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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Just saw it, that was great. Way better then I thought it would be. Good dogfighting. The protoculture make some crazy weapons. That thing was pretty wicked. I liked the forshadowing too, Hasford knew this was the beginning of the end watching the bird human and the dogfight outside. The Earth would be scorched, and a new one would rise from the ashes. Signal leads Zentraedi here, they glass the planet, and then we rebuild together after ending the fighting. Doesn't tie up all the loose ends, but you know enough to get by without feeling like you've missed something. Mao's interfacing with the bird human is easily explained with the transfusion she had, along with her lineage that they pointed to earlier. Over the 5 episodes you get enough info to see what's going on, and I think they did a good job in the end. No VF-1's, but they made good VF-0 usage at least in the end, and we got a Monster (damn that thing can lock itself down securely). Now to watch all 5 back to back (when I can ). I'm sure the slower Ep. 2 and 4 won't seem so slow when put together. Leagues superior to the last Macross OVA that was made (Dynamite ), so I'm happy with this one. My only complaint for this OVA is the animation inconsistency (which ep. 5 seemed to stay consistent thankfully). I have a sinking feeling this is the last new Macross for a good while though, so in that there is a hint of sadness now that M0 is over. I would still like to know how the SV-51's were supposed to land on that sub though, especially now that they showed the launch clearly.
  2. Oh we must have these things casted.
  3. I have never in my life seen or heard of that kit before. This is one helluva lot of parts though.
  4. The three of these go pretty well together I think. The plugsuit girls are the new sega pvc ones, with the prepainted Misato statue I bought.
  5. I was rather disappointed with the PG Eva 01. Not very posable, the weapons are solid color (purple for most, dark greenish for the knives and gun IIRC), and it looks not as cool as those pics when done. Painting is a must. Not on the same level as the PG Gundams really. The parts detail is nice though, and the light up system for the shoulders easy. The HG Eva's are OK (limited detail and loose joints), but the Chogokins are the best Eva's ever released, period. If budget's an issue then the Kaiyodo Eva figures aren't a bad option either. Very nicely detailed. I still keep my winged Eva-05 posed with the chogokin Eva's. as for characters: Shinji is almost non-existent. Only a couple of him float around that I have ever seen. As for the ladies: I really like Kotobukia's statues. They always seem to make very good sculpts. Hobbyfan has lots of kits, some way to ecchi for your guidlelines, but also a lot of good normal ones, and some plugsuits. Asuka kit search Rei kit search This here is the greatest Misato ever. 1/6 Misato kneeling with gun This is also availab;e pre-painted from hobbyfan is you desire. I have a pre-painted one, and they did great.
  6. I think you're mistaken Anubis. Prophecy had Christopher Walken as Gabriel and Viggo Mortensen as Lucifer. It was about the war with Heaven. Gabriel led another 3rd of the Heavenly Host in a war against the Holy Host because he (and the rebels) felt that Man was not worthy of their adoration. Of course, this time the Heavenly Host didn't have the power to cast the offending Elohim (Angels) into the Abyss. Prophecy II was about the birth of a new Nephilim. Had cutie Brittany Murphy as one messed up chick who talks her boyfriend into a lover's suicide only to be saved from death (much to her chagrin) by Christopher Walken/Gabriel. Prophecy III follows Gabriel (who has become human) as he is drawn back into the war he started. I don't remember a mutated bear...but then again Im most familiar with Prophecy II. I of course know of the Prophcy movies with Christopher Walken, Viggo Mortensen and Christopher Walken had good roles in there (only saw the first one), but there was a 1979 movie about a giant mercury mutated killer Bear. IMDB link Side note, I agree with Exo, peeing on a bear already climbing a tree to kill me would be the last idea to cross mind.
  7. Bout time. Cool that there's an encore viewing on Thursday.
  8. You can repeat yourself as much as you want because I've no interest in arguing semantics. Bandai's representitive has said their are no plans at this time for an individual release set. If you can't see that for what it is, then feel free to keep your head placed firmly in the sand. Zeta has been relegated to a niche title and while there very well may still be an individual release done, it won't be any time in the near future - in other words, you don't get the LE, you could be waiting a long time. Which we're all buying the LE set anyway so arguing is MOOT gentlemen! That 9-panel Zeta is great. The slap collage from MSG is even better (with real screencaps)!
  9. I say go on the superscience thread! Give me an excuse to keep up with popular science.
  10. I don't care about actually firing the missles either, though it might be cool to have the missle casted as well to rest in there, or cast it with the missle in it. Whatever's easier is fine with me. Looks sweet even without the missle. Right about tracks, with missles already, why need shoulder cannons as well. Would be great for the other ones though. Dead End looks sweet with two of them.
