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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. They were even going after wallscrolls. Seriously If more quality wallscrolls were released domestically, then there wouldn't be a problem there wouldn't it? What other "unauthorized" merchandise are they talking about?
  2. Rockville!!
  3. I give you boundless props for have the courage and the stones to try to bore out those head lasers. Further props for getting it right. Good job!
  4. That's a good question as well, wether there is as much closure as the manga will provide. If they use the last hour for that then that would be pretty cool. Should be enough time to take out Naraku by then. A show this long MUST have a good amount of closure time. One of the principal things that pissed me off about Ranma was it's lack of any closure, but Takahashi got it right with Maison Ikkoku apparently (haven't seen MI). I expect to see at least Sango and Miroku to get hitched for the end, or I will be irked. No idea how they will deal with Inu Yasha and Kagome. My-off-the-wall guess is using the jewel to become human intead of a full demon like he always said he wanted to do back in the beginning, then backed off of. Have to wait and see what happens, though I am looking forward to seeing how everything is resolved. Suffice to say, a 167 episode show should have a chick-flick-level happy ending, IMO. I'll start putting synopses later. Have to write down some names and the details, and finish downloading the 2 eps I'm missing. For now though it looks like Kagura is close to figuring out exactly what needs to be done to finish Naraku off, just a matter of the mechanics, and the where the other half of Hakudoshi is being hidden, since that "child" is where Hakudoshi and Naraku's hearts are, she realized a few of episodes ago. Looks like Shassoumaru has to lend a hand as well, which is always good have him around. If the show is ending in september, then when is the manga finishing? It should be ahead of the show shouldn't it?
  5. Hmm, the more I look at it, the more I like it. Even without the desert shot. Want to see that one with the std. desert first though to compare. Nice job, TLW. I think the cockpit side panels own over the lineart panels, and would be so shiny with the metal box. Bet Paul would like it better too
  6. Great job on the mustang. The flipped rear end came out pretty good.
  7. from Anime on Dvd's Comic Con coverage is this from the Viz panel: So according to this guy the show will end at Ep 167. Episode 158 is now available subbed from Anime-Kraze, so there's not much left to go now, and the story does appear to be drawing close to its climax finally. I'm still downloading 157 and 158.
  8. C-ko from Project A-Ko Mihoshi from Tenchi
  9. Let's do the box spreads in the design thread please, of else it'll be harder to keep track. The deserts are better then the 19/21 silverish pic on the spine as well, IMO. I do like the top though.
  10. I also suggested using the source Sharon pic on the spine, extracting her as would look best, but I didn't get many positives on it. The consensus appeared to favor a variation of the desert image. That was about when bobe patt started experimenting, first turning this blue, and then trying the composite out, which gave a best of both worlds to the spine I think.
  11. I think it's pretty much obvious by the name of the thread alone that this is going to be spoiler-filled, so we probably don't need spoiler warnings in all the posts. Thread like this, put it in the title, then it's nice and easy.
  12. yeah, those are better Coming up.
  13. I found Wolfwod's death unnecessary, almost wasteful. I wasn't happy. Kind of ruined the show for me. Some good ones, I'll avoid the obvious Macross examples: The story arc in Full Metal Panic where Sosuke is with a squad in the Desert tracking Gauron. Each of them are killed by Gauron while Sosuke is fighting his former friend. Very tragic, and then his friend's death follows after. It's a good mement where Sosuke is the only one left as he walks the desert dragging the recovered nuke. The music fit the entire episode perfect. Mwu in Gundam Seed. Didn't want to see him go, but he went out with some style, shielding the Archangel. Anavel Gato's end in Gundam 0083 was also pretty cool, diving into the Fed fleet. The surprising number of deaths in Fushigi Yugi were also handled very well, very touchingly. Gendo's end in EoE was quite appropriate. A stupid death was Tolle in Gundam Seed. Saw that one coming a mile away. He had to have known the missles he shot at thr Aegis wouldn't have done anything, IF they connected, which they didn't. He then takes a shield to the cockpit.
  14. This'll actually be the 3rd time I've bought Eva complete. Got the VHS tapes, bought the first two dvd's when they first came out and stopped, eventually bought the black box set, then the DC's when those came out (geve the old vol 1,2,7,8 to by brother, still owe him 3-6) and now I'll get these. Don't forget the manga.
  15. Here's a basic not-really-sized-right workup using the cockpits. Not sure what to think about it though. Orientation is definately a big thing using these images, facing up is kind of odd, but this might be something to explore further. I'll do a better one with photoshop later.
  16. I added a poll so we can better see who wants which spine. These are the only two well recieved spines, and go with whatever the side panels are.
  17. Desert/sharon composite
  18. Regular Desert Pic
  19. Looks like we've narrowed it down to either the regular Isamu Desert shot for the spine, or the same image with an image of Sharon embedded in the sky, courtesy of Bobe-patt. I vote for Bobe-Patt's personally, but let's see the tallies so we can best agree what is going to be on the spine.
  20. I still love the "no photograph" signs in every converntion picture spread. Why do they bother putting the signs there?
  21. The QF-2001 Ghost is mounted on the VF-Zero. The picture clearly shows this. wow...using the drone as a fastpack almost!! how ingenius! Maybe they got the idea for the VF-1's fast pack system from rigging this "booster" up on the Zero.
  22. I'll say one thing, EA special forces are VERY lax in their uniforms. Imagine the fit Natarle would have had if she saw this guys They're more lax in appearance than the psycho trio she had to baby sit (kinda), and she didn't like them either.
  23. I say go on the sharon spine.
  24. I don't see anything wrong with that Even under lucas expect the body count to be quite high at the end of this one.
  25. That doesn't really make sence though. We all know the Alliance/Blue Cosmos isn't the most honest and noble of organizations. So if nuke PLANT happens to be the adgenda of the day, I don't think any ban is going to keep them from making a couple NJCs. If PLANT really wanted to be safe from another all out nuclear assault they'd probably be better off with a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) policy and build another GENESIS or two. Yeah, that is true, they are woefully dishonest. There is probably a MAD type cloud though hovering though. The only thing that would keep Earth from trying the same stuff again would be the threat of PLANT's retaliation. They did build the Genesis pretty quick, they could build another, of some other doozy. It would also be simple for zaft to send a new invasion force. and lead to another dragged out war. Neither side wants that, so it may be kind of like now, where there are some weapons disallowed by the geneva conventions. Similar concept, but everyone knows Blue Cosmos will try some shady stuff. My guess at least.
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