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Everything posted by Anubis
1. SDF Macross 2. DYRL (close second) 3. Macross PLus 4. Macross 7 TV 5. Macross II 6. Macross Zero 7. All M7 OVA's dead last. M7 Dynamite gets my vote for LEAST favorite. I did enjoy M7 a great deal, but hated dynamite, and the only thing I liked about the movie was the giant cleavage.
The official timeline did say this: No mention of losing any characteristics or dilution. I'd be interested to see something concrete that says second gens are not as good as the first gens. The babblefish example doesn't apply to kids. If a coordinator and a natural have a child, then the child might not have all the characteristics of a coorinator, as they are a half breed. Depends on which genes are dominant and which are recessive. A pairing of two coordinators would result in another full coordinator. Example: All 4 Zaft Gundam pilots were second gens, and lost nothing for being second gen. There is no mention anywhere about them being less. The only problem plant was having was the birth rate was low. For whatever reason, there weren't as many kids being born as predicted. Difficulty conceiving being a side effect possibly, or just the birth rate happened to be low up there, who knows. Also, I highly recommend anyone who hasnt' read the official timeline yet to do so as it answers a number of background questions. Stuff like a mention that there was another usage of a cyclops system previously. You also see more of how the EA likes to handle things. You see all the build up to how the war started. Good read. Nice glossary too. Finally a good description of the cyclops
my brotha! i stand united with you, our solidarity against sh!t movies while the rest say "i hate it, but i'll be in line when it hits theaters and buy the boxed set when it comes out" you and i will be standing strong in defiance of utter crap. I didn't see it either! Just like I didn't see Freddy vs. Jason. The only vs. I like in my life is Red vs. Blue. Same here Except for the Red VS. Blue thing... Dunno what it is btw... Haven'tseen Red vs. Blue either, but know what it is. Red and Blue Halo guys. Online vid.
I still don't know how CN didn't expect Seed to tank when they put it on at 10:30 on saturadays only expecting to target the adolescent crowd who would buy stuff from toys r us in droves. No one saw it, as a kid my parents asked questions about a show I wanted to watch at 11 (man the hoops I had to go through for Spawn ). Not to mention: KIDS GO TO BED. They should have no surprize that seed didn't do so well. There isn't a drop of Seed merchandise ANYWHERE anymore. G Gundam did great on CN. Why? Because they aired the damn show in the afternoon when every shool age kid had a chance to watch it. Then they aired it again at night for good measure. There is no way Seed wouldn't have tanked in the pitiful time slot that it had. Now seed will be buried for good, and only the real gundam/anime heads will stay up till 1AM to watch it. And even then many of us (myself included) refuse to watch it because of the asinine edits they made to it. The idiot they interviewed on Toon Zone thought it was no big deal to stick Seed at that time slot, and was "puzzled" by why it was only an average performer. Morons. Bandai/Cartoon Network does not know how to market Gundam in the US. Period. It could have been an instant cash cow. Energon is making a fortune. Gundam could have easily. We all remember they big push they were going to give Zeta last year. Merchandize blitz and afternoon+evening showings of the show. That would have worked wonderfully, just like it did for G Gundam, and would really have worked for Seed. They dropped it for whatever stupid reason they coined. Now what gets more attention on CN: Rave Masters End of angry rant.
I enjoyed AvP for what it was, but giving this guy them helm for the next aliens movie is a bad idea. Not as bad as the guy they gave Resurrection to (I hole AvP in a mich higher esteem than that pile of crap), but it's still a bad idea. He can't catpture the atmosphere that's needed. Is there no one who can do a good Aliens movie now? I'm seeing visions of starship troopers, but with Alien drones and a hint of RE atmosphere.
Upping the price tag to bring back the dvd insert isn't going to make me want to buy it again any time soon. $90 for a subscription is still inexcusable anyway. I'll be sticking with my Animerica subscription thank you.
This is the ONLY game I am looking forward too lately, and will immediately pick up. Games have been dead last on my priority list these days, but I'll make an exeption for half-life. I gave up on Duke Nukem long long ago. Any momentum the Duke had died years ago. The competition is too strong now.
