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Everything posted by Anubis
If we use the blue lineart there's no worry about the greyscale or it being an engraved box. That's what Paul was talking about. Just Black with the white lineart would have been an engraved panel. Using the blue it will be able to stay a full color box.
I am the highest non-mod. Looks like Agent One is about to become a Concert Attendee as well. He's almost at 2500. I think that's where it changes, but I may be wrong.
I can see adding a battroid or a pilot in the corner of each side to see how it looks. Adding too much may detract, but there's always room for experimentation. There does need to be some room for the MW logos. I have to bring the M+ Game book to work tomorrow to scan some lineart pics. The Game Book has the right lineart pics to try out. As for the big fighters, I like the detail that's in those pics, it even goes into wing sweep/morph areas, and everything. Realy nice, makes it look really...technical. Now, should we keep the text, or remove it so there's more room to add something? Taking it out would make it too simplish I think. There's room to add a small pilot and/or battroid to try out, including the pilots in the int. covers, so no need to extract anything. Also, I can scan a Ghost to go under the logo on top, think that's a good idea, or leave the top alone still?
Does this mean that a new and affordable YF-19 has gone the way of the 1/60 FP upgrades. So they see a higher profit margin the the VB-6 and 1/100 VF-0 than the YF-19 fans have been asking about for years now? If this does become vaporware, then Yamato is on crack. I still have some hope though, after the VB-6 comes out. I'm not dying of wait though anymore. VF-19A, Fire Valk, and a Hasegawa will be sufficient for my -19 fix. Yamato has been a strange creature this past year.
Damn, DA. #1 looks great.
Definately a step in the right direction. Rough, but a decent example. Edit - removed since DA put better ones
I did this in about 3 minutes using Paint Shop Pro's color replacer. Obviously, it is rough, but you get the gist, and I'm sure some of our Photoshop masters can do it much better. Thanks, I couldn't figure out how to do it in photoshop. There is much to learn in that program still. Yeah, Blue lineart on this box would look really good.
With Macross City. Changing the side panel pics to blue is a really good idea, and would let us keep the color box. I have no idea how to do that so for now just pretend they're blue, the right shade of blue so it stands out against the black. Macross City works pretty good as well.
The YF-21 pic. The Navigation Light title is cut off, so I'd have to rescan this one for production. Now as for the text. I really don't know how it would show up on the box. How small the text can be and show up properly is something we should probably ask Paul. If these don't work then we can scan the Design Works or M+ Game book book for lineart. Ironically something I suggested loooooooooooooooooong ago when some M+ box ideas were first put up and we then focused on the Macross box, and I heard crickets.
Black and White boxes can still look very good, and save you a few bucks. If we truly like the lineart sides, I have no problem going b&w on the box. Here is the Kenshin box I had Paul make for me. Really good. Difficult to capture properly with flash glare, that's why pieces of the side pic look dark.
OK, let's try it greyscale then. One benefit would be the box should be a hair cheaper being engraved than full color. Here's the desert spine box in b&w.
That's one thing. The desert shot pic I scanned is a perfect size to be adusted onto the spine. The image there is pretty much the exact image I scanned, with the Macross Plus title removed. It also does add a nice touch of color, so no one should complain that "the box looks too dark." It's an immediately recognizable M+ pic as well, which was probably why we put it there in the first place, also it being an easy image to squeeze onto a 3-disc box. I still like the desert shot personally, but if not that one I say the Sharon pic's a good alternative.
Man, you have been gone for a while.
I gotta agree w/ DA on this point. The spine is definitely the sore point. Maybe you could use a partial of this image - Which would hold the same theme, color and background. Here's yours. I don't think it goes very well as a spine image. That and I'd like some other element on the box than just the 19/21.
You know, I did not expect this reaction from the lineart box! I just posted that one for the heck of it after all the simplicity talk. The pics have plenty of text on them, I'll post bigger versions of them later tonight. Good images actually. I negatived them to make them white on black. I think the text would show up fine, but we can always ask Paul to see. The pics are huge. Full page. I might have grabbed them at 200 dpi or something, but if I need to I can rescan them in the movie book no big deal. Do we want just the fighter breakdowns in these pics, or do we also want a small battroid of each in the corner? I could also scan a ghost to go underneath the blue logo on top if you guys want. I can grab those out of the design works or M+ game book. As for the spine, it seemed there was a consensus a while back that the desert shot was the one we wanted. If not that one, then the only other pic I think that would go with this design would be the sharon pic. I also seriously doubt that Paul would like doing two M+ boxes as well after the poor turnout on the SDF Macross box. I can only hope sales pick up once this box is finalized. Here's the lineart box with the Sharon pic as a test.
The point is the background is simpler, and the valks look a lot better. If there are to be characters on the box, then a collage is necessary.
I like how this new version would work (with a clean extraction of course of the -19, not the chunk in the example) better than the previous collage. The previous one is still a good image though as well. VS.
As a new alternative, for newtest6, how about extracting the -19 from the right newtest4 pic, and add it to the open space in the left side pic. Then use the Sharon pic on the right. Then it wil be similar to the older collage, but with a clean background and a much better looking YF-19 and YF-21.
As for the top, no one wants to put multiple pics on the top it seems. The general reaction has been favoring a simple top with the blue logo. For the pic, something like this but with the background on the 19/21 pic removed and have the two over the sharon image? Is that what you mean? Someone could also extract the 19 and 21 from the newtest4 pics and overlay those on the sharon image as an alternative. Personally I like the sharon pic as it is.
Like we theorized before, maybe Kawamori will make some edits to the VF-1's specs. Update it a little as it were. Realisitcally there's no reason for the VF-1 to not be able to swap the clip on the gunpod, but until now that's what was on paper. Maybe even chaff/flare as well. Now that both main guys have lost their valks, it could be safe to wager that we get VF-1's in ep 5. If the Asuka is in no position to get resupplied, then the Prometheus might show up after all with some jets that Skull will port into. There is no way that the two main guys will go valkyrie-less in the final episode, and it's obvious that the SV-51's have a serious edge over the VF-0. There will be no ass whooping from the good guys unless they get an upgrade. DD lit those other VF-0's up like they were gnats. I;m sure the UN and Anti-un clash as part of the climax, but maybe they'll have to team against whatever the APHOS turnsout to be. That's the big question. That would be pretty cool. Slugging it out with each other to then have to team against the bigger fish. Sounds familiar right? Way out there theory: Before destroying it, the APHOS sends out some kind of signal into space. Knowing something big is probably coming to earth after that, the peace process may be egged into beginning. Unite or fall basically. Cut to Ataria Island and see Roy, DD, and Shin as squuadron commanders. DD as Blue Rose 001 would be cool. Reallly though, I do think Shin and DD will be dead by the end of the show. Nora will be capped by Shin before that. Shin may do a suicide run on the APHOS or something. Roy will be the last pilot standing. Edgar will be alive as well I think, dude has 9 lives. Shin will eject him from their D model before doing whatever he does. Either that, or Edgar will be found wounded, and Shin will take a VF-1A solo. If Edgar dies it'll be like Forest Gump. Shin will find him mortally wounded in the jungle after the FAE's. Then be all pissed and confident after his death. If Kawamori's not worrying about continuity that much, maybe Roy does meet Claudia through Edgar.