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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Here are the completed weapons: Core block and Core fighter: transforming I like how when you rotate the cockpit part the tail fin is pulled down. The cockpit can even open. core fighter
  2. Updates: I recied the kits and started work on them already. I painted the runners and started construction already. Here's the boxes: Ironically the Custome Set also included a sheet of Waterslide decals. I'll make use of some I'm sure but I'll wait to decal the model up until the other decals arrive and I can compare what will look better. The sheet it came with doesn't have anything for the shield, but it does have some for the core fighter. Here's some painted runners minus a red one For the black I used Metallic Black for the mechanics, and a Matte Black for the Weapons
  3. Yeah, I was a staunch supporter of the show for a long time. Even when the flaws appeared I found enough to enjoy. Except the orb fleet arc, which pissed me off. The last 10 episodes in particular kicked me in the nuts though and the "finale"the final nail in the coffin. It started so strongly. It's a shame. Zeta helped heal the wound.
  4. I finally finished Zeta Gundam, and it had exactly what this show was missing: balance. Destiny had it at first, then went down the drain. Forgive the spoilers if you haven't watched Zeta. Zeta maintained some danger to the suit combat, and in the end fight was a drawn out all sides beating on each other slugfest. The 3 way in the colony laser was well done. The Hyaku-Shiki was a good MS, but with The O on Char's left, and the Qubeley on his right, he was in trouble. It felt kind of like the black knight from Holy Grail actually. Loses an arm "I'm not done yet" Loses a leg "I'm not finished yet." Once Camille takes on Scirroco and Char's still trying to fight Haman, he pins her in the ship wreckage and says "You can't use those things in here can't you?" "that's what you think" Zap zap zap zap zap. I got a kick out of that. Katz was too much of a hothead and made stupid mistakes. He had a target on his forehead and it was just a metter of time. I only surprised by how long he actually lived. Or that Bright didn't push him out an airlock. Scirroco went out in style too. "I won't die alone, I'll take your SOUL with me." No one says cool stuff like that anymore. Big winner in Zeta Gundam: AXIS. Who would have thought that even through the halfway point of the show. The end was slightly abrupt, though it did what it needed to finish, showed Camille's broken state, and ended. It was ok in Zeta's case becasue ZZ aired immediately afterward. Fans weren't left hanging. Zeta's story ended and ZZ picked it up from there. A bittersweet ending. In Destiny's case it's not ok because there's nothing afterward to look forward to to follow up with, and the ending itself was handled so poorly in every sense. I was satisfied with how that show went and look forward to watching ZZ, despite the warnings about the first half. I doubt Judeau would be anywhere close to a good substitute for Camille, but we'll see. Camille could take Kira.
  5. I might later on during a Right Stuf Studio Sale. I'm not in a rush right now, but a backup would be good. Impressions right now is that they're at least trying with this. Hopefully the dub is good too, which actually is a good reason for me to wait and read how it is before I invest in it.
  6. At least they'll add something to the ending. It'll still won't change the fact that it was pure crap. I still want a Neutron Stampeeder to pull up and destroy the Eternal and everyone on it.
  7. "xbox360licksballs" great user name. Payment is definately not happening. Wow, that auction was almost entirely fake bids.
  8. I kind of like the Zentradi focus on the box though. It's different. Good pieces too. I always liked the Regult image. The hand to hand fight is a good image too. Clubbing a CF with it's own gunpod. It's a good piece. I'll play devil's advocate this time and say I like the art choices for the dvd and box.
  9. Lois feb him baby food at some point though.
  10. I hate the Scion Xb too. It is a much better effor than the Acura was though, IMO. Decent alternator. The new hybrid Prime looks aresome. Definately want one of those.
  11. That's probably one of the reasons behind having to be 17 to participate in the competition. Harry didn't even know the bubble spell the prefect and the girl were using in the water. He's only what, 14 now? I doubt they would have given them any of the juicy stuff yet. They're still in amateur phase. So for now at least it's the steel balls that save the day. He can use the spells has does have effectively though at least. I liked the movie a lot. Better than the 3rd one. The graveyard part was great. Even though it was 2 1/2 hours I didn't get bored. I also liked the part with Moaning Myrtel. I am glad to not sit though Dobby again. I haven't read the books either, but I'm glad they left that out. It gave a chance for Longbottom to be useful as well. A bone for him after being abused constantly.
