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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Wow, that's a lot of detail. Explains the hefty price tag. Very very nice. Out of my budget though now.
  2. Doesn't come with any.
  3. The OVA's released by Pioneer encompass OVA series 1 and 2. Series 1 ran up through part 6 with Kagato. These new OVA's are brand new continuations. Larger plot blooming, involving that Lady Tokemi. Tenchi is supposed to hook up with someone be the end of OVA 3, and then the aftermath of everything will be covered in OVA 4. That's what the man in charge said during his early production interview. Apparently watching GXP might help as well, because there are characters seen and others referenced to that are from GXP in the OVA as well. I haven't seen it yet though.
  4. Zoomed from the screen cap w/ Kira. Is that what I think it is? Hopefully. That's all for now outside of a few other chracter shots.
  5. Gunner Zaku Warrior
  6. Yeah, I mentioned that before, you can see the head on the backside of the promo pic. Doesn't look half bad actually now that we see it.
  7. Zaku loving! Zaku Warrior
  8. One thing I found funny, though an obvious homage to the original, is it looks like the two halves of the Impulse can be launched independently, and combine with the core fighter like the RX-78 did occasionally. upper half
  9. Gaia's transformation.
  10. GORGEOUS Lacus pic.
  11. New Seed Destiny pics. Kira's in upper left of this one.
  12. That's kind of surprising actually, no HK boot. Also, the new OVAs have already been liscensed by Funimation, though not surprising given GXP. They aired a trailer recently for the OVA. A lot of subbers already pulled the existing 3 off the sites.
  13. 5 episodes per disc for tv gundam is standard so we're pretty good off there at least. 3 episodes a disc for Full Metal Alchemist is something to complain about.
  14. Not yet, but they're coming. Supposed to be 6 or so (I think) for OVA3, and then not sure for OVA 4. That's from back when they announced the new tenchi.
  15. I'm in! I'll get some clear cases and use the Animeigo ones on the inside, with Garoquel's outside.
  16. Should have my Seed vol1+box tomorrow hopefully. I'll give it a view this weekend hopefully. Also very much looking forward to F91 and Zeta, more so as they get closer.
  17. No big deal about Takara, though disappointing. I'm getting Hasbro's anyway.
  18. Only thing about gundamstoreandmore.com is they apparantly haven't added anything new in the last couple of months. There are a bunch of HGUC and MG kits that haven't been added yet.
  19. I do wonder how well that would have balanced if it made production. Those rail cannons and arms completely throw the center of gravity off, unless the body was die cast, and the barrels were ABS. Then it would have bene fine. Beutiful sculpt though, just too big for me to have even considered the 1/60 Mk II Monster. I am tremendously happy with how the VB-6 is coming along though.
  20. Toy-wave still has the MG Freedom. It's multi-layer wings are why I like the Freedom as well, it just looks so slick.
  21. Yeah, Sports Authority sucks here too. So does Gaylans. Very surprising given the size fo that store, but they truly suck there. Modell's is pretty cool here though.
  22. If it's a $160, then I'll get one, not two.
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