Bandai can make a perfect HG 1/144 kit. They are just inconsistent with it. some kits have "lit" beam saber blades, some don't. The Providence kit was awesome. Even at 1/144 it had like two stickers, one for the eyes, the other for the green lens on the shield. The Head antennae had the parts it was supposed to, the shield had all the little parts molded in different colors. Lit beam saber blade. Very well done. The Freedom 1/144 on the other hand, was a piece of crap. They didn't even include stickers to make the upper halves of the wings black. The 1/100 could also have had perfect molding, but instead had stickers for the black wing parts. The quality sculpting was obviously saved for the MG kit purposefully. The Astray 1/144 isn't bad, but there are parts they could have easy molded properly, but included nothing, such as the white parts of the tricep area, and the red piece that's supposed to be behind the head. Not a bad 1/144 though overall. The 1/100 kit looks awesome though.
I have been very impressed in general with the HGUC kits. Thay have been packing a lot of detail, and very cheap. I'm beginning to really want a Gaplant kit as well.