  12. MSV prototype amphibious. The 4 amphibious models animated were the Gogg, Zok, Z'Gok, and Acguy.
  13. The MG Zeta 2.0 and the Nemo look great. That murasame is a total piece of crap.
  14. People are out of their minds. These bids are insanity. Who in their right mind would pay a grand for one of these? Worse than that, 1700!!!! ebay madness
  15. I know it's technically for 1/100. It might be smaller but might look ok anyway. The PG RX-78's stickers are smaller in scale to their model kit than what the 1/100 stickers were to that model so it shouldn't be too far off. I'm only using the larger decals anyway. None of those little triangles and such. I want the EFSF, WB102, and stuff like that. The ID markings. In 1/100, the White base markings stretch the entire shoulder. The knee markings cover the whole knee. In PG form the markings are much smaller. Note how small the "WB" logos are on the PG. They fit a lot more in the PG's space. Thus when using the 1/100's marking on the PG it might very likely look similar when arranged right. I don't want the decals to overwhelm the kit either, so this might actualyl be for the best. If these are pre-cut then GOLDEN. That helps quite a bit in that case. If you use the small markings (the triangles and little things) then it may well look funny, but the ID markings might carry over well. Actually looking at the PG even the danger markings are smaller than I would have expected. Doesn't seem like they scaled the decals up that much did they? The cigarrette box is also good for the scale comparison.
  16. Has anyone used the Bandai waterslides before? How is the quality of them? This would be my first time using water slide decals.
  17. Models4u's decals always looked very nice. It's a shame they're closed now for some reason.
  18. No, you have to trim the waterslides youself like usual. I don't really mind that since I have scissors small enough. I don't think I've ever seen precut waterslides, though it would be helpful. I'm sure the regular stickers on the kit are precut, but after the zeta I won't use Bandai's stickers again. All I marked on the Zaku was a dry transfer Zeon emblem from a MG kit. I might actually get a waterslide for the Zaku too while I'm at it. I wish I could find the PG decals again, they're probably pricey though. Noooo! I found the store finally: Models 4U ... but it's CLOSED! They even finally made the PG Zeta decals. :sniff:
  19. I also found a MG ver. Ka sheet at gundamstoreandmore.com. This one might be a possibility. I'm not looking to overkill the markings, but I at least want some EFSF and white base markings, which this one has. They might be a little smaller than the PG Stickers, but they should look fine.
  20. Original scheme. I'll use the Tamiya cans again. Metallic Blue, Metallic Red, Pearl White. same colors I did the PG Zeta in. Might use the aluminum for the engines again, but I'm not sure about that yet. I have a few leftover MG decals I should be able to use too. Not many, but a couple that might be useful. Preferably though I would like a water slide or dry transfer replacement marking sheet. I remember a site before that had at least water slides for the PG kits but I can't find it anymore. The closest alternative I can find so far is a water slide sheet intended for the OYW version Master grade kit. Anyone know where to get a replacement sheet? If not I'll just use the 2 or 3 I can salvage from my old MG dry transfer sheet.
  21. All that damage he took not that long ago probably didn't help him either. Really good statement from Test there.
  22. That completely sucks. Yet another decent character gone. Crappy news to see first thing on monday.
  23. I just splurged and picked up a PG RX-78-2 Gundam today on ebay. Later I decided if I was going to do this I should get a custom set to go with it. I don't anticipate getting another PG Kit at this time, so I wanted a grand finale. My other PG's are the Char's Zaku II and Zeta Gundam. I was tempted by the Strike Gundam as well, but I'm already happy with the Metal Material Aile Strike I already have. For those not familiar with it, the #2 Custom Set includes Right Arm and Leg clear armor pieces, a spare beam rifle, 2 bazookas, beam javelin, and the Gundam Hammer. I'll figure out what weapons I want to display it with after I finish building it. I'll do a proper build up thread this time with pics as I go along. I'm going to do my usual method of painting the parts runners first, then assembling. Hopefully the kits should arrive by the end of the week, and hopefully I'm not too swamped with school work to get started.
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