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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Which reminds me. I recently got a hold of some HK's of the original versions on DVD. Video quality is a bit grainy, but nothing too terible. Looks like they were made from the laser disc definative collection. http://www.dvdbulksale.com/dvd/DVDSF05041003.shtml Took about a week to ship, and they come with covers & no cases. I've already picked up some double disc amaray's to pack them together with the box set when it comes out. Thanks for the link, just ordered one myself, so now I can have both versions.
  2. Here is a complete pic spread of the Impulse in all it's configurations. It's the MSiA's but it's something at least. link In other news, CN has screwed Seed over again it seems. First they screw with it with all those commercial breaks, now starting Oct. 16 Seed will be replaced by Rurouni Kenshin on Toonami. All I can hope is that now it's poised to go to Adult Swim. Case Closed will only make it to Ep. 52 (all CN ordered), so maybe CN will use Seed in the timeslot. I hope at least. For now it seems they just ordered up through Ep. 26 being stupid. They're clipping it right before it really picks up once they leave Orb the first time. Hopefully it comes back soon in a real time slot, not buried Sat. night at 10:30. The guy that thought that up to begin with needed to be smacked anyway. CN has not said what it's new Seed plans were save it's coming off on the 16th. At least DVD Vol. 2 and 3 come out in October.
  3. The show hasn't aired and yet rumors have come which sound like they will be coming from the end of the show (which probably hasn't even been written yet). Yeah, there are rumors about Kira's involvement and and the midseries replacement being the Destiny Gundam. A little to early in the game to be reaching that far. The "Destiny" that was posted somewhere was basically a freedom with an IWSP pack on it. ?? Come on. Besides, they already said DESTINY is another acronym, same as GUNDAM, ZAKU, and SEED. They haven't finished the ending stuff yet completely. Like how Seed was in production still as it aired.
  4. "Shooting at the same time" I can deal with. Way better than Greedo shoots first at least. An acceptable comprimise.
  5. Call me crazy, but it looks like one or two are missing from that one. Is there more to that sheet. There's no S. BERNARD, or the yellow shoulder sticker. Well my stickers came from the Henshin Robo release. Maybe the Japanese release has more stickers. But the S. Bernard and a few other stickers are already on the toy. As far as I know, mine was new and it came that way from the factory. I also have a Legioss sticker sheet from the Henshin Robo release as well. Yeah, I thought so. Cool, the ones form the sticker sheet are the ones that are peeling most anyway (at least on mine), and a simpler sheet means Anasazi should have an easier time making them. Though it would be cool to get done if possible, I don't know how the other stickers that came on the toy could be done.
  6. Not really. Unless you also think that Ray Za Burrel and Stellar Loussier are also clones, since they share Le Crueset and Flay/Natarle's VA's. I commented a while back about this when I first mentioned the VA list. Read the thread. It's common to recycle VA's, there are a few actors from Seed who voice different characters now. But putting the same VA for Mwu in a new masked man, when the first masked man had a strong tie to Mwu, leads to the theories I have mentioned. Just theories. It's fun to speculate sometimes. Wether I'm in the ballpark or not we'll see when the show airs. Side note (just read the closed rumor thread): I would also be wary of the rumor mill. There's a lot of stuff that will be "leaked" that will very likely be BS. Trust the magazine articles and press releases, as well as whoever catches the raws first. Remember, all actual the info gleaned so far is for the first episode or two. That's it. Just like the info that was around when Seed came out. The mid-season relacement mecha most likely won't be revealed until: almost mid-season. We spent a long time saying "what is that MS in the intro?"
  7. Should be easy enough to transform it to Wave Rider from looking at the instructions. I haven't had the drive or courage to try it on mine though yet. Also, if you have a PG Zaku or get one, get some Zeta Zaku pics. I can't since I put the PG Zaku idea on the shelf for now. Money and space killed that plan.
  8. The Freedom, Nu Gundam, and Sazabi are the best MG Kit's I've bought. The little rings for the zeon hosel always bugged me too, trying to be careful not to cut too much off, and the fact that they take FOREVER to finish. The end result loks awesome though if you're careful. I love my Zeon Suits. While not my favorite designs the God and Master Gundams (ok I do like the Master a lot) were excellent kits, the inner frames were awesome. Back to Wing, I am no longer a big fan of the designs. I used to love the Deathscythe Hell Custom, but now that I've seen more Gundam shows, it's way down the list. The 1/100 Epyon is a floppy mess. When I by another case I'll probably display the DH and W0 again, but that's it for Wing. Unless they make an MG Tallgeese, that I would buy. Maybe an MG Epyon too, could do some good poses with that one in MG. Side question: Is anyone actually planning to buy any deactive mode Seed models? They have HG deactives coming and now the MG deactive Strike. I'm not touching those personally. I couldn't bring myself to buy the metal material Launcher/Sword Strike yet either(though I may cave eventually on that one).
