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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Millia's out! Hobby Search has her listed in stock. Guessing the q-rau pilot is behind the other two.
  2. Ironically, Tisinc still has a Hikaru VF-1S on ebay for $150 BIN. Ends in an hour and a half. Someone ought to snatch it. If no one does any wagers on how high it'll jump in price? link
  3. Wow! He had 'em listed at $250 last night (and actually sold one)! What a difference a day makes, huh? Just noticed he hasn't yet changed the price on his store site. Still $250 there, so if you're quick, you can save $25. OK, that's just F^*&^^g wrong. Price gouging at the first inkling it may be a while to get more. Of course, assuming some moron pays that abhorrent price, then everyone on ebay will start asking 250 at least for Roy. Ebay artificial inflation. Yamato probably just needs the space at the factory to start producing the VF-0's and the VB-6's.
  4. Bandai confirmed Zeta for the end of the year not long ago, and there's no way they'll miss Christmas on it. Hopefully there'll be a date soon. F-91 cover art.
  5. Mojority of anime discs are 30 bucks MSRP, others are 25. It's been getting a lot better except for two cetain studios (Viz and Fumimation) who like to put huge 50+ episode series on 3 episodes a disc spanning into infinity. You'll find a $30 MSRP title for $18-22 on pre-order online. I shall now direct you over to rightstuf.com for your anime needs.
  6. Finally a date for F-91 has been revealed by the Bandai New Title Solicitations: Mobile Suit Gundam F-91 - 118 minutes - $29.98 - 11/09/2004 UC Gundam Movie Pack - 616 minutes - $69.98 - 11/09/2004 Now we need a date for Zeta. The Movie Pack has -Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy -Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack -Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team: Miller's Report
  7. I'll take one please! Awesome work Rohby!
  8. There's another one that shows the Impulse linking up just like the RX-78 used to in flight, but it was just past the size limit for here.
  9. Some gifs from the new trailer. Shin at Orb during the fight
  10. Damn Gunotoa Headlines is useful: On this one I am going to say: WTF? Rumored name: Neo Roanoke Note that he has a Fed uniform.
  11. You could've bought the weapons pack set and 2 extra plain strikes to display all 3 modes. Don't see any problem with that.....unless you're like me and can only afford one. When the Strike was released by itself, there were no listings for the Strike+weapon pack release, so I'm sure a lot of people bought the Strike figuring there would be a separate weapons system release, and then caught by surprise later.
  12. Theere should be without a doubt Y-Wings during Ep. III, pretty new at that time. There were at least in their 20's during the OT. Hopefully they show up under the separatist banner. That would also would easily tie in with the fact that almost all the existing Y-Wings found their way into Rebel hands.
  13. Galvatron in the comic was pretty cool. Since Megatron was still around, in stasis at the time after being fused with ratchet (good story line btw, pushed an already stressed out prime even further), Unicron pulled Galvatron from an alternate timeline to do his bidding Galvatron wasn't happy. He played more of a sideline plotting role (I think with Shockwave and Starscream, but those two might have been on the sides alone). Scorponock was still in charge during the whole Unicron affair. Finally he bumped into megatron in the ark two issues before the last, and immediately tried to destroy Megatron after his initial shock wore off (after he tossed Shockwave aside who was poised to kill Megatron). Megatron was still kind of dazed from waking up out of stasis. Eventually Galvatron stopped himself, realized Megatron was a part of himself or some other revalation, and he and Megatron agreed that they could do great things together, and proceeded to gang up on Shockwave. Shame that story arc couldn't progress. Got a quick end as Ratchet got starscream to accidentally destroy the Ark's engines, and the ship crashed. Galvatron spent the next issue fighting Fort Max eventually having his ass handed to him after putting up a good fight, though blinded with rage seeing red, and couldn't be very objective. The crash did mess him up some. Obviously a forced ending, as the comic was going to be ending the next issue. Apparenly not dead though, since Fort Max only bore his finger in his chest, picked him up, and punched him though some ice (they were in the arctic). End of fight. They tore each other up though.
  14. If it's a Perfect Grade, then it should come with all it's weapons. That does make it a PG. Though the way they've marketed Seed it wouldn't surprise me if the sold it alone or with just the Aile. The 1/60 HG strike release pissed me off. They sold the strike by itself, and then the strike+weapons. That was complete BS, they should have at least sold the weapon packs alone for those that bought the Strike by itself. I was so happy I didn't buy just the Strike when I was it originally, and stuck with my Metal Material Aile Strike. The perfect grade should be an uber detailed upgraded version of this out of the box, and nothing less:
  15. Typical UC suits ran in the 18-20odd meter height range. The F91 and V suits averaged out at 15.
  16. There's a transformer inside that humanoid exterior shell. That's a pretender. I got: Yeeeah. BTW: I totally forgot that RATBAT ran the show briefly.
  17. A Perfect Grade Strike BETTER come with all 3 backpacks otherwise it's not a true Perfect Grade, and come with a frame to mount them on like the GP01 did. Still waiting for more ZEON Perfect Grades
  18. yeah, I was just looking at that. Sucks to see a nice set like that without the actual armor in it. How do you report fraudulent items like that?
  19. Now there's going to be a Seed Destiny astray as well, taking place in the two years in between Seed and Seed Destiny. link
  20. Yeah, and his family was apperantly killed then. Would make quite a bit of anger towards the EA. Can't have a main character without any teen angst after all.
  21. So the Gold Frame gets built up with Revovered Blitz parts? Sweetness.
  22. Wow, the sculpt looks SO much better now on the VF-0. The corrected wings and backpack hinge, as well as the much improved hips make a big difference here. Still not enamored at the parts swapping, but with the overall sculpt being so much improved over the crappy previous one I can forgive it. With this sculpt they actually have displayed some effort, and I'm happy to see the leg armor finally. I still maintain my theory about the VF-0's parts swapping being to make it match up to the SV-51, which would require parts swapping to be viable at all. There's no way to make a sturdy perfect transformation SV-51 in anything less than giant scale. Yamato has gotten some of their cool points back on the VF-0. I'm glad they displayed the effort to fix this thing. Now I want to see a D-model. Only question left is what's the MSRP going to be? Also, the more I see the VB-6, the more I love it. That Priss figure is awesome too.
  23. That is bad ass. Is that the gold frame?
  24. One that was kind of funny: Athrun, doing his best to end the Quattro Bageena comparisons
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