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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Is it me or is that Mwu's chin?
  2. New update from Gunota Headlines. Like GUNDAM being an acronym in Seed, ZAKU will also be one. Blue Cosmos appears to be the big problem this time if the new leader is being showcased already. The Mirage Colloid and Neutron Jammer Cancellers are now banned equipment under the treaty, but everyone knows both will be used anyway at some point. By saying not necessarily having Kira, Lacus, and Milliaria in the show despite the opening, I'm taking that to mean not yet. That may be for stuff later they don't want to get into just yet before the show even starts. Also considering Lacus's fan base I doubt they would leave her out of the show. Apparently Shin will sulk less than Athrun, which is definately a plus.
  3. I've been wondering, given what the initial 5 are like, what is the mid-series replacement going to look like? We've got a Strike Mk II thing going for the Impulse, maybe some type of funnel equipped MS for the mid-series upgrade? I can forsee huge ugly mobile armors making their way in as well, I hope not, but can easily see it happening sooner or later.
  4. Actually the Freedom would kick the double X's ass since the double X has to wait for the sattellite beam and has that ridiculous charge up time. Freedom is just click--> boom. And it looks slicker.
  5. Another shot
  6. Finally finished with mine! (Actually finished during the week, except the dry transfer markings which I did tonight.)
  7. Actually..... Lest we forget the Grand Master Gundam. Not quite a gestalt, but it did incorporate parts from all 4 of those suits.
  8. Dammit don't scare me like that! It's BS, but well done BS. Funny stuff. Where's it from?
  9. We'd break the legs on that "perfect variable" in about 10 minutes. Midsectiopn does look too long. Other than that very nice. Even the nicest kit conversion has some form of compromise in it's design.
  10. Ah, but they have. Remember the ring of lights above Phoenix some years back? Coverage the night it happened, and then silence, no mention anywhere. Also the lights some pilots were chasing in south america a few months ago. Wacky explanation they gave on that one.
  11. Love the light grey on that Mk II. Great job.
  12. Luck would have it the Gundam Movie Trilogy DVD box is on sale this week for $30 at Right Stuf. Anyone who hasn't seen them yet really need to pick this one up. Then you'll be all set for Zeta.
  13. Much less. No nipples. The last OVA episode of Please Twins has a little nip, and some more Mizuho fanservice as well. Overall it's a good fanservice balance in both shoes. Not as much Herikawa in Twins as I would have liked though.
  14. I enjoyed both shows a great deal.
  15. Anyone else interested in some Cyclone touch-up?
  16. Man, I thought I went on a shopping binge this summer. My cases are way different than what I posted earlier as well. Love the Azumanga gashapons!
  17. Like I put in the wonderfest thread, I can deal with replacing the hip section for battroid, and with removing the rear part of the legs for fighter mode. That would fix the problems right there. Of course the langing gear would then be detchable as well, which is also fine with me: it's going on a tripod stand anyway. The landing gear buffs would also be served by having better looking gears. Replacing the hips could yield posability, durability, and it would look right finally. Taking the back part of the leg off for fighter mode would be the easiest method to make a streamlined fighter, and adding them back on would to make an accurate battroid/gerwalk. I also want it in 1/72 still. I would accept 1/100 in a pinch, but 1/72 would be much preferred.
  18. The Aile pack would have been a much better pack-in than the damn sky grasper. Let the sky grasper come with the eventual sword/launcher pack option package release. Oh well, at least they priced it appropriately for what's in the box.
  19. Pre-ordered Zeta last night from right stuf for $135 shipped.
  20. Does anyone else find it cheap and stupid for it to only come with two heads for the 3 bodies? I for one find it another strange marketing decision, especially for the around 30 buck price tag. Maybe take the head from the one that came with the q-rau and somehow attach it to the new pilot.
  21. The Sky Grasper is a pretty simple machine overall. The price does seem kind of low though actually. Maybe because of the projected sales numbers?
  22. Here are the two secret caps.
  23. OK, it's not going to have all the packs, but from this pick it should have the Aile Pack, and apparently a 1/60 Sky Grasper to go with it. Not bad for 14700 yen. With all 3 it would have been much higher, so that's a plus at least. It also has the best waist design ever.
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