinion. So I have zero basis for supporting or dissing the film. As I said in an interview, for all I know it could be a masterpiece or it could be a big steaming pile. I think all people heard was the steaming pile part and concluded I was against the film, which I'm not. In fact, it might be very good, an opinion based solely on what Sam Worthington has shared with me. He's nobody's fool when it comes to material, and has absolutely the lowest bullshit quotient of anyone I know, and he has repeatedly told me that he reckons the film is going to be good. I know him to be very critical (in a healthy way) of his own work, and an actor who always aspires to excellence, so I know he wouldn't praise the film if he didn't feel it. Obviously I can't give my blessing (whatever that means anyway ) to the film completely blind. But I'm predisposed to be supportive based on Sam's involvement and his judgment, because I believe in him. So there you have it. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that it's not a steaming pile. Jim out from Aint It Cool News
  15. I just don't have the time and energy to go hunt anymore. I've just been ordering waves from Big Bad Toy Store and I just got Wave 11 and 12 this week from them
  16. Ahhh, so it's a model kit. Your build? If so, nice job! Thanks
  17. Nice Mechinyun I was wondering what scale that F-14 is and who makes it? Thanks in advance.
  18. I'm finding the new episodes entertaining, but man it's turning into soap opera "All My Children" or "As the World Turns" would be some good episode names
  19. Loved how Cameron turned the other skinjob into a pretzel
  20. Dammit Fox! Not this crap again. Must you can a show before it even finds it's legs? Hope this is just a rumor: Feeling the most pain at the moment though is Fox, with both "Terminator" and "Prison Break" pulling in a mere 5.3 million viewers each. 'Prison' averaged 7.5 million viewers last year but with many expecting this to be the show's final season, the fall isn't unexpected. "Terminator" on the other hand is a disappointment. A stellar ratings launch last year yielded 18.3 million viewers before losing more than half its audience right away and settling in at a little over 8 million viewers on average for the first season. Having lost 34 percent of its audience average from the previous year and with the number slipping down each week, there's already talk at SyFy Portal that Fox could shut down production before the season is finished. from Dark Horizons
  21. from a thread on toysdailly
  22. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants sure didn't last long did they YAY! A Mohinder & Maya free episode! Like I mentioned before, with all the powers available to make up or rip off, it kinda sucks they are already reusing powers. Claires Mom and now the fire guy that escaped out of Primatech Kristen Bell and future Ando The guy who's body Peter was trapped inside and the Mailman from the webisodes It's a good thing Sylar has all those powers, because if the guy shouted at him and he couldn't immobolize him, he'd be pretty messed up having the super hearing he stole from the female mechanic
  23. That's fine Save, be irked. I made no public criticism of Yellowlightman's asking price after his post in this thread initially. To give you some history, some other members and I were discussing purchasing the item through another member in a separate thread. Yellow posted questioning the logistics of our transaction and then complained how much of a headache it was going to be for him to acquire it and how we objected to his asking price. Now prior to the time he interjected, I had never posted anything or PM'd him regarding his prices, nor did I PM him asking if he could help me out. It bugged me that he threw in his two cents about how our transaction wasn't practical and yet it still worked out to be cheaper than what he was offering (which I pointed out and was the first time I made a post in response to him). Save, we have never had a transaction. You don't know me, my financial situation and what I may or may not offer for your troubles. You can't just generalize and lump me into "stiff you on the tip" category. That also seems to be a stigma of MW members to Yellow also according to a PM he sent me. He also mentioned in his PM to me about getting spammed for updates. I haven't contacted him for anything and I also respected your post about not PM'ing. You think I don't know about MW members wanting a lower price? I've sold my share of stuff on these boards, but I don't think I've called fellow MW members "whiny" or "cheap" like he did in his PM to me just because I didn't agree with his asking price. And yes you are right about me not knowing the time and effort it takes to get these things, but I did buy 2 copies of Macross Chronicles Vol 1 and 2 at 20 dollars each so I could at least ease some of the hassle in case anyone in Japan could help out. On the flipside, you don't know the time and effort it takes for me to make the money to buy these things, so of course I'm going to try and find the best deal. Bottom line is, if he would've offered the item for the price he asked on another board, I would have been more than happy to buy with a 100 tip as per the number Macrossman cited in his post. But Yellow threw out "2x plus shipping" when we didn't even know what the price of the item was going to be. Of course that's gonna turn off a lot of people. Save, I can understand you stating the headaches involved because I've read about all your efforts in acquiring stuff like the Glasses and Weathering 1S for fellow members. I totally respect the fact that you said you were too busy and kind of over how much of a pain it was for other items. Maybe i'm wrong, but I haven't seen Yellow that actively involved, yet he laments in several of his posts about how much of a headache it's going to be. Well there's an easy solution, if you (Yellow) think it's that much of a headache just flat out don't offer or say anything. Some people are probably expecting you (Save) to come through as the go to guy now. But I wasn't counting on Yellow for nada, nunca, bupkis. In regards to his buyer paying for his round trip ticket, I did not know the specifics of their deal, so of course reading "That was my plane ticket to Taiwan this winter" is going to have a slightly negative connotation to me. I'm sorry you were offended enough that you felt compelled to reply, it was not directed at you. I appreciate how you break down and justify the cost or your services point by point. I just don't like someone complaining about how much of a headache it's going to be to do something I haven't asked for or expected them to do for me and not explaining how they arrived at their asking price and then calling me and other MW members cheap and whiny because I didn't agree with the price. So yeah, I made a jab.
  24. LOL, no he isn't...sorry Graham, I was making a joke out of Cromatie's name. I thought it would be funny to call him Chrome Arnie as a nod to the original
  25. It's Karma for wanting one just to scalp for a plane ticket (and having no shame in stating it) AND for asking 2x the price plus shipping for the Max 1A for MW members and then offering it for cheaper on another forum
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