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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. This still gets my vote too, although I wouldnt mind a work up with the cockpits to see. I still think the lineart works better though for the box purposes. Did Paul ever check to see if the lineart images would work with the text? Someone was supposed to send them to him to try. DA made those color adjusted sides I was working with, but I think he used the smaller versions. I have the large scans, but don't remember if I have them colorized.
  2. Mine went through the roof from the Macross Box thread, the test pic bin I made, several long eva discussions, and the fact that I really spend too much time here.
  3. Only 4 player? Oh well, UT for multiplyer then still. I haven't delved in a good single player fps for a long time, so this will be welcome anyway.
  4. All the graphic kick of Doom 3 requires a significant system, with the specs just released. I can't recall any other game that needed specs this high. Thankfully I'm clear, but there are some out there that will need some type of boost to play this one. My dad's PC would need a new video if my Brother wants to play it. Good to see they are pushing capabilities. I don't buy many games anymore, no time really, but I'm looking hard at Doom. Here are the requirements: • A 1.5-gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 chip or AMD Athlon 1500. • 384 megabytes of memory. • Two gigabytes of hard drive space. • An nVidia GeForce 3 graphics card or better; or an ATI Technologies 8500 or better. Any one else loking forward to this one? We should do an MWorld fragfest.
  5. It's the Studio Halfeye 1/100 model. Awesome looking, like every other valk they manufactured. Someone was looking for one here a while back I think, and had a really tough time.
  6. Wow, that is a great scheme on that 1S.
  7. It was 2 AM, maybe I was in a more gullible state of tiredness. I'll stick with that excuse I do see several parts where it was obvious looking back though now. It's kind of funny actually how my brother and I were glued to it all serious.
  8. Shin and Edgar WERE using a VF-0D.
  9. Right next to the YF-21 battroid is the VA-3 Invader.
  10. Sadamoto is the shiznit.
  11. Damn, they did a good job on the fake documentary then. There wasn't a hint that it was fake that I could see at the time. Add me to the list of conned. I do enjoy watching stuff like that though. Here's the website on sci-fi about it. No mention of the fake yet. Some of it looked too real. Here's the bar pic. In retrospect now though The Village footage and hanging out at the new set does make more sense now. Bastards. Still a good special though.
  12. I saw the special last night with my brother, and that was some crazy stuff in there. He really wanted to keep his incident at the lake where he almost drowned as a kid secret. The fact that the house he lived in there (that he neglected in his bios) looks just like the Signs house was kind of creepy. Add in the ghost in the mirror when the guys were walking in the house and the crow that attacked them when they opened the door to the room with the mirror. All kinds of stuff happens around this guy. Crows perching next to him and around him all the time outside, the kid in his drawing matching the 18-something news clipping, and matching the kid that was in the mirror in the house. Crazy stuff. When the documenteror asked him at the end: "Your making movies are about your life", and he told him about the house, Shyamalan got mad. Not a shrugged off "you guys are joking with me" attitude, but striaght up mad. He leaned over, said "what are you guys doing" and the audio started having malfunctions as he stormed out. It really was an engrossing viewing. There was a lot of evidence that there's more to this guy that it first seems, and dare I say it, looks like he's got kind of a sixth sense as well, inspiration for his movie. Dude was off in the woods talking "How are you doing" by himself and stuff. Hard to tell, but the guys raised the volume on that footage piece. There was that picture at the bar with the ghostly blur behind him, andf the light flash on the side, ended up just like a pic in Sixth Sense. I had just finished discussing this with my brother a few minutes before they mentioned something similar in the show, about how each of his movies has kind of a theme to them. Sixth Sense - about the sixth sense Unbreakable - finding out you have a gift and discovering how you are supposed to use it Signs - faith, believing things happen for a reason Village - apparently boundaries, and bad things can happen when you step out of them. This one's hard to tell without seeing the movie, but to relate they made a map of everywhere he's lived, everywhere he's shot films, and they are all in the philly area, within a certain radius. He literally does not step outside of his radius. Shows like this are up to the viewer to decide on most of what they see for themselves wether it's valid or not, but these guys obviously found a really interesting character in Shyamalan. Even the cast members agreed about some odd occurrences. If they give it again, and you haven't seen it, definately watch it. Anybody have any opinions on this show and it's content? Edit - fixed a little spelling Also, please don't let this detour into a religious topic, I know these can potentially derail and I don't want that here. Keep on this show and it's content please.
