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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Yep, the Gaia does become a quadraped. Also, Chaos's "barrels" actually are gunbarrels apparrently. Gunota Headlines has a bunch of new pics up.
  2. The two halves bit is a direct homage to the RX-78, and then the sillouette packs give it it's add-ons. The Impulse is to the Strike what the Mk. II was to the RX-78 gundam in a way. Has some shades of GP01 in there to me. It's acceptable to me, the "aile" version doesn't look bad, undecided on the other 2 starter packs though until I see them in the show. Chaos and Abyss just look crappy though. The Gaia I acyually like, and the Savior isn't anything special, but at least acceptable. Looks better than the Airmaster at least. Abyss is inexcusable. Chaos really does look like it's trying to do a gerwalk. Few mecha issues aside the show itself I am still quite looking forward too, as long as they clear up loose ends this time over it's run.
  3. part 2. These lower two, I don't like.
  4. The hell? The Zero is a ver. ka. as well? Or is this the conversion kit?
  5. A PG Aile Strike would be sweet, though I would have no space for it. MG Wing Zero sounds great, but not until I get a 3rd cabinet some day. I may get a Ball for Zaku soccer purposes though.
  6. Cagalli should have to back Athrun up at some point, so the Strike Rouge would need something new at least. OK folks, here are the transformed modes for all the mobile suits:
  7. From Gunota Headlines, the cover of the latest Gundam Ace, with an apparent confirmation of the MG Ball. Look in the upper right. Question is: Is anyone planning to actually buy the ball if released? It would have to be insanely cheap, so that alone might make it worth a look possibly. At least to have it displayed being beat up by some Zaku's. Soccer?
  8. Gunota headlines has a quip from an interview that says Seed MSV mecha will show up in Seed Destiny. Good news there at least. I will make my initial wager right now: Strike Rouge w/ IWSP pack (with an IWSP equivalent for the Impuse later like I've said already). Having the Red and Blue Frames as well would rock if that happens.
  9. Only Mobile Armor I really liked was the Neul Ziel. But with the sculpt Stamen showed the Big Zam doesn't look half bad.
  10. Natalie Portman filmography from IMDB. She was good in Where the Heart is. She hasn't really been in a lot though yet.
  11. Beat you to it this morning. Still on the fist page, and already locked . Laughed my butt off this morning though.
  12. The 25th anniversary date already passed IIRC.
  13. That is so cool on many levels. Good sculpts apparently, and a lot of them. I bet the two "secret" ones are the Seed mecha as they are suspiciously missing from the line-up.
  14. This deal is complete bull$&*^.
  15. The Hi-Zack just came out. Awesome box art.
  16. Great article. Bear guzzles 36 beers, passes out at campground
  17. Yeah, go with a Zeta or a green Zaku. I agree that the Wing would look a little out of place there.
  18. Awesome. The Aile pack on that scheme would have looked bad ass too. Great work.
  19. So the bitch tries to stab him in public with a steak knife and it's his fault? Guess she didn't really want the check. Twisted.
  20. I bet that guy is pretty pissed right now.
  21. Well, I've discovered another level: 3500 - Macross II Survivor
  22. Bandai can make a perfect HG 1/144 kit. They are just inconsistent with it. some kits have "lit" beam saber blades, some don't. The Providence kit was awesome. Even at 1/144 it had like two stickers, one for the eyes, the other for the green lens on the shield. The Head antennae had the parts it was supposed to, the shield had all the little parts molded in different colors. Lit beam saber blade. Very well done. The Freedom 1/144 on the other hand, was a piece of crap. They didn't even include stickers to make the upper halves of the wings black. The 1/100 could also have had perfect molding, but instead had stickers for the black wing parts. The quality sculpting was obviously saved for the MG kit purposefully. The Astray 1/144 isn't bad, but there are parts they could have easy molded properly, but included nothing, such as the white parts of the tricep area, and the red piece that's supposed to be behind the head. Not a bad 1/144 though overall. The 1/100 kit looks awesome though. I have been very impressed in general with the HGUC kits. Thay have been packing a lot of detail, and very cheap. I'm beginning to really want a Gaplant kit as well.
  23. Anime Castle still has Roy in stock for $150. Ver. 1 most likely.
  24. That's not a bad one either. I think he had a visor.
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