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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Nothing like completely ignoriong your natural instincts.
  2. Yeah, I kind of see it now. The "feet" are mispositioned then if that's the case it seems. It would be nice if the VB-6 was on display. It would be nicer if there was a pic of it though if it was there. Maybe the next hobby show.
  3. The hair looks perfect, you got just the right shade there.
  4. Doesn't look like the VB-6 to me. It's too cylindrical. When the VB-6 finally surfaces we will KNOW it with a full on pic.
  5. Ok, just read the above post. Ask, and ye shall recieve. Personally though, I wouldn't use it. From a design standpoint, it's too "busy" and doesn't follow the coherence of the rest of the layout. Congrats on the Mac+ Movie Book. You're going to find some nice images, but they're all going to be so damned close to the spine, you'd think the people who published the book purposely chose not to make it scanner-friendly. That's whay I'm going to get one. Since there's no other way to get the pics I'm going to fall on the knife and gut the book. Cut the spine off, scan everything, then slap a GBC binding comb on the pages when I'm done. I thought the flightline pic was kind of busy too, though it is a very interesting pic, and nice to see all the weapons options. I figured it was worth a shot if that was all we could get from a M+ book since I wouldn't expect, or really want, anyone to screw up their spine to scan the pics. With a book of my own (movie version) we can get everything we need.
  6. Tie Fighter remains one of the best games I have ever played. Made me a firm Empire fan.
  7. In the tv series Minmay was kind of fickle there for a while, not really giving Hikaru a fair shake. Then she got Hikaru to bring Kaifun back to the ship (HUGE mistake). After SW1 she came to her senses, but it was a shame she had to deal with a controlling, verbally abusive Kaifun for those years. Misa had plenty of time to be established as the more secure choice, especially after she calmed down and started being friendly. Looking good in the apron and casual clothes helped Misa a fair bit too I'm sure. In the movie, Minmay really did get jacked. She opened up nicely to Hikaru right away, and they likely would have developed a good relationship if they didn't get kidnapped and separated. Misa may not have had as much of a chance otherwise. Misa did need to calm down and learn to relax in the movie, which may not have come so easily if she didn't get stranded with Hikaru. It would have been too late though because Minmay would have had Hikaru locked. Hell, even after being kidnapped, Minmay still was fixed on Hikaru, and had he and Misa not hooked up, Minmay would have snatched him back. My picks: TV - Misa DYRL - Minmay
  8. I have 1-3 and the "complete best" downloaded. The only sone that seems to be missing is the one from the end of ep. 48 that starts when Patrick is talking to Klueze. I wanted that one. Maybe it's on that symphonic disc. I haven't seen that one before.
  9. Yay, Fumoffu!!
  10. I always love how there are No Photo signs in these display cases all the time. Max looks pretty good there.
  11. The Priss I really do want, as well as more Knight Sabers too. At least a Motoslave. Gotta have a Motoslave.
  12. What? Other than a cheesy looking sequel? Gunbuster was removed from Manga's catalogue. You won't find it anywhere on their updated site. You will find a shitty version of Dangaioh as far as older anime goes. And a badly subbed version at that. I say we get a mob together with ropes, torches, and pitchforks and start a protest in front of one of the major anime distributors here in the US (preferably AnimEigo) and demand our Gunbuster DVD with loads of extras, character and mecha art, histories, trivia, interviews, and of course, the two new science lessons. Oh yeah, there would have to be a newly translated script for this anime. You don't know how much it bugs me to hear Noriko scream "Oneesama!" and see it translated as Kazumi. Who's with me? Anyone else picking up Gunbuster is a good thing. M+ and End of Eva as well, so we can have proper versions of the M+ movie w/ a proper transfer and a non-buggy End of Eva. WoH deserves a new home too, I could never bring myself to buy Manga's disc of it. I'm still amazed ROD came out intact. Haven't bought New Dominion Tank Police or Orguss 02 yet.
  13. Touche. Although if they were to release a battle suit PVC, I would gladly buy that as well.
  14. The chest doesn't look right on the B-club.
  15. I don't care, it just fits Mahoro somehow. Besides, she looks better in her signature maid outfit anyway.
  16. Anythig new happen between Asuka/Shinji or Rei/Shinji? MUST KNOW!!!!
  17. Only thing missing is puddles of blood. You guys aint right. Good work so far, Sam!
  18. Probably comparable to an F-16 and it's Hydrazine tank for the EPU.
  19. Anubis

    Part 2

    I didn't actually LOOK, but when I was putting Sara on her base, you can see up her skirt, and I think she's going commando. Makes sense considering the back ass wards tribal culture she's from and all... Any Sara fanboys out there that can confirm this? It was a pain in the ass to get her onto her base, so I'm not taking her off now that she's on! I have to check again, but in Ep 3 of M0, when Sara gets dressed after Shin catches the floating rocks song, she only puts on the dress. No folded up painties by the pool. So yes, commando.
  20. I can honestly say that if they don't improve the VF-0 sculpt like they said they would, I most likely won't buy it. They really seem to have a "good enough" mentality regarding this VF. Maybe then, after it sells poorly, which it will looking like that, they'll rethink what they've done. They usually do good sculpts, so I'm surprised they are doing such strange things with this one now. I still have some hope though. Trying to be optimistic, but it's obvious I'm not overly thrilled with Yamato's antics with several items from Macross lately.
  21. I can only hope and wish that were so. Even if the license expires, you still have to play the originating company's ball game. And Gainax may not be as nice this time around. From what I read, Gainax was a bitch regarding End of Eva the first time too, and wanted excessive money for the license when ADV looked into it previously years ago.
  22. Same thing with the Mahoro+motorcycle PVC that's coming. Take a sweet resin kit and make it into an much more affordable PVC for us common folk. Kotobukiya does a very good job with their PVC figures as well. The Asuka Summer Casual PVC I have is very well done. The Comic Party ones are quite good too.
  23. New pic from the Shizouka Hobby Show: Beautiful sculpt and paint job.
  24. In completed PVC form like this, or just resin statue?
  25. Fresh from Hobby Search's update today is a new Noriko Takaya of Gunbuster fame 1/6 PVC statue from Kotobukiya (these guys are on a roll lately). 6800 yen, comes out in June. I shall let the picture speak for itself. Don't know if I can budget it in though, unfortunately.
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