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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Cool. I will definately buy the original Star Trek on DVD. Still waiting for Pretender and Space Above and Beyond as well. I'm surprized the Hulk hasn't come out yet with the Hollywood Marvel binge of late. Don't think I'd buy it, but surprized it's not out yet anyway. I want the Original Twilight Zone and Outer Limits as well.
  2. Capital idea, sir! I would definately buy a second gun if someone were to recast it. Someone definately needs to recast the guns so we can do some John Woo poses. How is the posability by the way? Side by side with the 1J MPC you can really see the difference in effort and quality this time around. If the trend continues Toynami could be a contender after all. Their Inu Yasha figures came out looking pretty good as well. I want to see how the Chobits ones come out.
  3. Anubis

    Custom 1/48 TV VF-1J

    Gorgeous detail upgrade.
  4. I see #1 and #2 all the time, and Walmart has a bunch of left over MP Prime's. Still no Silverstreak even. Guess I'll get Hound from BBTS as well when they get it.
  5. If it's the shipping that bothers you, the man that started the thread is offering free shipping on these. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7368 These boy shoulda hit the water today, 2 weeks for the trip and 1 week for customs as estimated by one of your friendly neighboorhood Valk-pimpers. I'm so glad that'll be after SDCon... whew... yes the gun mounts on either side... wonder if we can do a gun recast to get a double mounted Alpha. Also the one thing that makes it less than perfect transformation is that the shoulder mounted antenna during Fighter has to be removed... oh well... that's fine by me.. that's why I said 80$+free shipping offer = OK with me
  6. I am wuite impressed with the Alpha's detail. Finally is seems Toynami has done justice. Price is a little steep, but with 80+free shipping offers I can live with it. I don't want the blue one though. BTW, I would have brought the valk doll encased in GLASS. And XSTOYS has all 3 helmets? Daaamn.
  7. "Tall in stature, large in power, narrow of purpose, and wide of vision." -Ergo the magnificent.
  8. I'll definately pick one of these things up.
  9. I must have two of these.
  10. The only limited 1/48 was the low-vis so it stands to reason more of the others will be made, especially with the demand. No toy company produces an item constantly, so Yamato produces in batches as well. I expect another batch of 1/48's to pop up this year. Maybe not in huge numbers, but another batch nonetheless. Keep the demand high. Still want my CF.
  11. That would be extremely screwed up of them to do that to those that pre-ordered. "Here's the beta, but you need a new Alpha to use it with. Ha ha." I doubt they would piss people off that bad. That, and would require effort on their part to do the resculpt.
  12. That could work for the spine, just someone needs to extend the red lines out to fit the spine height.
  13. Happy 20 years! Hasn't aged a bit.
  14. I must be a minority in thinking that Rick Dias SpecD is hideous. Looks way too much like it wants to be a Mobile Armor, and an ugly one.
  15. did we decide on the side panels? i thought there was interest in the 21/19 cockpit pics on either side of the box. oh yeah, forgot those for a second. Let's give one of those a try too. What should we put on the spine for that though? Not sure what would go decently outside of the desert shot possibly. Someone was supposed to send Paul the side lineart pics so he could see if it would come out ok.
  16. I still say it's not time yet to bash Seed Destiny yet for one so-so design. I happened to really dislike the Justice Gundam, but there were quite a few that I did like out of Seed. Once they show more of the lineup, and more info that doesn't cover just the first 5 or 10 minutes of the show's first episode, then we can judge better.
  17. I'm actually surprized they haven't cracked down before now, especially when you have convention dealers selling bootlegs in plain view. Not very bright of the dealer. I'm a believer in supporting as well. I buy they vast majority of titles I've had fansubbed, except for a couple I just didn't like, or don't agree with the episode counts per disc. 3 episodes of inu-yasha per disc for example forget it. The season boxes for example, are much more tempting. The season 1 box has the first 27 episodes on it. Much better deal for a show that may hit ep 170 by the time it ends. HK discs I don't particularly like, only as a last resort when there is simply no other US release. M7, DYRL are the only ones I have, and eventually I may get uncut subtitled Yamato (I'm not buying starblazers), and Legend of Galactic Heroes. As for the fansubbers I'm not complaining really that ADV acted, just to clarify, ADV was within their rights to do something because many of their released titles were on these sites. I however disagree with going straight to their host. That was harsh, they could have went to boxtorrent's admin first and requested their titles be removed.
  18. Anubis

    easier way!

    I think I'll use that for my Hasegawa YF-19.
  19. GBP armor is not about to avail Hikaru. Meanwhile Max steps in with all he needs.
  20. Heh, so I wonder if SEED Destiny will feature an N-Jammer-Canceller-Canceller? Graham They probably banned the N-Jammer Canceller tech after peace talks or something. Its as good as anyone's guess. Disallowing N-Jammer Cancellers was probably part of the peace deal. I would guess that the N-Jammers that were blocking earth's power grid would have been disabled at least. The Jammers are probably being used in space to keep terrorists from nuking the colonies. Though oboviously someone is going to be using the cancellers anyway. The wireless power transfer sounds quite similar to X's to me.
  21. ADV's been going after fansubbers lately. First they "messaged" anime.mircx and the site was taken down. This week they went to boxtorrent's host and had the host shut them down. They have since relocated and are working to getting back online, without ADV's vids of course.
  22. I don't know. I'm about done with what I can do for now. If we use a stock desert or Sharon image we're good to go. Bobe Patt and others were working variations for the spine to try. Has Paul OK'd the side panels?
  23. I especialyl liked the Meltran rescue one with the mecha girl.
  24. Do we know the box is the same size as the VF-1 MPC? How big is the Alpha you guys that handled it? Compare to a superposable or a 1/60 Yammie VF-1 for those us us without Gakken Alphas please.
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