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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. No more space in the cases. Already. I should be able to fit the Metal Material Aile Strike, MG Freedom, 1/144 HG Astray, 1/144 HG Providence, and my Lacus Statue, in one shelf. Have to get her off the desk shelf because I'm planning on getting a printer soon. I'm actually limiting the 1/100's I'm getting now. Have to. The molding on the 1/144 Astray is good, so it'll be sufficient. If the HG 1/144 Freedom wasn't a piece of crap (obviously on purpose, same as the HG 1/100, so the MG would look that much better) I might have settled for that instead. If I get the MG Black Trinity Zaku II I'm thinking about, the HGUC Quebley Mk. II gets put away along with the Guntank that I put away to make room for the Fix Ex-S Gundam. If I get any other Gundam kits after that, the MG God and Master Gundams get put away. I never did have space form the get-go to put my Deathscythe-H custom or Chrome Wing Zero Custom out. When I eventually move and have more space I'll get a 3rd display case. If for some reason I can't spread the wing's full, I might pose the Freeodm like this, but swap the beam rifle for the double-blade beam saber.
  2. Can't wait for mine! I hope it fits in my display case with the wings spread. Also ordered a 1/144 Red Astray (space limitations) so I'll paint them together at the same time.
  3. Congrats Monkey!!
  4. Just ordered a MG Freedom from Toy-Wave. May be getting a Black Trinity Zaku II soon, too.
  5. I might buy two of these depending on the price.
  6. I'm telling you, use a 1/60 CF posed standing triumphant among the debris. Or use a PG Gundam.
  7. Big difference with this remaster. I like so far. Sample 2
  8. Animenation's been kind enough to post a few comparison sample shots. I think I'll have to make some time and sit through the disc this weekend. Sample 1
  9. Excellent news!
  10. Since there is the separate Millia release, I'm going with the following now: Claudia (Macross) Shin (M0) Gamlin (M7) Myung (M+) Isamu or Guld (M+) Guvava or Sharon PC for the chase Maybe swap Myung out and make it Guld and Isamu for set 3, save her and Sharon for set 4.
  11. How's the stability? The Aile Strike is still my favorite out of Seed though.
  12. Providence had over 40 beam nozzles thanks to the funnels, shield lasers, and beam rifle. Bad ass design. As for the models, give it a good paint job and it comes out really nice. I do have to say even the HG 1/144 was very well molded. Little parts and all. I painted up this one just by spray painting the parts runners. With the MG treatment and a display stand it would be uber-sweet. BTW, actually, the Strike Rouge as seen in Seed used the Strike's exact Aile Strike package, just a different phase shift paint scheme. The IWSP pack was from MSV, so not really in the continuity. Yet.
  13. Best buy is by far the most annoying with the damn warranties. I watched a cashier bug a lady this week about the warranty on a cheap CD player. After she said no, he also pitched the warranty for the cordless phone she was buying. I don't buy many electronics stores anymore (most of my PC stuff is done online now) so I don't have to worry about that often. I go for DVD's (and shake the case every time to check for floaters). I also hate stores' renewed love of mail-in-rebates rebates instead of just doing the sale price upfront. Jolly Roger's horror story isn't the only one I have read about power-tripping-over-zealous jerks at Best Buy. They're stupid when it comes to those damn warranties. Circuit City here isn't as bad with the warranties, but the store layout absolutely sucks, so I never go there. The guys at Suncoast here are cool, know a few of them from high school actually, but the prices are too high, like any dvd place in the mall. The worst customer service ever though that I have experienced though is at the BX when I was in the Air Force. Name your location. Competency was always lacking. Only reason I shopped there was for the no sales tax, even then I sometimes went to the vastly superior local Target.
  14. 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 拓海 Takumi (open sea)
  15. I want an MG Providence.
  16. I absolutely love it. And the FINALLY transformed it right!! The shuttle's "wings" aren't really clicked into place actually though, if this proto even can. I think it's a painted proto, with unsecure joints. Same as the Q-rau with the blocks supporting it. Yamato gets some cool points back with this one, though I really want to see an MSRP on it.
  17. Twin Moons Valkyrie Exchange or ask Haterist when/if he'll do another mass order. Great Stands. HaHa, same time as MM posting Here's a pic of mine from another thread. I like these stands very much for lineups.
  18. Well, since the "guy heard from the producer" it may or not be true in the end in 167 after all, but we'll see. It would be nice to have everything the manga does, but I wonder if they would really condense it to finish by 167. Possibly the series will finish with the 4th movie after all if there's no time to finish it in the remaining 7 episodes after 160? Still waiting for Anime-Kraze's 159 to show up. Anyone subbing earlier, or are they still the way to go?
  19. Anubis

    2 seater 1/48s

    I'm doen with 1/48 VF-1's, except for a CF.
  20. OK, I have to ask: Why are they posed leaning so badly in that horribly unnatural pose? Also, if you pose them normally, the booster weight isn't a problem. Like that, maybe.
  21. Even though they call it a "movie" it's really the 3 episode OVA in OVA form.
  22. Kohaku has regained all his memories and is trying to see what he can do, but he is limited in what he can do and has to do what Naraku tells him, and can't deviate, because he knows Nakaku will mind-wipe him again if he finds out Kohaku got his memories back. Doesn't seem like he knows if he can trust Kagura or not yet to work with her. In 159 Sango will fight Kohaku and I guess he'll spill his guts to her and let her know, as she apparrantly has finally decided to finish him off the end of based off of 158's cliffhanger. Also, both Naraku and Hakudoushi's hearts are in Mouryoumaru, so it'll be a two for one once they can find and destroy that thing, though I fully expect it won't stay a sleeping "baby" forever, expecially when they can finally threaten it. Would be too easy. I got 158 downloaded, and I'm working on the recent summaries to post up (I'll start with entering the border between the life and afterlife), though with class I won't finish until friday or saturday. Also from Animeondvd Glad I waited until now to pre-order the season set. $89.99 from right stuf before GotAnime discount. Not passing that one up.
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