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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. W....T......F.
  2. The Astray Out Frame. Don't know what the heck that thing on it's back is, but it looks to me kind of like a RX-79G (8th MS Team) style storage backpack, with it's shield mounted on the back of it, with it's guns on the side. No idea what else it could be.
  3. Here'e the Dreadnought H (the H letter stands for "eta" from the Greek alphabet)
  4. Aren't those sensors?
  5. So no VF-1's or SDF-1 then after all? Love that review, especially when he calls Aires Ritsuko.
  6. You don't know what you've missed.
  7. starscream looks sweet. Sorry for the size
  8. Starscream is badass. Looks like the War Within Starscream. Megatron: not sure about the color sceme there. Orange doesn't work. Car looks too much like the batmobile. Prime: odd to look at, but WAY better than energon's fatimus. He looks decently futuristic in here at least. Fatimus was an abomination. The mouth is pretty stupid though.
  9. Only PG's I've made is the Zeta, and the PG Eva. Nice detail on the eva itself, but the rubber suit was a complete pain in the butt to get on right, and it wasn't that posable. The weapons pissed me off too, as they were all off color, solid color, and you had to cement hands around them, hence my leaving it in open handed angry pose. It was ok for display until I got the chogokin Unit 01, then the PG got put away in the closet. Sold it on ebay a while ago, alone with most of the Kaiyodo's (except the hard core ver unit 01, the unit-03, and unit-05). The chogokins rule. I didn't find the Zeta that hard really, just took forever to do. Complex as hell with the transformation mechanisms, but the only thing I found actually difficult was getting the wiring right, which had very loose connections. Not very secure at all. Other than that an astounding kit. The only reason I got it though was because I found it for 135. Now it's my centerpiece.
  10. Did you uninstall the new card and pop your old one back in? See if it happens with the old one? Could isololate wether it's the new card or not. Could be as simple as a driver/software glitch, or something not set quite right. Places these days really rape you just on the diagnostic charge. Crazy. I once had a motherboard with a 128MB stick of PC133 SDRAM in it. All was fine. Then I tried to install a second 128MB stick to upgrade and after that it crashed constantly. Removing the second stick of memory fixed the problem. Tried it later with a different brand of memory, same thing happened. The motherboard didn't like going above 128. Something had to have been wrong with the memory. The system was always a litttle unstable, so it probably had to do with that as well. After discovering the RAM issue, I swapped the motherdoard. This is why I stick with Abit personally. The ram problem was with an Aopen board (same board didn't like USB much either), I've bought an Asus that had other problems, and then I tried Abit, and 2 motherboards later I haven't had a problem with any of them. I like NVidia cards, and also ATI's. I've had several of each. I've never had a problem with my GeForce 4MX (it's performed flawlessly), though for what I need my system to do, an All-in-wonder would suit me best, and it is time to up the graphic capability in time for HL and maybe doom3. I have an older TV Wonder PCI, but it isn't as feature friendly as the newer stuff, and it conflicts with varying things. It's caused a headache or two on occasion. I was actually thinking about taking the TV wonder out and using my Hauppage WinTV USB again. I used it in Korea. Simple program, no headaches, but a noticeable grainier picture. Using the AIW will take care of all I need, and I also won't be needing my separate Pinnacle capture card anymore (which I lent to my girlfriend recently). The 9600XT should be fine with the games too. I read a lot of online tests and it performed pretty good there. Many places still want over 200 for this AIW (sometimes for the AIW 9600, not even the XT), so the 189 for the XT from newegg was a steal.
  11. After reading PC Gamer's review (98%), and looking at the hardware spreads, I knew I had to upgrade the GeForce4MX 440 I've been using already. I'll pass that one downstairs like the rest of the hardware that's in it. Today I ordered a new ATI Radeon AIW 9600XT. This way I can get a new fancy tv tuner (I use my pc as my tv in my room), and all the graphics capability I need, and Pinnacle Studio 8 is a sweet bonus. I will never pay 300 dollars for a super-high-end graphics card, so this was a perfect balance I think. Can't wait to install it, I haven't upgraded my system for a while. Newegg rocks, ordered the card for 189, with free shipping. Should be ready to go after this. I have no time to do anything anymore, but hopefully I can squeeze some HL time in a few times a week. Guess I should play HL: Source too, though I'm not sure if I should do that first. Anyone else realize they have to upgrade something?