  13. Found the right side of the box. Not surprising Asuka graces the side we were missing. Really great artwork on this box. Better than what I was thinking about asking Paul Champagne for. I can't wait for these guys to start shipping. Left Right
  14. It's for a movie. Starring Jessica Biel.
  15. Maybe Stunticons are possible after alll!
  16. How on earth did you break the 0002?
  17. Prototype. But then again, it's not confirmed that it's Swindle.
  18. I think it's a shadow in the second pic. The first one looks plently big for the weapons, and looks like it encompasses the arm. It wouldn't be able to go into fighter mode with that thing attatched. Gerwalk would be fine.
  19. from Animeondvd.com They're on track after all! Yes I know I misspelled Otakon
  20. it was now it has become a argument over the new gundam seed destiny series, we really should put this back on topic before it gets closed, this is a cool thread, the next zeonography figures are more zakus and doms unfortunally bandai should've made a gouf fix by now...and i still want a conversion from the sazabi to the nightengale....oh yeah...and the nu gundam to hi nu gundam A Gouf fix would be awesome. As long as they make a flight Gouf. Always wanted a good one of those. The Hi0nu is also a great idea. Never liked the Nightingale that much though. but you had to admit...it'd be fun to see how bandai could pull of a sazabi to nightengale conversion That it would. Be a big box too wouldn't it
  21. it was now it has become a argument over the new gundam seed destiny series, we really should put this back on topic before it gets closed, this is a cool thread, the next zeonography figures are more zakus and doms unfortunally bandai should've made a gouf fix by now...and i still want a conversion from the sazabi to the nightengale....oh yeah...and the nu gundam to hi nu gundam A Gouf fix would be awesome. As long as they make a flight Gouf. Always wanted a good one of those. The Hi-Nu is also a great idea. Never liked the Nightingale that much though.
  22. it was now it has become a argument over the new gundam seed destiny series, we really should put this back on topic before it gets closed, this is a cool thread, the next zeonography figures are more zakus and doms unfortunally Agreed, no more arguing. I didn't want the thread to be hijjacked either. Terpfen, open another thread if you want ot continue about how seed sucks please. I'm not writing any more essays today.
  23. You're right about the GuAIZ. I put the wrong name down. See I do make a silly mistake on occasion And once again, I am not saying the Genesis was descended fro the Blitz. That is stupid. They copied adapted the MIRAGE system. Once you aquire a cloaking device, naturally you'll use it wherever you can, especially on a superweapon.
  24. Calamity got the Guncannon-style shoulder cannons. What my main point was that there is evolution amond Seed's designs. Ginns augmented with newer Cgues and Dinns, and BuCues a step up from the older ground pounder aft was using. Zaft's n-jammer canceller trio being derived in part from tech gleaned off of the 4 stolen Gundam series. Stuff like that. I'm not trying to get into a this design ripped off this design argument. I'm sorry if I sounds that way. Complaining about the Meteor looking too much like the GP03 is kinda pointless to me. With as many designs as Gundam has encompassed over it's 25 year run, there are several designs that are bound to have similar stuff to previous ones by this point. Sometimes as a homage to a classic design, others to make something new. But complaining becasue one has a similar wing, or "it's a Zeta Ripoff": I mean, come on already. People bemoan it as if there was no more creativity involved here. What's worse is there is are a few people bemoaning Seed D's designs now. We have seen only a couple pictures of the Impulse, 2 of them basic lineart, and only one or two with real artwork (which does look not too bad on the website poster image). I know I probably said a couple silly things, I do that on occasion, but declaring Seed D a direct Zeta ripoff when there is only infetesimal scraps of info on it (and no pics of ANY other new mecha) is beyond silly. Now, anyone read anything on what's next after this xeneography round with Ramba Ral's Zaku I/II?
