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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. The crystal version MG Zaku II, Char's Zaku II, and RX-78-2 Gundam are getting restocked this month at HLJ and Hobby Search, I don't think anyone mentioned about those. Anyone build any of these? The few pics I found seemed cool. Transparent colored plastic so you can see the mechanical innards. The Zaku looks pretty cool like that. I reserved a Zaku II F/J at Hobby Search last night. If I end up not getting a PG Zaku (depends on finances and space) I'll settle for my Zaku II F2, the crystal, and I'll get a Black Trinity Zaku II, and that should about cover me on Zakus. I'll probably get the Black Trinity at the same time as the Freedom. I too am waiting for pics, but nothing new on the freedom yet. On a side note: Target finally has 1/144 HG Justice Gundams in to go with the Freedoms. I didn't like the Justice, so I'm not buying that, but glad there's something there in HG besides the Freedom. I seriuosly wonder why Bandai US started there? They won't appear for months at 1 episode a week, and the boxes give a spoiler about the N-Jammer cancellers. One would figure they'd start with the original 5 gundams, maybe a Ginn. Follow Japan's release schedule. They are starting with the original 5 for the action figures. Odd.
  2. Diamond's september update just listed Zeta's SRP finally. 200 bucks as expected, so with preorders we'll be able to get it for around 140. Sweet deal.
  3. There was a AvP comic that had a PredAlien in it. Don't remember the name though. After all the assorted fighting between the Preds and Humans, there were a couple of each left. The PredAlien came out from under the jeep it was hiding under (the chestburster had hitched a ride earlier) and proceeded to kick ass all around. One human and one pred were left at the end, both exhausted and beat up, so they just sat and stared at each other with their distress beacons lit waiting to see who came first. It was pretty cool, and the predalien was not something to screw with. A predalien would make a good movie add-on. I have also wanted to see on-screen royal guards. Close-to-queen-size drones with tusks (at least in one incarnation). Bad ass. Only seen in a couple aliens comics. This was also the really big drone that required big weaponry to kill from the AvP2 pc game
  4. Can you pull that off on the source .tif? I can send it you you if you like. Is this the kind of sharon computer pic you were looking for? hmmm, almost like it, but I need a more clear shot of that and up close. Oh well, looks like everybody likes the blue sharon. And what was that you asked? Can I pull the picture off the source? All I did was save the picture you posted up and changed the colors. If you want a hi-rez one, send me the file and I'll tweak the colors. Send it here: labelstation2@hotmail.com That's exactly what I meant actually, if you could do the blue conversion on the high res source pic. It's on the way to you.
  5. even the newer jlist chem suits still are a bitch. They really expect you to surive in the desert wearing this stuff. Die quick from NBC, or die long and painfully/get heat stroke from waering the chem gear too long. The gas masks do suck. They do their job at keeping the bad chemicals away, but there's no way you would be able to do anything heavy in real life mopp4. Can't see anything, and can't move very well wearing that gear. The damning thing is, the Jlist suits are miles beyond the crappy old chem gear that got charcoal all over you, and weighed more. Think about Ski wear level thick stuff in the summer. During exercises, they often allowed for a heat option, allowing you to not wear your bdu top or just wear a t-shirt + shorts if it was uber hot. Bad sign. In korea they took any advantage of the lighter jlist suits away by making you wear a flack jacket during the exercise. All the time.
  6. As part of the ascension to adulthood, they send groups out on Alien hunting trips. Others do Alien hunts for the heck of it I'm sure. That was part of the problem in the original AvP story. The ship crashed (I think after we shot at it) and the leader was wounded. The young preds got super pissed and went around recklessly killing everyone. Never mind that the Aliens were about to stampede. Experienced predators like to go on hunting trips to hunt us because we're more resourceful than we look and provide an interesting hunt. On to weapons: The souped up predator weapons seem interesting. Who's to say they can't have different sets of equipment? Real-life hunters use certain weapons for certain prey, and some weapons mainly because they simply like it. Some people like crossbows, others rifles, others a really big knife. Personal preference. The one in Predator 2 had stuff the first one didn't right? Same principal applies here. One predator coming here to hunt us for a few weeks on vacation is one thing, but an organized party doing it's job is a whole other ballgame. There could easily have different type of claws and weapons they can use. This batch of preds has more advanced gear is all, so seeing a wrist blade that can extend like that is no real shocker to me. That's just the equipment he happens to have. Expecting to engage a room full of drones a pred might want something different. Consider this a universe expansion. I look forward to this movie as a good action flick. And yes, I also found RE an amusing diversion. Not something I want to ensrine on my shelf, but an interesting catch on HBO.
  7. I thought about that too actually after I posted it. Just needed to scoot the -21 over so the battroid wouldn't overlap the text.
  8. The cannons are proportioned justy as they should be. Any longer and they wouldn't fit into the fuselage properly.
  9. What do you guys think about a small battroid in the corner? Edit, fixed version couple posts down
  10. Can you pull that off on the source .tif? I can send it you you if you like. Is this the kind of sharon computer pic you were looking for?
  11. Yeah, Drag Strip would have been the perfect one to get the yellow. Pity. Anything other than yellow would have been fine with me for tracks. I'll pick up whoever the next vette is at least. As for Smokescreen, I'm am definately not buying the new one. Already bought one smokescreen, no point for me to buy another one for a sculpt tweak and shoulder cannon. He looks better without it anyway. I thought the Hasbro Silverstreak came out a lot better than Smokescreen did. The legs seemed easier to move, and he fit together into car mode a bit easier. Maybe just experience. I still love the Hasbro versions. No paint chip worry, and half the price. To echo zeo-mare, when is Hound supposed to come out?
