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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Hobby Search has it's page updated with their usual pic breakdown here
  2. Wow, the Freedom came out Gorgeous. I'm definately buying this one, and painting it the same way I did the PG Zeta.
  3. Any of these clips on impression appear that thay may contribute to stress cracks? Just curious.
  4. Say what? The what Warrior? Obviously, you've never seen a Katoki design. OK, sometimes look better. We all acknowlege that Katoki is the Shiznit. They're doing ok with who they have at least. Could be far worse. And yes, new takes on the Zaku.
  5. The GBP armor-only package was conservitively sized as well.
  6. Given it's nature, Parts swapping for the SV-51 would be ok, again, because of the way they designed it. It's hips would be SO hard to make durable in perfect transformation even at 1/72. Die cast bars at 1/60 sure maybe, but on anything smaller forget it. They VF-0 though, there's no reason to have parts swapping. Thinking about it, after looking at that SV-51 kitbash battroid, maybe this was their plan all along. If the 1/100 SV-51 is parts swap, and the 1/100 VF-0 perfect transformation, some people will not realize why, and cry foul. If they're both parts swap, they seem in line with each other for the same series. Sounds cheesy, yeah, but maybe that's the logic here. With parts swapping the SV-51 is quite possible. Maybe they dumbed down the VF-0 to match it in appearance to it's counterpart. We all know that Yamato could make it perfect transformation, but the SV-51 presents a problem for the formula. I do agree though that on 1/100 Tampo printing is a MUST. Especially for the SV-51. More bang for your buck that way. In this light I may look differently at the VF-0, but it's price better correspond to it's quality.
  7. Good theory there. Would also further explain why the Empire didn't adopt them.
  8. I think it has something to do with the cores of the Plants. That's why vash talks to them a little those couple times he was close to one.
  9. Now, there's 3 earth pilots that sneak into this armory 1. Does this mean that earth will steal 3 of zaft's suits this time? This seems interesting as well: Is she a newtype-ish character like Mwu then? They better have a suit with funnels again as well. Providence was executed wonderfully, thing had a total of 43 beam gun nozzles. I hope they use a similar concept again in a new suit. Can't go wrong with funnels (or a DRAGOON (Disconnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network) system as they called it in Seed.
  10. The abyss I'm not real enamored with, but the other 4 I can deal with, especially when they're rendered in the show's actual artwork. Disigns always look better like that than with this basic lineart. The Energy Supply system sounds a lot like X's sattellite power transfer, so let's see how that turns out. Has potential. I didn't want to see the suits run out of power again though anyway. And N-jammer cancellers in mass production are impractical because the n-jammers are all that keeps the colonies safe from nuclear attack. That would definately be a no-no after the armistise to have suits running around with those. Though it's an easy bet there will be bad guy suits that will have them.
  11. And finally the Mecha. Not too bad at all actually on this first impresion. You can see where they took elements on last show's suits and ran with them further. Interesting to note is the Impulse changes it's phase shift color depending on the pack used. Also, the Aile pack is built into a core fighter it looks like, Also: new Zakus ?!? Look at the mecha list and then find the corresponding pic. Gaia's not too bad after so far. I was right it seems, look at it's back. Looks like a giant BuCue ugrade. You can see the head on the back. The Abyss is an Amphibious suit. Next we need to see the various transformed modes.
  12. Thing is, the Y-wings were supposed to be out and used by the republic by the time the empire was founded. They were old already by the time of the original trilogy. I do like the idea of using the Tantive IV toward the end. A nice tie-in effect to have the then-brand-new ship be used.
  13. This I like, and may time travel be banished after this. I'll allow it for a Kira appearance, but that's it. No more Temporal anything. Having T'Pol and Tripp get married is a good idea, as they can then delve a little into their relationship's effect on the political gridlocking that's been going on. Mini-arcs are a good idea too. Lets you do a lot, that way, but not drag things out. I got real tired of seeing the lizard guy. I read a few weeks ago that the next movie might be about the Romulan Wars, another prequel, but outside of Enterprise. It was on trekfan linked through slashdot. There was talk elsewhere about if they did the romulan wars, how would they execute it. Established lore says that no human saw (of lived to tell about it) a romulan's face in the entire engagement. Not inconcievable for a entirely space-based war, but how to make that work for a movie? Unless they choose to stray and deviate from something established in the original series, which could also be no surprise.
  14. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one.
  15. It is a new day and age where we're more excited about a quality Toynami offering than a shoddy Yamato item.
  16. 55 bucks is steep for a game. Honestly I'm more excited about HL2, but Doom 3 has at least caught my interest. May wait a few months for the price to drop though.
  17. Yep, leg fast packs and missles = vaporware No pics by now can't be good for that. I am not buying the VF-0S in this condition. I might consider a D-model if it's coming, but that's only to have a D-model with those delta wings. The parts swapping still reeks of little to no effort regarding this thing. Detail isn't bad, but there are issues with this thing that shouldn't be there this late in the game. The hips are still awful. Figured before that no mods would have been made to the sculpt, but now it's in stone. From this example the VB-6 will be exactly as shown, but at least that one looks plenty good. They didn't even try on this VF-0 though. What were the delays for then? Nothing. Still no word on price either.
  18. Sorry to hear that man. Good luck to you and your daughter.
  19. I still like these stands way better.
  20. Yes, I know. The VF-0D appeared in episode 2, in both Shin's blue/white version and the standard gray/white version. Shin's was destroyed in episode 3. I'm referring to a 1/72 VF-0D from Hasegawa. OK, never mind then As for the D model hasegawa, it's just a matter of time before that baby comes out.
  21. I'm on an AthlonXP 2400+, 512 MB RAM, and a GeForce4MX 440 (64 MB) so I'm fine. My dad's pc that my brother uses though is an Athlon 1.2GHz, 384 MB ram, and an old Radeon 32MB DDR, so nothing I can for that one right now, outside of Buying a new ATI for mine and handing down the GeForce 4MX. Doesn't fix the processor problem though. He'll live though as he's more of a console gamer so missing pc games doesn't bug him any. He just borrows my Warcraft III and Jedi outcast discs to play. Actually, I still need to pick up the new UT. I'm still playing the old one when I get the itch.
  22. Anubis


    The bandai VF-17 doesn't look bad lined up with the other Yamato's at least.
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