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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. We should start a betting pool on which of Yamato's release dates actually work out on time. I am thinking the GBP will trickle in first week or two of June.
  2. I like this piece from the alternate stuff for Ep. 1 Lucas probably realized the movie flowed a lot better withough JarJar screwing it up after seeing his copy. I agree the new trilogy would have been much better served without that character. Especially Ep. 1.
  3. I love Justice League. I unfortunately have always missed it lately.
  4. :lol: Nice work. Never thought you could pose a Zeta like that.
  5. That is one big damn ship. They still do look like human versions of that flagship class though.
  6. We can hope. And yes, the VF-19A was marked as VFX-2 Game Color Version.
  7. VB-6 photo 2.
  8. VB-6 photo
  9. Yeah, and there was also a PPV event two nights ago. I knew about the PPV. I read your results. How was the crowd? Were they bored like you were? For the DVD, the WWE can always add/subtract crowd noise/boos like they did for the WM 20 DVD set(Lesnar/Goldberg match in particular) lol But I hardly watch Smackdown at all. Even with RVD and the Dudley Boyz on it and those are 3 of my favorites. Why I dunno, I just can't get into it. They went so low as to add cheers to the Golberg/Lesnar match? That's tatamount to fraud.
  10. Should be Tracks, Dead End, and then Meister. In the order of prototype releases.
  11. Anubis

    Part 2

    You think that's bad. I spent 5 minutes shaking and weiging boxes, before choosing 3 boxes and all 3 were sara! Graham Sara's cursed us! Yikes! Cursed by a crazy priestess that likes to go psycho! Poor Graham! Graham has a strong and dangerous Kadun.
  12. Nah, that honor belongs to Bumblebee No, that would be Wheelie
  13. Unformed Misa. Yecch. Sacrilege!! Misa look quite good in that DYRL bridge uniform.
  14. Hmm, maybe then it's intended to land in gerwalk and stay perched like that by design. It's like that in the VFX-2 flightline wallscroll as well. Gerwalk mode on the flightline. Actually not a bad idea really. No runway necessary for the Konig. Take off in gerwalk transform, and fly. That's a lot of weight to put on a landing gear, and gears for a craft as big as that would be HUGE, and would interfere with it's transformation. The gear has to fit somewhere, and there's no space for it on the monster in the legs or on the fuselage. Look at the size of the gears on a B-1 or B-2 bomber, or on a cargo plane like the C-17. They wouldn't fit on the VB-6. So there we go, it does look like the VB-6 was designed without a landing gear on purpose by the Head. So I would venture to say that what's supporting the shuttle mode on display might be the basic stand it could come with.
  15. When the VB-6 sells well, they may be more enticed to make a SDF-1 finally.
  16. They can use either Ironhide or Trailblazer as either the dodge ram or the hummer. Either works, so long as the other character is the other vehicle. I say Trailblazer for the hummer. More fitting.
  17. It's official (pretty much), Enterprise is getting renewed for the fourth season. link
  18. Sivil was nicely designed.
  19. Yeah, only a few of us are chiming in regularly. Maybe that means we're doing ok, if others are staying quiet while we work. Anyone notice the votes have been growing again? What's the Macross box order total at now, Mechamaniac? Have you asked Paul?
  20. The occasional funny pic from a show you like is allowed though on occasion. Just no debates centered on real beliefs, issues, and all that jazz. A pic like the one I put was just for a mild comic effect. "Hey look it's Kira in Cagalli's dress!" I know I never deliberately try to offend. Once threads get a little too serious our illustrious mods will excise the tainted thread. There's a line between innocenct will n' grace and queer-eye type jokes, like Yukikaze seems quite adept at attacting, and actual bashing. Stuff like "rump-rangers" does cross the line into being actual insults. edit: spllng
  21. Is that for real? From what I've heard....YES. I'm not really sure where I stand on this change, if it turns out to be for real. So what about the "take my mask off" part? Hmmm. Let's see how this goes. I can see the headline: "David Prowse kills George Lucas for digital removal from ROTJ"
  22. Yep, that's the real box. The proposed Imerial box rocked. This one could be worse but I was hoping for more than that. Hopefully the discs have good artwork. This is kind of stylish though.
  23. Kawaii. Excellent work, she looks great. It a good "caught her by surprize" pose, not sad at all, but more like a "little embarassed you're getting a picture of her" pose.
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