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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. discs + top. I thinpak'd the Anniversary disc and Macross II so I could fit the 13.
  2. side. Flash angle made this pic seem a little darker than it really is.
  3. Got my Mech box in today! #008
  4. Awesome hip mod.
  5. I am hemmoraging money this year. Too much good stuff to buy. I'm not getting all these figures. Like I said above, I "only" preordered the onsen figures, the party time figures, and the christmas figures. I still want more Misato figures, too. She hasn't gotten enough attention yet. One decent Shinji would be cool too. Hemmoraging money, huh?! Nice selections you chose!!! I spent around 700 bucks this past month on stuff. I'm actually ashamed of myself. Sivlerstreak, Misato, Lacus, PG Zeta, HG Providence, Freedom, Char Zaku II, GP03S (just the suit), Gouf Custom, Quebly Mk. II, Kotobukia Darth Vader, YF-19 Hasegawa, Berserk trading figures, Freya trading figure, couple CM Macross figures, Fast Packs for my 1/48 Hikaru, M+ movie book to scan, and an Enterprise-E to put away for my Dad on Father's Day. Also add in May's DVD anime pre-orders and Critic Set. The plus side is there's not much left for me to get now this summer, down side is I have to pay for fall classes next month. I can't stop buying stuff. I might cancel one of the Eva sets I ordered, btu I at least wanted to get the preorders in before they close acceptance just in case. Yeah, Rei does look too white in that figure. The sculpts seem very good though, Just a hair over the ecchi line to display on my desk though.
  6. Soundwave had some good moments in Dreamwave's G1 Vol. 2.
  7. That was awesome. Best vid of the year. I want to buy a Soundwave reissue now. He always was my favorite right after Shockwave.
  8. I am hemmoraging money this year. Too much good stuff to buy. I'm not getting all these figures. Like I said above, I "only" preordered the onsen figures, the party time figures, and the christmas figures. I still want more Misato figures, too. She hasn't gotten enough attention yet. One decent Shinji would be cool too.
  9. OMFG what happened to this thread The post limit is longer than I thought it was.
  10. in la. go down broadway. On your right there should be building with tons of smalll shops. at the end will be a toy store. Bit of a long drive for me
  11. One leg isn't even as bent as the other, which gives some backing to the guy posing it wrong to begin with. There looks like there's plenty of room for the legs to bend more. They shouldn't be that straight unless it's going into Destroid mode.
  12. The Kenshin behind the Alpha and VF-1 rocks too.
  13. The VF-19 boots both had stryofoam.
  14. You guys can fight over the Legoiss. I on the other hand, would love a Cyclone. Very very very very very much if at all possible. Those are the greatest boots ever.
  15. Where's mine? Did he ship with USPS or UPS? USPS dropped off two packages today, one from Hobby Fan, and the other BBTS with my YF-19. Hopefully tonight, and definately tomorrow I will work on M+. Would have done it sooner but going to school 5:30PM-9PM Monday thru Thursday after working 8-5 sucks. Have to do it though. I do have the ideas worked out at least.
  16. If G-Gundam was any indicator, I'd say a Gundam X would turn up to coincide when the series is eventually released stateside. Same thing with the Turn A, though I really dislike it's design. A Double-X would rock though. Especially if it comes with LED's to make the chest and fins light up. As for the Zeta, I'm almost done with my PG and have a KS, so a new MG doesn't hold much interest for me. Cool that they may be doing it though. The floppiness is why I didn;t get the original MG. I might get a Zeta Plus C when I get the MG Freedom though.
  17. School uniform set. This one's kind of meh. I have a general dislike of Koworu as well.
  18. Christmas Figures (preordered these too): Sega is being very generous to us Eva fans, the only thing is: they need to make more MISATO Figures.
  19. New pajama figures. Kind of ecchi, yet tasteful Don't think I'll get these though.
  20. New Sega pre-orders up at Hobby Search. New ver. Pajami Figures 2-pack (laying down), Party Time 3-pack, "take care of yourself" 3-pack (Asuka, Rei, Kaworu in school uniforms), and a new Christmas figure 2-pack. Kind if ironic, there is a Koworu before there is a Shinji. No love for poor Shinji. HLJ has the preorders up as well, but the MSRP's are higher again though. Strange. Even before the"our price" at Hobby Search, the price is cheaper than HLJ. Party time (perordered this one):
  21. With Sideswipe Edit: updated pic with Silverstreak's feet fixed.
  22. Got Alternator Silverstreak in today. Very impressive. The legs aren't as stiff as Smokescreen so it's earier to move. The paint job is pretty good as well. I like Silverstreak a lot. Hasbro's doing a great job with the alternator line, especially at 20 bucks a pop. Hard to beat that value. Review: Stop reading and go buy it. If you can find it yet. Bwahahaha.
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