  12. Looks like the Insecticons may be the next reissue. I always liked the insecticons.
  13. New tracks and smokescreen pic. Lot of black at least to compensate for the yellow. Not too bad. Sculpt rocks. I still don't like yellow cars though. Smokescreen has a shoulder cannon now on the new version.
  14. The tan boots in the new uniforms are supposed to be different ones than the existing Desert Boots. New summer and winter boots. I couldn't imagine the new ones not being designed for heavy walking. The old desert boots I imagine would hurt a bit after a while, but nothing Dr. Scholl's wouldn't fix. Like all the boots I had.
  15. Gorgeous!!! If that's the actual detail, it's not bad. Not supposed to be flashy really I think, it's designed simply to kick ass. A big green war machine. Hopefully it'll come with some useful stickers, if not I'm sure Takatoys or someone will hook us up. Tampo printing of some markings is too much to expect anymore unfortunately. The sculpt at least I'm very happy with. If anything, it could use some low-vis style weathering on the barrels, but that's about it. I like it. Looking at the GBP next ot it it looks about 1/60 VF-1 height in gerwalk. On a side note, the VF-0 still looks exactly the same. Looks like it's the final. Still no leg FP armor and no missles. I'm doubtful now that those will materialize.
  16. Actually, the AF already has a new pattern. It's a grey, blue, and green tiger stripe BDU. It looks REMARKABLY similar to the Russian "Berezka" pattern. It came out in February, I think. I'll see if i can find a pic... here you go: Outstanding. Excellent shading. The new uniforms across the board rock. What about the navy? Those ones that do wear camo, I'm guessing same one as the marines?
  17. For my PG Zeta Gundam, I used Tamiya Spray Paint cans to paint the parts runners. As an inexperienced painter, this was the easiest solutution I could think of. Then be careful with good sprue cutters to remove the parts, and if the sprue point leaves an unpleasant mark on the finished limb, you can use some touch up paint to cover the spot if you desire. I didn't have to on mine thankfully. For the obvious black lines on the mobile suit I used a Gundam Marker. Use the smallest tip one of course. Wipe off any excess with a very-slightly-damp-at-the-tip paper towel. Do try to be careful to get the line right the first time though if possible. As a rule for me, if I paint in metallic anyway, I don't use many panel lines, only the areas that really need it on the white parts, like I did there. The gundam marker doesn't show up real well against the metallic paint anyway, so I consider it kind of a waste to panel line dark blue or red. Viola, your PG will look like this: I like how the Tamiya cans spray much better than the Testors cans did. The colors look very good as well, just make sure you paint all the parts evenly and get all sides. May take a few coats to do it. I don't know if this was the more expensive way to do it or not, but for now it worked, and I too don't have an airbrush. I spent a fair amount on the cans though, at 5 bucks a pop almost. I used 1 Metallic Red, 1 Metallic Blue, 2 Black, 2 Pearl White, and part of 1 Yellow can to make the model. The internal components I didn't bother to paint. They look good as they are, and I won't display it with panels open anyway. Before I touched my PG Zeta I used the same process to make my failed HG Freedom (damn all blue wings, and I didn't thin the black before I hand painted that), and then sucessfully sprayed my HG Providence, HGUC Char's Zaku, and SDF-1's. If your not used to painting or lining, I suggest picking up an expendable HGUC kit or two and trying that first.
  18. Every army guy just jumped for joy at no more boot polishing. Hopefully the AF follows suit as well. The new uniforms look pretty slick. I remember the marine's version that they already have, they have black in addition on the pattern, and it looks pretty cool. Very smart uniform updates, and about time I say. I wonder if the patch placement is the same? I saw a History channel special about camoflouge and these digital prints, even though they may not look it at first glance, are WAY better than the existing camo. Both during the day, and especially at night. Also much better than the existing when night vision is applied. These uniforms are a win-win situation. Easier uniforms to don, supposedly more comfortable, doing away with the polished boots, and all for a more effective uniform. Kudos to something being done right with no cost complaints. Also: wrinkle free fabric=easier to iron=every boot trainee and tech school pvt will have a much easier time in line-up. In the words of Ash: "Welcome to the 21st century."
  19. You do have it so the feet slide out then open right? In M+ before the feet moved up and down for the vectoring moviement check on the runway, they slid out some from their "parked" state, and then moved up and down. The yamato doesn't have that modeled.
  20. Damn, had my hopes up there. funny though
  21. The only reason it's not the full renewal I think, is just because Manga has the movie rights. The R2 Renewal box came with the movies as well didn't it? Maybe one or two of the extras didn't make it over either. Gainax can be difficult about that at times. However my main concern though is the remastered show itself, which I am very happy to see we're getting. New eva box, continuing manga, and a slew of Eva merchandise makes this a very good eva year indeed. I was going to custom a Paul Champagne Eva box, but with artwork like that on the Platinum box, I don't have to.
  22. And here is the box. They did great on it! Awesome artwork selection. Can't wait to see the other side. I'm looking for a better pic.
  23. Big update!! Courtesy of Animeondvd. Here is volume 1's cover.
  24. Yeah, I mentioned in a thread a while back about Inu Yasha ending in September. Given that the raw for ep. 155 is out, and it ends in september, I'd say the show hits episode 170. 15 weeks, 15 episodes from now would put it at that spot. Give or take a couple. Here's a good Inu Yasha companion site with some good info. A 4th movie is good news as well. Can't wait foir the 3rd to show up though still though. Anyone know when the R2 of it comes out?
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