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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. The reasons to learn Japanese and move to Japan continue to grow.
  2. CHURROS! Interesting. Fracked up but interesting. Definately on crack.
  3. The show made 4 fatal mistakes thanks to the piss poor writing staff. 1)Stealing the show away from the Minerva crew and making then 2nd to the Archangel people. The AA people acted stupidly and arrogantly the whole show. What exactly makes them right? The show shifted to "Kira and Lacus are always right" and put way too much focus on Orb. 2)Removing the balance between mobile suits. Initially the Zakus were on par with the Gundams and everyone fought evenly. After the Minerva left Orb the balancew went to hell. Shinn vs 20 Windams without a scratch. Rey and Luna forced to stand on the deck of the ship and shoot at the air. Why there were no flight packs for the Zakus I can only guess was intentional so they wouldn't have to do as much with their characters and let Impulse ande Savior do the bulk of the action. As soon as Freedom came in it all went to hell with the Freedom on a super high pedastal above everything, which shouldn't have been that far of a gap, nuclear powered or not. The writers decided to make Freedom the ultimate MS, when with all these new models should have been closer to performance. It shouldn't have had as high a level of Dominance. With S-Freedom it got worse. Justice got a more reasonable upgrade, but S-Freedom was ridiculous. Having never touched Dragoons before, Kira downs 25 Zakus and Goufs in 2 minutes, than disables 3 ships. Bull. Destiny and Legend were also supermachines completely owning the Destroys, yet the poor writing left them 2nd class to Kira and Athrun. IF the MS stayed on a more level field like they were in the beginning it would have been better IMO. They beefed up Freedom's ability so much it was stupid. Just because it was nuclear, and just because Kira was superman. IMO they should have just rebuilt Freedom as it was, except with beam shields. He could have handled Legend fine, he already fought Providence. Justice's upgrade was far more reasonable. The balancing was ruined in the second half of the show and became a super-robot series. 3)EA became ZAFT's bitch. The EA was demoted to stupidity the instant the Minerva left Orb. The Windam was supposed to be a substantial improvement over the Dagger, yet Impulse routinely fought 20 at a time. The 2nd gen Mobile Armor idea was a good one, yet squandered with only a couple here and there, and by the end of the show got smacked by Destiny without any hassle. The Destroy should have been a nasty opponent. It was apparrent in the first model that Impulse could have destroyed it himself if Stellar wasn't in there. He didn't need help from Kira. Shinn had it covered. (This also fits with #2 above for poor balancing). For all it's weapons and badassness, it was smacked around by any good guy v-fin. 5 at Heaven's base should have been a holy crap monent, and it was, for 10 seconds, at which point the Minerva's 3 gundams beat them without a sweat. That was piss poor writing. The EA got completely owned by Zaft when it should have been a much more challenging fight. There were possiblilites for several hard drawn out fights, kill 'em all style, but instead we had rushed battles where the best the EA had wasn't worth nuts. This is in large part to #4. 4: TOO MANY DAMN RECAPS They spent so much time on recaps and other wasted time they couldn't get the plot points they wanted done, had to rush in other elements, and had to totally rush and trip over the ending. The final 10 episodes had a recap, and episode wasted on Meer (who could have been handled much more effectively earlier) and then another recap after her little accident. The end result was a sloppily rushed psuedo ending that has pissed off the vast majority of the people that watched it. It didn't even end properly. No closure, battle over, the end. Even the final credits were a damned recap. This is a perfect example of why you plan out your storyline before you start production, even if it takes a little longer to air. Quality control. This show was made up as they went along, and the writing staff failed miserable. Just by strealing the show away form the already interesting Minerva crew, and then throwing the Mobile Suit balance in the garbage they set the show on a path to ruin.
  4. Looks like a lot of promotions are going to happen. Good. I am happy they're going to keep the ship (for now at least) and deal with the problem people. Which person was Trammel?
  5. One month exactly and my box finally arrived. I'm assuming since everyone getting Generator Gawl for free that it's a crap show right?
