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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. The transformation is almost the same, but they made the arms easier to deal with on this new car.
  2. I thought the Andorian guy beamed Archer in time, and when Enterprise called starfleet, Archer would answer. Needless to say I got a surprise. My brother came downstairs and said, "What the hell was that?" The alien looks like the catfish guy that Wesley did the Starfleet Acadamy test with in Next Generation, minus the freezer mouth piece and the adding the red eyes. Wierd. We do not need a season long time travel storyline. Couple of episodes, fine. There has been enough reliance on time travel in this show already. Enough is enough. This needs to last only a couple of episodes or Season 4 really will be the last season.
  3. From AnimeNewsNetwork's Anime Central coverage: Sounds like there's potential here. With a new owner ready to stick a foot up their butts maybe they'll get back on track finally after all these years of craphood.
  4. I too was left WTF Good finale, love the retilian guy's demise. Now for the cliffhangar, I am eager to see how they explain this one, and do hope it's only a few episodes with this scenario they started.
  5. I wonder how Project Super Nova would have gone if the beuracrats decided to interfear. The UN Spacy would probably be stuck with a "Super Thunderbolt". If it were our politicians they would have chosen the Ghost anyway after all that happened.
  6. Hmmm, let's see....ummm Halloween Havoc?
  7. The q-rau did not survive. Check his thread. Crazy how rough they were to it.
  8. I read this yesterday. Very sad, he was only in his 40's.
  9. What did they do before, weight it without the gas? Or maybe with no avionics. The VTOL doesn't even have a damn gun for crying out loud. Where the hell did they get an extra 3300lbs? We have some real geniuses managing this stuff. It won't be until we finally get our asses handed to us that these morons will wake up and design stuff right, and get the new stuff we actually need operational. Block 60 F-16's are indeed looking better and better the more this goes on.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. If Yamato ever released the 1/60 Mk. II Monster, that would be about right.
  11. My guess is it either fell off of a pallet (wasn't wrapped right) and got backed over by the forklift or pallet jack, or when loading the truck dropped it by accident, didn't notice, and backed over it when pulling out of the space. Either way, pure laziness and negligence to even have a package end up like that. I had a magazine come destroyed once in the mail. I was pissed then. If I had a Q-rau get mangled, I would go through the roof. I had an HLJ box get dented once, but the item was fine. My worst UPS story was I ordered a VF-19 Fire Valk reissue when HLJ had it on sale last year. UPS dropped it off at the wrong house on the OTHER SIDE OF TOWN and marked "resident" or something under the signed for block in the online tracking. If the people that recieved the package weren't honest I would have been screwed. They thankfully called me (since HLJ puts your phone number on the box) and told me where they were so I could go get my box. I got lucky that time. I haven't had a lot of problems with shipping here (Gaithersburg, MD), but the bulk of dented boxes, or shipping delays come from UPS. Don't use FedEx very often, but at work it always works fine. I have never had a big issue with the post office here. Priority Mail is always top notch here. I could never see them doing something as cravenly screwed up as destroy a package like that though. There is no excuse for that excpet natural disaster.
  12. All I really care about is the movie itself, I never mess with the extras discs on any of my special editions. Now, if the Special Edition Part 1 has the full color Crazy 88 fight scene that may indeed be worth picking up, and would clearly explain why it wasn't on the initial release. Bastards. Miramax sucks. That is truly underhanded. There's a difference between securing a good profit, and between cheating your consumer. This is over the line. What happens to all the good Kung Fu movies is bad enough. With, LotR, they were upfront about the two releases, and you knew what you were getting. You can get the theatrical version, or a significantly beefed up edition. As a result, I waited and bought the special editions there. As I will do with Return of the King. I am undecided what I will do with Kill Bill, though most likely I will wait for the Special Editions and hope the color fight is there. If so, I'll get both of those and give my old Vol. 1 to my Dad. If not, I'll get the regular Vol. 2 to go with my existing Vol. 1 and go with that. I care about no other extras they could throw at me. Behind the scenes, cutting room floor, interviews, don't really care. The question of the full color Crazy 88 fight will be the determining factor. Should be grateful the dumbass gave the audience a warning though, and we can save some money.
  13. Unfortunately, I only saw about two or three title in that list that might have interested me, and I already have RT: Battlecry for the GC.
  14. People that do crap like that need to be shot. No trial, just taken out back and shot. You don't do that crap to someone's stuff. Especially if you're being paid to ship the damn thing safely. I bet they would be pissed if someting of theirs shows up like that. The girl knew your wife's name because they circulated the "funny ass" story around the office for their amuzement, how they jacked up your package and you called about it. Stuff like this is why I refure to buy anything on e-bay. Don't trust it. Only way to be safe shipping something to someone is to use a ton of bubble wrap and have at least an inch or two clearance on each side of the item you pack. If the outer box gets dented, your item should still be fine. In theory. Although that Q-rau literally looks like it was run over. It's the only thing I can think of that would do that much damage. Nothing would have saved that Q-rau except a cast iron box.