  11. Anyone remember Prophecy. The movie with the giant mercury-mutated bear and mutated cub? For some reason that iimmediately sprung to mind looking at these pics.
  12. Is this for real?!
  13. It was a fan video. If this is indeed the video in question. Here the link to the fan works page from earlier this year. Absolutely awesome video.
  14. Yeah, don't put Orton at the head. At least everyone beat the crap out of HHH. Sorry I missed that.
  15. hooray for the return of the valkgirls! I've always liked YF-19 valkgirls, great job on this one. One request though: How about some Christmas themed valkgirls this year too?
  16. wow! Hello today's wallpaper.
  17. old news, still on page 2
  18. i cannot tell, at this point, "included are 15 vehicles that form the robot and a sword. " Or did vehicle voltron actually have that many parts? And, NO PICS.
  19. I am gonna have to agree with you there. All indicators from the Zaku Phantoms so far is that they are just as capable as the Duel and Buster minus the phase shift. However since everyone has beam weaponry across the board, phase shift isn't as big a deal anymore. It's only good for physical attacks: bullets, conventional explosives, etc. Doesn't save you against beam weaponry. That's what the shields are for. If the Phantoms exceed those two gundams then so be it, let them stay retired. Zaft did have to add the assault shroud to make the best use of Duel anyway. I also love how the new Zaku's look. I forsee buying a few model kits. I wonder if the Archangel will be loaded with Astrays then? Buster and Duel would still be a nice addition, but at least Astrays + Strike Rouge IWSP will be enough. If and when Archangel appears, the ship should be as seen in Seed. Nothing needed to be added to the ship, so the only thing that should be different is it's mobile suit loadout.
  20. I think it has to do with the classic, "show me one good person and I will spare them all." But still it doesn't fit right, cause it went to space after the Monster bomb it... Hitting it with Reaction weaponry was probably a big no-no.
  21. watch it, the Metal Gear Box guy posts here you know.
  22. That's all Gunota had for now. I kind of see it this way as regard to the sides, if we're going to use the Zeta analogy: Blue Cosmos ~ Titans (the pre info said they were a strong player, and it's very likely that Neo's ship belongs to them) EA ~ Feds Zaft ~ Zeon (but more the good guys this time in a cool reversal) ORB ~ AEUG If there is in fact a colony drop then who is going to be blamed: radical coordinators of course. And with the EA's mentallity, they might be liable to dive right back towards military action. In the first Seed, Azrael and Le Creuset worked together to spur a lot of the big conflicts, giving each other information throughout, and then finally Le Creuset was able to get the N Jammer Canceller plans to Azrael for what should have been the last fight. The full mechanics of their relationship wasn't known, nor how many others were involved, though it was shown that a large part of the EA's command stucture was Blue Cosmos. The nuclear pilots towards the end were also BC since they were spouting all that Blue Earth crap. By spurring enough large scale conflicts enough anti-sentiment could be built that no one on earth would particularly mind anymore if PLANT was destroyed completely. This is what I took from it all. A colony drop would be a big boost for Blue Cosmos's agenda. I think ORB is going to have to step up big time later on. I do hope they explain what happened to Duel and Buster. Maybe they were turned over to orb to be attached to the Archangel? That would be cool.
  23. I actually hope this doesn't happen to be honest. Though I would like for Sai to appear again. I think that's his name, the one with the glasses. Its Ssigh. I'm not kidding. Anyway....didn't the Miriallia become a war journalist as in the intro, or is that someone else? And on colony drop....wheeee!! Yeah that's Miriallia in the intro. I never expected those two to actually hook up. Maybe befriend each other but that was it.
  24. The local halloween store in the mall has an outfit I almost considered picking up. Dreadlock wig with rainbow colored cap, fake weed necklace, and tie-die t-shirt. Thought it was pretty funny. Get that and some vampire teeth and go as a Jamaican Vampire. Other option, see what her queen of darkness costume is, go to the halloween store and buy whatever the corresponding costume is to that. Third option is do what I did 2 years ago due to lack of time. I had to go stright to the party after work, so I brought a tie with me to work, and for the party I pulled my shirt out some, undid a couple of buttons, put the tie on loose, messed up my hair, and carried a baseball bat. Instant "disgruntled employee" or "Falling Down guy"(michael douglas movie). Don't thnk they'll let the bat in the nightclub though.
  25. As many probably guessed after seeing the Red Frame and Blue Frame Specials, Destiny Astray is going to have Ed the Ripper along with the Sword Calamity.
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