  12. I am going to add for Destiny ep 2 that Neo does hop in his mobile armor, which has wireless gunbarrels. Rey also has a newtype reaction when Neo was close by. He and Luminaria were able to get in their Zaku's eventually and join the fight. Great action. Neo is very similar to Mwu. Mahq mentioned in their summary that Rey looks kind of like a teenage Rau Le Creuset. I can see the resemblance there (son or another clone perhaps?). There should be quite an intersting plot in this series. It was kind of funny Athrun tried to use an alias when asked who he was, and then Cagalli blew it for him. Also, the earth trio knew nothing about there being a 4th gundam, hence their surprize when impulse showed up. They only knew about the 3 they stole.
  13. Looks like a ZM-S06G Zollidia from V Gundam.
  14. Any active torrents for season 1 and 2 collections anywhere? Edit: oh, just saw they sell it at gamestop and online. Sweet. May have to pick it up soon. I've hard lots of good things about it, bur didn't want to start unless I could start from the beginning.
  15. I don't seem to recall Klueze saying anything about any sort of link. MAHQ doesn't mention anything about Klueze realizing a link with her when he captures her at Alaska, though I'll watch that part again tommorow... When he catches Fllay at Alaska, he's just thinking "Hey look what I found to take home." He knew he could use her as a pawn at some point, which he later did giving her back to the Dominion with the N-Jammer Canceller Plans. She was just shocked that he sounded like her father, at which point he knocked her out. Skimmed Destiny Ep. 2. Good episode. Shin did ok considering it was pretty much a 3 on one, and he was stuck with Melee equipment (though he did have a beam rifle). Athrun was limited in what he could do since all he had awas a beam axe, and also had Cagalli bouncing in the cockpit. Shin got knocked down at one point, so Athrun rammed the Abyss, but when he did that Cagalli hit her head and was knocked out. Abyss then took his right arm off. He did ok too, and without her in there he might have been able to cut loose a little more and maybe done some damage at least since phase shift won't stop a beam weapon. As it was he couldn't do much. Shin did all right being ganged up on, and the thief trio were also pretty good. They do seem to work together way better than the last crazy trio. Stellar has some issues though. She kinda freaked out after a while. Nice ep. Neo sound sooo much like Mwu. I liked the Minerva's launch. Kinda like Aliens with the dropship. They lowered it, and dropped it with the wings faning out. I like the design on this ship.
  16. You should try wiring the Zeta's wings. Now that was a pain in the butt.
  17. Fllay was part of Mwu's bloodline? Where/when/huh/joking? She was distracted that Crueset sounded like her father, (same va for that purpose) but she wasn't related to Mwu at all. Interesting idea about her being a newtype. Since she never hopped in a MS or anything there was no opportunity for anyone to notice. Especially since she was the one who did all the talking. Too bad she's dead and we can't see anything more. Unless she's still haunting Kira's dreams and/or pulls an Obi-wan and talks to him occasionally.
  18. Who said they can't? I think it was one of the things Patrick and Siegel were arguing about. I'm pretty sure Patrick gave some propagand speech saying they would over come that problem. I know it's mentioned somewhere. From the MAHQ summary of episode 20 Patrick thinks they've evolved into a new species and don't need to exist alongside Naturals. Siegel disagrees and points to the decreasing birth rates in the third generation of Coordinators. Patrick believes those problems will be solved, and he says he doesn't want to de-evolve to the level of the Naturals. He leaves, and Siegel says that they can't de-evolve if they never really evolved to begin with. Maybe they can but it looks like they're having some big problems over it. I remember that discussion, but based on that discussion there was not enough info to ascertain wether they meant there was a physical problem, or just that the 3rd gens weren't having as many kids yet. That main thing to take from that conversation was the difference of opinion: moderate vs radical coordinator in a way. Zala saw coordinators as humanity's next evolutionary step, and were totally superior to naturals. Clyne reminded him that they were initially engineered, not evolved. I took it as the latter possibility, that the 3rd gens were having disappointing numbers of kids. Due to plant's size it's a very big problem if there aren't enough kids to fill the shoes of the curent batch of adults when they get old. With all that threat of war in years prior and then the actual war maybe a lot of 3rd gens were putting off families for the moment, not to mention the number of soldiers on the front. There were 10 million+ coordinators 30 years prior, I wonder what number plant was at by CE 71. It could be something physically wrong with them, but so far there isn't anything to support that fully.
  19. Tamiya has soem spray paints that look like they would work pretty good on the Zaku. Thay have a nice olive drab and a metallic green that would look good I think. Opps I'm still thinking F model which is what I wanted. Tamiya's metallic red would look good, and for the second tone for the torso thay should have one that would match up pretty good. Gottta have some kind of metallic.