  6. I was going to before, but after that trainwreck finale, I am in no kind of rush to throw more money at this show.
  7. In the bathroom, right where Strike Freedom belongs now. Sorry, couldn't resist. The dragoon launching parts are a nice addition to the Dragoon suits though. I'd love to have flight parts for a couple of the Nu Gundam's funnels.
  8. Got my HCM Pro Destiny Gundam today. Not bad. Having to separate the Sword and BFG is odd, but at leas there won't be any floppiness at that joint. The Shoulder beam blades do fall out easy, but not horribly. My Destiny's joints are pretty good and the paint job looks good to me. It comes with weapon holding hands, open palms, and closed fist. The gauntlets come off and attach to each set of hands, and the beam shields attach to the gauntlets. The shoulder beam blades don't hold in the hands too well, but the beam rifle holds well. Overall I'm pleased with it. I still would love a GQ Model, but in lieu of that the HCM Pro wll work fine. Here's some pics of the HCM Pro Destiny Gundam: Here's what will probably be my final Gundam Seed shelf, unless they release an HCM Pro Gouf or Legend. I do kind of want the MMM Launcher/Sword Strike package still too, but I'm having trouble bringing myself to spend the 70 bucks to get it. Especially when the Aile pack is my favorite Strike pack anyway. Now here's something that should have happened in ep. 50: Instead of simply handing Athrun the win though piss-poor writing and making Shinn try to stupidly use the palm cannons to block Athrun's beam sabers, he should have used the beam shields on the opposite sides of his hands like so: After blocking the blades aside, THEN Shinn could have palm cannoned Justice right through the cockpit. Even if Athrun managed to kickbox a leg off of Destiny Athrun could still have been dead.
  9. New HCM Pro Gundam Mk. II Complete Set and Asshimar pics: Both come with stands. The Mk. II does come with the stand from the hobby show. Awesome. For a wierd yellow UFO mecha the Asshimar comes off kind of cool. The Mk. II set rocks.
  10. Here's some pics of the HCM Pro Force Impulse I just got. I'm hoping Destiny will arrive tomorrow. This is the last Destiny money I'm planning on spending outside of an HCM Pro Gouf, if they make one. I might consider the other HCM Pro Zakus too, but we'll see. I already cancelled my HCM Pro Strike Freedom pre-order. The Impulse wasn't bad. I still think it's neat the thing still transforms despit the small size. Decent detail. I'm sre it's because of the leg flyer mechanism, but the legs aren't as stable as usual. Also, the left arm with the shield is real loose at the tricep rotator. Have to brace the shield against the shoulder for it to hold pose, but that's the only QC complaint this time. As with Destiny's half-assed nature in general, the detail does also seem half-assed compared to the UC HCM Pros. No extra markings or anything, just a regular paint job. Not as clean a paint job as the UC's either. The detail that's there isn't bad though, and the Force Sillouette has the flap lines and everything, so that looks real good. Comes with the Sillouette flyer too which is nice. I'm hoping the Destiny isn't a dud and the joints are the usual quality. I'll pose it with the big sword and beam shield. I would still love to see a GQ Destiny Gundam. Anyway here are the Force Impulse pics.
