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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. P. Speaker Pod disabled. S. Action already taken.
  2. I'm still looking forward to it. Only 2 years ahead means they can pick up some of the plot dangles that Seed left over easily. Way too early to judge the series plot from just the couple paragraphs here, so no reason to bash it as a F-91 clone already. Just because they don't mention Kira yet doesn't mean anything. All this is is the preliminary info. Covers a piece of the first episode. Don't even know who the bad guys are though yet, though you can probably guess blue cosmos will ahve a hand in it somewhere I'm sure. Let's see what combinations a 3-part mobile suit and weapon packs can come up with. Not bad for the first design out the door so far, too curvy though IMO for the Impulse. I like and miss Strike's angular look as well. I want to see some of the other suits, and the Impulse's packs. Bets on wether an IWSP variant makes it? More info will trickle out now as it gets nearer, can't wait. I do have to say SEED Destiny sounds kind of like saying ATM machine though. Superior Evolutionary Element Destined factor
  3. I found Jingle all the Way kinda funny actually.
  4. I love reading stuff like that. Seen some ones in real life too. It's hard to believe some of the things that get entered in forms. Or what people lose in cockpits. You have a lot of FOD jets from pilots leaving things in the cockpit, and then going back to get it after they tell the crew chief super that the item was lost. Pens, magnifying glasses, flashlights. Crap you know isn't there but have to waste time searching for anyway. Before the final NVIS mods were done to our Block 40 F-16's at Hill a temp mod was installed which basically was just green christmas tree lights velcroed in groups of 2 ro 3 all around the cockpit. No surprise they became a complete FOD headache. Especially by the throttle. Speaking of throttle how about all the times someone kicked a knob on the throttle handle, broke the button off, and a spring and 2 ball bearings would pop right into the cockpit. Nightmare to find, and like every screw you wished was magnetic, wasn't. Wing kept denying approval to custom a simple cover so people couldn't kick the throttle. One could say the cover wasn't needed if people were careful, but of course they weren't. Anyway back to topic, thanks for the laugh.
  5. The ONLY possibly useful thing in that box that people DON'T ALREADY HAVE FROM THE FIRST EDITIONS THEY BOUGHT, is the extended reloaded with the Enter the Matrix footage. But you know what: I don't need that game only footage casually integrated into the movie. Good price though if you haven't bought Matrix before I guess.
  6. Although it could be interpreted as Harmony Gold covering their own butts from prosecution, I really think that, if you look at The Sentinels, the characters are SO changed that one couldn't really argue to the contrary. (Though I always found it interesting to think of Max's look in The Sentinels juxtaposed with his look in Macross 7...) Oh, and about the VF-1?--The original Valkyrie series never showed-up in The Sentinels animation, only the Alpha-Beta/Legioss-Tread series. Hmm...Kinda gives notice once again to the idea that Harmony Gold had worked to use the material (at least in animation) to which they hold rights, and not challenge mighty Big West to a legal duel. Actually the VF-1 did make an appearance in the Sentinels during the wedding piece.
  7. C had a navigation system upgrade, about the only difference from the B. All existing VF-11 A/B's were to get the C upgrade. Also of interest is now the MAXL has a separate entry in the compendium finally apart from Mylene's custom.
  8. I must see this one.
  9. I posted one a few pages back, got it from BBTS. I like it a lot. Haven't bought any BT's yet actually. Just the 3 Hasbro Alternators. Paint job is real good, and the joints are solid. Nicely done.
  10. WHERE ARE THE NEW PG ZEON MOBILE SUITS? Don't tell me all there is going to be are the glorious series kits? Guess it's a good thing I've made MG my size limit after the PG Zeta. Though I may cave one day in the future and buy the Zaku. Beautiful kits, but they're just too damn big.
  11. OK, so Ursula was just a normal girl who had a a bit of a crush on Peter. At least one person to just be nice to him despite the sea of stuff that dumps on him. That cake and company was probably the highlight of his day. Side question: Is Aunt May still alive in the comic?
  12. I was just about to ask that. They never said her name, so the blonde girl could actually have been Gwen possibly. If anything it was nice to see someone be nice to Pete during the movie. She was one of only a handful that were nice to him for a while there before the train. What was Gwen's background in the comic? MJ did look kind of down for a moment as Spidey left right before the end credits, kind of "so this is my fate" in a way. Concievable to kill her off though a big deviation from the comic. Black Cat would be great to see as well.
  13. Anubis

    SD VF-4 toys...

    I want a Guvava.
  14. Anubis

    SD VF-4 toys...

    I'm still waiting for a REGULAR VF-4 toy.
  15. Looks like I may be getting a green and red one after all. At least a green. I am impressed by the detail. The size is kinda small, but the detail is definately there. Now we need a durability test.
  16. Trading figures at $5.80 each....maybe too early to tell Sounds like 1/144 trading figures to me. The "Secret" figure lends some credence to that as well.
  17. Dammit they delayed Zeta AGAIN. At least they promised new good box art.
  18. Daaamn Jennifer Garner looks good in the new red outfit. That pic up there is even better than the last movie's black one IMO.
  19. J.K. Simmions' JJJ is one of the best reasons to go see the Spider-Man movies. They cast that role PROPERLY. And Hoffman. Hoffman is funny They really did cast JJJ perfectly.
  20. I enjoyed Spider Man 2 a great deal. Very good job on it. As for possible no Kirsten Dunst after the 3rd one, not really a huge deal (though she will be missed ) they can just replace her. They might pull a Gwen Stacy in #3 killing MJ off, and then introduce Gwen Stacy for an ironic reversal, but I think they'd just replace Dunst. They were set to go on without Toby Mcguire if necessary, there should be just as ready to swap Dunst out if they have to. With a good enough pay offer she may change her mind, so there's no need to rule her out yet. When they do bring in Venom, which I really hope they do soon, I think they'll skip the alien part, and make it another Oscorp creation gone wrong. They could even use it in #3 along with hobgoblin easily with that simple origin. Then the next movie after Venom can go into carnage. Now, assuming it's Hobgoblin for #3, think Harry will have the suit repainted to a gold tone? Just reusing the Green suit would be kind cheesy, so gold hue would be the way to go. Maybe mix some brown in there. I do like Blaine's idea about using at least one movie with the black spidey, before finding out the symbiote is a bad thing. Let him spend some time really using it to his advantage. A part of the following movie would be getting used to being without it while fighting venom. They also still need to introduce Harry, and it would be good to establish him as a problem already before they give him the symbiote. This could even work for #3. Have the symbiote while Black Spidey fights hobgoblin, and then deals with Venom for #4 after getting the symbiote off. As for not knocking out Doc Oc, movie magic. I'll leave it at that and use suspension of disbelief. It was like that in the comic too, so no big deal. BTW, I loved the classic Sam Raimi styling in the hospital as the doctors had their "accidents."
  21. I wish I had a digital camera when I was in the AF, I could have gotten all kinds of good pics. I may or may not have a roll of film with some Haz pics form Korea. At least the F-16 side. Don't think I got any of the A-10 side. Can't find my film though.
  22. I have to see a picture of that.
  23. I would rather have the star one as well. It would fit much nicer into the display case.
  24. Yeah, there's a big reason for the ARMD carriers. That's where a large bulk of the VF-1's were stored. No ARMD's = not nearly as many valks.
  25. story.brando.apocalypse
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