  15. Given the lack of updates to the sculpt that were priomised, I would venture to say there will be no tampo printing as feared. We will have to deal with the thick ass stickers. This is clearly not the work of the dude that is making the VB-6. He would laugh at this guy (guys). Even Toynami could make a better VF-0 than this. This is a truly half-assed effort, and I'm afraid it's sales will reflect that. Yamato gauging Macrtoss Zero interest based on this is stupid, because they cannot be oblivious to the fact that fans have been eager for M0 mecha, and were clearly disappointed when this was anounced, yet remained optimistic. Now all the fears associated with this are coming to pass. If and when this tanks hopefully they will relalize it's time to go back to the formula that works, and also fire this design team, because they suck. Like I said earlier, there is no reason a 1/100 VF-0 should have turned out like this. Dollars = Elsewhere. I have a 1/60 GBP armor, SoP Kaneda's Bike, Mahoro Sports Bike PVC statue, and maybe a Lacus statue from Hobby Fan to buy this summer. I could handle saving 40 bucks to go towards one of those.
  16. Any engine pics? Or did they have the engine exhausts covered again? We still need to see the thrust vectoring system up close.
  17. Well, unlike the Banpresto, apparently this toy has parts that are supposed to come off all the time. I wasn't aware how much parts-swapping was involved in this little booger... but I'll still probably pick one up before I condemn it entirely. Unless the reviews are even more brutal than the pre-reviews. Yeah, let's see how secure the parts attach together in the reviews. The final reviews may upgrade my perception, but right now I am not impressed anymore.
  18. Yep, I'm not paying for a constructor set Macross figure. I wouldn't even call that transformable. It's "can be built in 3 different modes." Very disappointing. I had some hopes for this thing, but not now. This is what I would expect to see from Banpresto, not Yamato. This incarnation of the VF-0's a dud apparently, but at least the VB-6 looks uber-sweet. They get their cool points back on that one. This VF-0 could have been much better designed, and easily. It's not that hard. Hopefully they listen to fan feedback to see where they went wrong after this thing doesn't sell as well. The 40-50 bucks they'll ask for for this isn't worth it like this. There's no reason for the thing to have to go to pieces to transform. The knees also complicate the issue, as Gerwalk was a main consideration for me on the VF-0. I am typically an ardent Yamato supporter, but I can't in this instance. One more note: Does it worry anyone else that the leg fast pack armor is nowhere to be seen yet? One would think one of these show or magazine samples would have had it by now.
  19. Guess I'll have to go next year. I thought about this year, but forgot all about it until I was driving down I-270 and saw on the news sign "Andrews Air Force Base Air Show No Parking on base, use Metro." something like that. Maybe next year, either that or the Pax River show. I have yet to see a F-117 fly by. Only parked and/or hangared. B-2 Fly-by's are among the best though. Amazing how a plane that big can be so quiet. It's a sight. I want to see a F-22 fly finally too. What is with the Spam trailer in the background?
  20. Yeah, there's a pre-painted section on the Hobby Fan site, and then some other model kits have an option to have them complete it for you for 50-60 bucks or so in the item's page. There's no list of those though to my knowledge. Just some kits have that option. Also, I really dislike those MM kits. All of them. They don't look...right. Too excessive. I have seen some good GitS kits in the past though.
  21. Fansubs dubbed it as Lux before the official spellings came out , which was Lacus. Gundam Seed has very weird romanised names like, Ssigh, Athrun (Asuran/Asulan) , Cagali (Kagari) etc. Yeah, Seed had some serious Engrish involved from whoever came up with the name spellings.
  22. Not an Evangelion fan, nothing to add as well but to annouce to the world this - Anubis, you rock! You might also wanna learn to focus. That pic looked as though either you're shinning a powahful followspot on her, or she is glowing on her own. Blame the flash. If I don't do the flash the glare goes, but the image is too dark and fuzzy, that the flash looks better. I need a camera with a real zoom. Next tie I'll try it with the digital zoom (all my camera has ) and see how it works that way. It's the close range flash that gets in the way.
  23. You know, I was forgiving about taking the legs, head, and nose off to transform the VF-0. I understood it fine given the nature of the VF-0's leg hinge and it's being 1/100. But taking the entire fuselage, the arms, and the back apart, basically disassambling the ENTIRE VALK to transform it = no dice Is this a 3-mode variable valk or a fix figuration figure? Come on already. I'm dying to see a review that details how secure these parts all attach together.
  24. I like the new titles, they're original, made with a sense of humor, and totally macross related. Much better than Noob, Member, Advanced, etc, and of course leagues ahead of the gayness of RT.com's title's.
  25. Yay, I get to go to the concert! Behold my level 4. They reset Exo's post count! That aint right. Don't reset me I spend too much time here to get to this point.
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