  11. I haven't seen one satisfied customer for 50 either. I peeked in Animesuki out of curiosity. There's something like 7 complaint threads in addition to the main ep. 50 discussion. Three of my biggest complaints of the "finale": 1: The disappearance of Shinn's piloting skills. Merely to save time, they have him block Athrun's beam sabers with his palms? On the other side of his hands are BEAM SHIELDS, which would have worked a lot better, then he could have palmed Athrun in the gut. Also, while this was going on, Luna still had her beam rifle, and could have used it left handed. 2: Kira took out Legend's funnels without losing any? BS. Also note when Kira unloads on Legend, the two big Dragoons are still on Legend's back. Later Rey did what? Despite all of Rey's talk to Shinn the writers made him crack after listening to Kira's crap for 2 minutes. 3: Messiah was covered in Beam Shields, apparently lowered them to fire the Genesis, but they somehow never came back on... A convenient BS way to allow Kira to tear the place apart. Genesis also wasn't phase shifted or beam protected this time either because the emitter was destroyed by missles. Never mind too that this thing was basically a moving A Boa Qu with a superlaser built in. It was an ASTEROID. Yet it explodes and crashes into the Moon's surface. One more, back to 49: 4: Akatsuki took a shot in the gut from an ANTI-MATTER cannon and lived. Anti-beam coating or not. An Anti-matter cannon which already nearly destoyed the AA once, and also was used early on to shatter a huge section of Junius 7 into much tinier fragments. Akatsuki was already shown to have weaknesses when Shinn started carving it up at the unprotected joints, which should have spelled doom for Mwu. If he used the Dragoon Shield then to block the shot I could have accepted that, but he took the shot in the GUT. In retrospect, Mwu honestly should have stayed dead. It would have saved a lot of damn time too. Since Dragoons are now able to be used by anyone supposedly, they could have given Andy the Akatsuki and left Gaia in a warehouse, since Red Gaia was only used once anyway. Another waste. If there wasn't space to include the story elements they wanted to do with Mwu they should have left him dead and used the time spent elsewhere. The whole war criminal-instantly welcomed back annoys me too. Pure crap. This really is one of the worst ends I have seen to an anime series. This actually displaced my precious #1 ending mort: BGC2040, another show I loved at first and then degenerated. Even the Ending credits were another fracking recap. No closure whatsoever. I'm temped to cancel the HCM Pro Strike Freedom I preordered weeks ago in protest. This ending also feels like one of those shows that gets cut off at the ep. 13 cliffhanger and never picked up again. Just left hanging. That's what they did here. I seriously didn't expect Destiny to piss me off like this. I need to purify myself with more Zeta (I'm at ep. 24 now)
  12. Ouch. G-saviour was a steaming pile of crap, worthy only of forgetting. Saying that was better than Destiny is a low blow. Destiny wasn't merely a train wreck, it was a colony drop, but I wouldn't rate it that low.
  13. I'm sure they are equally pissed off if not more so.
  14. That would be the despair of watching reused footage and recap footage in the middle of the finale.
  15. Thanks, those are exactly the pics I needed, especially the size comparison shot. Not bad, the MG sculpt is really nice. Even has a little stand for the BWS. I may consider getting one. Not right now though. I'd rather have a Fix Figuration though personally, but for now at least the MSiA works.
  16. Animesuki's forum has to be nasty. I dare not try it out.
  17. Nu Gundam, Sazabi, Kampfer, Freedom are all great MG kits. The G Gundam kits are real well done too. Super posable. Anyone built the Master Grade Re-GZ kit? I just got the MSiA just so I could have one for the Amuro/Char collection, my first MSiA, and I don't really like the plastic quality. How is the MG Re-GZ in terms of posability and stability? Here's my current Amuro/Char collection. The Gelgoog and Zeong are Ultimate Operation figures, which are pretty good placeholders until HCM Pros come out (if they do). The PG Char's Zaku is on the shelf above with the AUEG stuff. If amazon does a sale on the RX-78 I'll get one of those too. If I'm not mistaken, all I need now is a Dijeh. I think I got everything else they piloted.
  18. , Imagine if it was Medicom Misa or Christina 333632[/snapback] I'd be broke quick.
  19. Cosmic Era still has the potential to be great, it just needs a competent writing staff. I'd like to see either that or a new serious UC show or OVA. Sentinel does sound more deserving of being animated the more I read about it. I also would like to see a UC OVA from the Zeon perspective this time. I really liked first ep. of MS Igloo. There's a lot they could do from the Zeon side. Having Destiny switch perspective to Zaft instead of EA was a great idea at first before they ruined it by shifting the main focus again back to the Archangel crew.
  20. Gotta cut the poor guy a break at some point though.
  21. They probably improved the joints system to make it more stable. Like the Mk. II they'll probably adopt some areas from the PG especially in locking parts. Sculpt-wise I always thought the MG looked nice.
  22. Sure enough, Zeta Gundam 2.0 upcoming
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