  9. Feel free to ask him, couldn't hurt. Make sure a source is still available though, he may not have one anymore.
  10. It's not called a beer belly for nothing I've never looked at my alcohol calorie content, not that I drink much anyway. Only way I could say to know for sure is look at the packages when you make the next alcohol run to the store. They should have the same "nutrition" info everything else has, right?
  11. I watched one episode of Seed raw cause I had to know what happended (right after Blitz was destroyed) and I couldn't take not having subs. I can't do raws. I'll be waiting eagerly every week for the next subbed Destiny episode all over again.
  12. I'd imagine Haro^2 would sub Seed Destiny just like they finished off Seed for us. Finding the fansubs may be trickier, but possible with the right sites. Bandai hasn't gone after subbers like ADV has recently. If not, then I'll succumb to HK this time as a hold over at least.
  13. I'm at a loss on that one. No idea what the deal is there until I see the kit.
  14. He's definately not Mwu's son, Mwu was in his 20's still. If the masked men are going to "stay in the family", then it's gotta be either a twin, or more likely a clone I still think (since they already threw the cloning card on the table). Neo sharing Mwu's VA has got to be a sign though.
  15. Point could have been made without tossing scryed pics in. We all know the designer's tendencies and discussed the similarities in other threads. We already agreed anyway: We don't know who it is. Just speculation until we watch the show. Based on how things were done in Seed, you can make a few theories for Destiny.
  16. Kluze lost his helmet though, and with the exposed vacuum, he wouldn't have been able to get out before the genesis fired. But who knows? Anything could happen. More reason to watch destiny to find out what the deal is. There's still enough loose plot threads left from Seed to tie this into.
  17. Hmmm... I am SO going with evil Mwu clone on this one. Since La Kluze was an evil Mwu's father clone, it would stand to reason dad made a copy of his boy too.
  18. 4000 yen for the deactive strike? I smell launcher/sword package, same thing they did for the metal material version. They released the Aile strike, and then the deactive metal material version later with the other equipment and sky grasper. Wonder if the MG deactive will have the grasper as well?
  19. Yeah, same here in a way. I have a 1/100 Chrome Wing Zero Custom that I don't have space for right now. Pretty satisfied with that one, and it's stable if I use at least one wing for support. Rather spend the money on a MG Hi-Zack and a HGUC Gaplant down the line. They really did great on the wings on that MG though.
  20. Those are some big beautiful wings. Don't know about the yellow shoulder cannons though, maybe cause its a prototype.
  21. So how DOES the remaster actually look? Better or worse than those pics? It's like night and day. Awesome. The remaster came out great.
  22. Wether or not one agrees with Animeondvd's reviews (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't) you at least get plenty of info on the show enough to see if it's something that may interest you enough to give it a try. ANN's reviews on the other hand I've disagreed with lots of times, but less so lately. Opinions are like @$$holes, everyone's got one. Not everyone agrees, nor should everyone agree all the time. As for Hellsing, I enjoyed it a great deal, and dubbed even (a rare occurrence with me). Manga's even better. As for FMP. I liked both seasons. Fumoffu is on the way soon, sci-fi back story removed, focuses on the high school comedy. I loved it as much as the first season, which had a very successful blend of serious sci-fi, high school comedy, and mecha action, with good characters. While Fumoffu focuses on the high school aspect, it still holds you interested, and much of the supporting cast make appearances, as well as some new characters. Simply a fun show to watch. And actually, a great many of the "free" copies Chris gets at Animeondvd are what goes to the contests. He buys a great deal of the discs himself too. That's all I'm chiming in on that note.
  23. Didn't know the Savior could do this.
  24. Full Metal Panic = Kick Ass El Hazard= Kick Ass all 3, especially the Original OVA Hellsing= Kick Ass Vandread=Only seen a little. Hated the CG, story was interesting. dont forget to check Animeondvd.com for your review needs.
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