  20. Who said they can't? BTW: Akingdom/Aone's Seed Destiny Episode 2 is up for bittorrent. I'm not trying to sound heated. Sorry if it sounds that way. Kind of ironic, outside of Seed I only get this in depth very easily is with an Eva discussion. I love those. I haven't gotten in many hardcore macross discussions lately really. I will go out on a limb and say that, related to what I put a little earlier, it's possible that plant's gene pool might already have enough natural blood in it to affect a potentially large number of them. Who knows how many coordinators up there have a natural spouse? Since their kids aren't "pure" coordinators to begin with, then I can see how that would affect things pretty soon as well with subsequent generations. The "taint" is already there, it's just a matter of how soon it spreads. If coordinators only bred with other coordinators, then the gene pool would stay consistent, but that's an impossibility. If there's something that actually says that the 3rd gen coordinators had trouble conceiving, I seriously want to read that whole article/interview.
  21. halfling? Seriously though: Gene hands downs are determined by the mingling of the dominant and recessive genes of the parents. It's almost a random mixture like salt mixing with pepper. The genes don't dilute in the process. 1st gen Coordinators had their genes permanently altered. These same genes are the ones that will be passed to their children, and then their children, and so on, so of course they share their parent's qualities. Some from the father, some form the mother. It doesn't work as described by the babblefish method. The only time there is a diminishment is when you inbreed. After a few generations of inbreeding, the recessive genes will come out on top and generate problems. This one agrees with the babblefish method. Biology 101 refutes the coordinator children "not being as good" theory. Now a natural having children with a coordinator will see not all the traits of a coordinator, as it is their genes that will mix. If half-coordinators, and naturals mingle in the coordinator's gene pool, then yes, over time the coordinator aspects will diminish slowly. This is unavoidable, so yes, this is where over a long long time future generations of coordinators won't be as enhanced as the first ones. Pure-bred (as in 2 coordinator parents) coordinator children will have no degradation in that respect. As for the low birth rate, there are many reasons for a low birth percentage. Maybe coordinators don't shag as much? War, population stress, food shortages, many things affect the birth rate of an area. Plant is still relatively new, lots of the second gens are now adults, or coming of age, so now is when the population will start to increase. Previously it was the 1st gens that started it all. Plant is no more than 30 years old. Also, compare the total number of coordinators in CE 45 to today's New York City polulation (over 8 million today as of the 2000 census). It takes time to build a poluation base, and there are factors toward a low population growth period. That's a whole other scientific field. This makes me want to watch Gattaca again.
  22. I want to know the description for the Panama weapon. Some type of N-Jammer canceller w/EMP? The Ginns would have had to have been very well shielded for that. Anyone see anything on what exactly that was? The timeline/glossary gets updated as the dvd's come out so not to give any spoilers. At least they explained the Genesis in the show.
  23. This is why Mwu was like "Oh crap!" when he saw it was under the Alaska base. It had been used before. It wasn't something they mentioned in the show.
  24. I mentioned a few times how they stopped relpying to e-mails. All was well until June. They answered my e-mails just fine, and cancelled two orders immediately. Then they simply stopped. I send no less than 5 or six e-mails for address change first, then for cancellations when they didn't respond. I even sent them a letter explainig the problems and my dissastisfaction, and requested my account closed. No responses ever again. They never shipped the Onsen figures I was trying to cancel, so I guess they got the point, but not responding to e-mails is inexcusable and pitiful customer service. Wolfx had the same problem. We had a small thread about Hobby Search here. Some guys actually had called to get things done. Their customer service disappeared. Shame cause they have some good prices on their stuff. Last thing I got from them was my Belldandy swimsuit statue, and that will be the last. I used HLJ for my Eva plugsuit figures.
  25. I got the subscription when the mag fist started. I was quite excited at first, then discovered that the magazine was useless. The interviews were useless. Their new show previews never netted much useful information, and why do I care what's on at 8PM in Japan? What REALLY pissed me off were the Eva articles. One issue highlighted "Great revelations for the renewal project!" It was a few of the crew talking about they would like to do more eva if Anno would let them. That was it. The the page on the actual renewal project was also useless. The cover also spoke highly for the live action project. What was delivered was a 2 page spread of one or two art pieces. Pitiful mag. Maybe they improved it a little now, flipping through one in the store there seemed to be more info in the mag, but there is no way in hell thay can justify 9.99 for the mag, let alone 12.99. It's an insult. I am quite happy with Animerica. Some decent reviews, articles that are worth something at least, just a good afforable magazine. Nicely supplements all the news sites I traverse online. I found Newtype nowhere near justifying the excessive cost. The dvd's mifght have been slightly useful, but my backlog in enough that I never touched any of them.
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