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magikalslave28t's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hi, Love these custom valks great job. Just one question are those original heads and visors or customs? Jeff
  2. Missed out on this baby damn Hope there will be another run. I wounder how many of us missed out on this kit. Great looking Hammer madox13
  3. Check out SILVERDRAGON thread on it. He has made almost all the 1/55 armor's for the reissues. Look up his topics on armor's and you will find out. He has made the Strike, Ostich, Gbp-1s, and the Elintseeker i think. Check it out and send him a PM.
  4. Hi, I'm new here so please someone help me with this deal. I sent a meassage to the seller on this item #150109395979. I got some pictures of the item, but what i notice is that a memeber here has the same picture. Is this the same seller? Please provide help on this seller. thank you elintseeker2.bmp
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