  25. Correct on the first four counts. Impulse is not an evolution of the Strike, because the Strike is not a ZAFT suit. ZAFT did not appropriate the Strike plans in any way, shape, or form. Impulse is a new MS with Freedom's features in an attempt to show a design evolution, but Strike's features because Okawara decided Strike is the basic "first half of the series good guy" mecha for the SEED universe, and so incorporated it into the Impulse. This is about as silly as wondering why US jet fighters don't incorporate designs from Russian jets. Freedom and Justice are not derived from the 4 stolen Gundams, despite what the show may say. There's no similarity between the 5 initial Gundams, let alone the Freedom and Justice. Okawara couldn't stand to make similar parts on the Freedom and Justice, two brother designs. In either case, Justice is derived from the Dinn, and the Freedom is derived from some unnamed source--it sure as heck isn't the Strike or the 4 stolen Gundams. My bet is the Gundam XX, but that's just me. CGUE and GINN were created at about the same time in the SEED universe, IMO; there was no lesson to be learned from the GINN. The CGUE is simply a commander's MS that bears some proportional similarities to the GINN. Would you like to say that the Goohn and Dinn are evolutions of the GINN? You'd be just as wrong. Genesis is not an elaboration or continuation of the Blitz Gundam. It may have appropriated technology, but the MiG-29 is not an appropriation of a Cessna just because it has wings. Why don't you mention how the Meteor is simply an evolution of Katoki's GP03? This is the most obvious ripoff in the entire show, IMO. Or how about the Dinn conning stuff off the Death Birdie and the Gundam Heaven's Sword? MAHQ lists it as the Death Beast. In any case, the Death Whatever was able to fold its legs up and attach itself to an add-on pack, which it could eject and then unfold its four legs to cross complex terrain. But that wasn't my point; the point is the Gaia Gundam transforms into something that looks awfully damn similar. The Impulse was obviouly inspired by the Strike's base unit + specialized equipment design concept, with whatever refinements Zaft cooked up for their version. It's not just the "design looks like an update to this design" philosphy, it's the technologies involved. Phase Shift and other design traits from the dissected GAT series making their way into the Freedom and Justice, with weapons appropriate to the nuclear power system. The Ginn is to the Cgue what the Zaku is to the Gelgoog. They've incoroporated a lot of our stuff into their stuff in the past. Look at their space shuttle.Zaft saw elements they liked in the GAT series, and some of those ideas tricked into their own concoctions. If there was no GAT inspiration in the Freeedom, Justice, or Providence, they would have had the same features on a traditional Zaft cyclops type mobile suit frame instead of the Gundam type frame. Sure the Meteor is a similar concept to the GP03, but why not? The GP03 was not a new concept to attach a mecha to a heavy armor for enhanced firepower. The Meteors were also more beam reliant than the GP03 which was predominantly all missle + the big beam cannon/sabers. Still different designs. By the rip-off argument you would leave people to believe that the GP03 can be the only armor of that concept type, or any transforming Gundam after the Zeta is instantly a rip-off of the Zeta. And I'm sorry but the Dinn is not a rip off of the Heaven's sword. The Dinn didn't transform and hack at suits with claws. The Dinn was a Ginn with flight mode wings. A similar idea in a way maybe, but the wings don't look like that on the Dinn. You also said exactly what I meant about the Genesis. They used the appropriated Mirage system to conceal the genesis. Made good use on tech obtained from the stolen 4 suits even on applications outside suit design. I do agree about some XX infuence on the Freedom though on the shoulder cannons. One could easily argue though how many ways can you model shoulder cannons? Also, we still dont know what the Gaia Gundam looks like. Could be Aegis like, could be a stylized BuCue, it could look like a transformer. Only way to tell is to wait a month or two. Unless there is new lineart that hasn't made its way into this board yet.
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