I would put money on there being a nuclear weapon equipped MS at some point. No one ever accuses the EA of being slouches. Look at the Umbrella. Didn't see Zaft with anything like that. They also mass produced the Strike Daggers VERY quickly. First used them in Panama, and then all of a sudden they were everywhere. The main thrust is that Zaft is able to easily match or exceed anything the EA does if they want to, with less. No one is above a little espionage as well, hence stealing the first Gundams, which they did pretty easily. This concept reached back to UC: Zeons made better stuff, but the Feds won by swarming them with GM's and Balls. In Seed though Zaft almost came out on top. If not for Athrun self destructing the Justice inside of Genesis, it would have been Game Over for Alliance HQ. Zaft also removed it's pro-war leadership and invited Earth to the table, instead of trying to finish them off. One could also then argue though that without the Meteors it would have been all over for plant, and if the fight had gone on after Washington was destroyed, the captains of the ships with the nuclear weapons could have sent another wave of mobius's to hit the colonies. Despite their difference in size, the two remained pretty equal throughout. Sidebar for Destiny: The reason the 3 new enhanced pilots got to steal Abyss, Gaia, and Chaos, was because they had help and were driven right to the hangar. Someone cuaghed up a lot of information (they knew exatly what they were taking and how to use it). Why remains a plot angle we'll see coming up. Naturally there was something about Zaft's Gundams the alliance wanted to examine further, see how they do it at least, and also the new remote recharge system (whatver they call it). The Alliance could easily have just built their own new gundams again (which they will again of course). Or (enter suspicious mode) the new gundams may have always been meant to steal for whatever machinations Gilbert and co. have cooked up. Why was Impulse already deployed on the Minerva and those 3 were lying in the hangar?
Ah, but then there'd be no show then would there? One thing to remember too is that PLANT is relatively small. You're talking one colony cluster (plus the areas of land they eventually seized on Earth). The EA has their enitre stockpile of resources and manpower to come up with stuff and mass produce things. They even blitzed and took over South America early on for not siding with them according to the timeline. PLANT did a lot of things very quick, but even with the mobile suits and tech, the EA was still predicted to win the war initially. It was the coordinator's skills that kept then in the fight for so long and kinda tipped the balance in their favor for a while. The EA's main problem with the mobile suits was the operation of them. Their pilots couldn't handle the suits. Even the gundam pilots that were killed in the beginning could barely move the suits from what Mwu said, kinda like the difficulty they showed orb's pilots had with the Astrays before the OS was finished. Once the EA finally got a workable OS their pilots could use, it was game on for their mass produced mobile suits. The coordinators still made it a pretty even fight even though the Earth forces really outnumbered the Zaft ones. A lot of things the Earth did too, plant was able to do better. One example: Earth made the gunbarrels first, yeah, but then Zaft rolled out the Providence with 40 beam nozzles combined on it. Real remote swarming multi-barreled funnels, not just a couple of flying barrels. Also on mobile suits. The EA finally got the Strike Daggers online, on par with the Ginns, but their improved battle performance can be attributed to the beam rifles vs. the ginn's/dinn's machine guns. Beam weaponry makes all the difference. The later model GuAIZ's made mincemeat of many a Dagger.
I absolutely hope that ZZ comes out next after Zeta. Makes a lot of sense building on any momentum Zeta is able to build, and they really need to get ZZ out there since they already released Char's Counterattack. My wager is ZZ, X, V, and then Turn A last.
The excessive box is sure for the figurines. The actual dvd box can be seen on the right side of the package. Looks a little thin though. Thinpaks or digipak maybe?
Just got done watching the last episode, not Newtype ping for Kira. ok then, No ping for Kira, but Creuset able to sense Kira with the ping, still shows something different about Kira. Kira's starting to show as well though since he had a sense that Creuset was near and left to go over then when he split from athrun and Cagalli. Add in the Fllay scene as well.
Which part was that, I don't remember Kira ever having that "ping"? Didn't he? I know he senses Creuset in the beginning of the episode, maybe i'm wrong about the ping? I know for sure though that Creuset had the ping when he sensed Kira a couple of times in that episode.
In the last round though Kira was sensing Creuset with the normal newtype ping. Kluze was also abel to sense kira at that time, so Kira was showing some newtype traits. A coordinator-newtype possibly. Before that only Creuset and Mwu were able to sense each other, also with the normal newtype ping. Mwu was supposed to be of only a few that were able to use those funnels he hd on the Mobius Zero. Mwu showed every trait of an emerging newtype. The first 3 crazy guys were like some kind of artificial newtype experiment it looks like to me. They just couldn't do it quite right. When fighting Atrhun and Kira they noticed those guys weren't coordinators, but not regular humans either. The drugs were stabilizing them. Same for Creuset, but his upgrade was done right, though he still needed the pills. The crazy trio needed a way bigger dosage. Let's see if Kira of someone can sense Neo in Destiny. Reaching a bit, but possibly not many were noticing the emergence of a number of newtypes, and those that did saw that that was the real evolutionary step humanity was supposed to take. It's just been under the radar so far, and maybe a side item of what Blue Cosmos is fighting for. The coordinators (same concept of Khan and the other genetically enhanced like Dr. Bashir in Star Trek) were a diversion from that evolution, especially with their talk about being the next evolution of humanity. Even Klyne recognized the difference between an engineered evolution and a natural one when talking to Zala. Also another reason for Blue Cosmos to annihalate PLANT, so we can get back on track. Also, I know some MSV suit designs are making their way into Seed Destiny, but are the back-stories part of the continuity, like that other super coordinator? The dreadnaught in Destiny Astray doesn't have the funnels either. I still want to know what the deal is with the damn space fish too. Unless that's really all there was? Something they found and drew some inspiration form it.
Pacman, Tetris, and PDA Solitaire.
I wonder how long Impulse can survive until the next Gundam shows up... My prediction is Freedom vs Impluse and Freedom wins then Shin will get a new Gundam. I think when Shin gets whatever the replacement Gundam is someone else will inherit the Impulse with a new IWSP-type pack as an ORB hook-up to the crew. Kind of like how the Gundam Mk. II got handed down in Zeta and upgraded to the Super Gundam. Freedom and Impulse have to clash at some point though. They seem to have given quite a few snippets of info through this intro. I do have to add that for once it's nice we get a main character who's already an experienced pilot for said military. Hasn't really happened since the UC OVA's, and Athrun in the first seed since him and Kira kind of shared top billing in Seed. Kira was brand new to the game though. Good touch, and you can skip the whole getting used to being a pilot angle, and have someone who knows what he's doing right away. That's what got everyone surprised at the end of the first episode: After the thieves kick everyone's butt, another Gundam shows up on the scene with a slick introduction with two really big beam sabers looking set up to pull a darth maul on someone. Intro yourself like that and others know you mean some business. Looking at the ep 2 preview Shin's pretty quick with those blades too. I also hope for a Providence Gundam MK. II or at least something with a lot of funnels (or Dragoon system, whatever they called it in Seed).
If the intro is any indicator, Impulse will combine quite fast. Look how quick it is in the force linkup right before the title. 2 or 3 seconds.
Official Gundam Plamodel Thread
Anubis replied to Black Valkyrie's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I want a Gaera Doga. -
I downloaded it in an hour and a half.
Always liked Urd best personally, but Belldandy is a close second.
Finished watching ep 1. Great first episode. Assumes you watched Seed, and gets right to business. Love the Zakus. There was a ceremonnial scheme Ginn that looked pretty cool too. Seems like one of the new problems is that a number of ORB people immigrated to PLANT, so naturally when they got there they went to work with what they knew: military tech. So apparently ORB tech was making it's way into Zaft mobile Suits and other hardware, and the Alliance was starting to get pissed about it, so Cagalli, as ORB's head of state, went to have a talk to the Zaft chairman about it. They are in the middle of their talk walking along the hangars when the new 3 gundams are stolen. This time though Cagalli is totaly caught by surprize that Zaft actually built new model gundams. Interesting to note that she called it a gundam right away. Nice that the name stuck after everyone heard Kira call them that based off the acronym. Also, it was SO Kira that killed Shin's family. Calamity was aiming at the sky, Kira unloaded all 5 beams at the ground making that nice crater killing his family at the same time. By accident, but he still pulled the trigger. Odds are when Shin eventually sees the Freedom, he will immediately remember it, and fly off the handle. Maybe reach his Seed mode? Probably be a while before anything Kira or Lacus related happens though. I do like how they jumped right in here. Good pacing for a 1st episode. At least for being separate components, the Impulse launched pretty quick. One piece right after the other. The combining sequence was pretty quick too, but I would find it pretty cheezy if someone doesn't start trying to shoot at or intercept some of the components before they combine after a while.
And the other with Kira like she's supposed to be. And now that my ep 1 download is finished, that Athrun pic Lacus is indeed grinning.
OK watching the op and ed again, now I'm agreeing there might be another Lacus to cause some kind of trouble. Imposter or clone can't say until we see it, but in the opening it looks more like Athrun and that Lacus are caught, like they were holding each other. She doesn't look frightened. More damning is that there are TWO Lacuses in the ending! One in this image, dead center: