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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Saw it tonight. That movie was great, one of the best I've seen this year. Very funny, very well executed. One of my favorite parts was when Edna was explaining why Bob wasn't getting a cape with his costume. NO CAPE. I didn't know Samuel L. Jackson was a VA in this movie before hearing him in it as Frozone. That was a nice surprise as well. Great for the kids, great for the adults.
  2. Ewoks speaking Tagalog?
  3. The anti-beam coating probably doesn't last forever, especially the older versions that the Nazca class's had, nor that strong. However like many things, that field was improving. The EA-designed Gundams' shields could take a lot of beam cannon attacks, block beam sabers, etc, with generally little apparrent wear on the shields. Zaft aquired it after analysis of the first 4 gundams, so the GuAIZ's, Zaft-made Gundams, and Zaku's have newer anti-beam shields. Zaft likely kept working on enhancing it further. If the Genesis was made of the same material, maybe stronger still, then it should be able to shrug off several Lohrengrin shots. Even for its small size, the Strike's shield was enough to save the Archangel from Dominion's shot, even though the Strike was destroyed in the process. Maybe a beam-resistant gundam made of such material is on the way in the future. It's possible to an extent actually. Would pose a unique challenge.
  4. That's a damn good question. Zaft did have anti-beam coating capability. Zaft's starships had it and they were also able to make anti-beam shields (like Freedom's). So the genesis has to have this material with the anti-beam coating and then the phase shift on top of it. Here's Gundam Official's Phase Shift definition.
  5. I think it's this guy. that would indeed be sweet. if windu has to go down it would be most fitting for it to be against the emperor himself.
  6. What about the 1/144 Freedom's all blue wings? Gotta do something with that too, unless the meteor version came with black stickers. Anyone build a HGUC Psycho Gundam yet? I'm thinking about getting one of those (after I get a MG Hi-Zack)
  7. Wonder why Anakin's lightsaber is blue. Maybe color adjusted for the trailer? In the filming shots we saw before, Anakin distinctly has a red lightsaber fighting obi-wan. That's a lot of pissed off wookies. I want to see who Windu is fighting.
  8. I thkn they'll make one more midichlorian mention in Ep. 3 at the end, with Obi-wan taking a blood sample of Luke and seeing a higher count than even Anakin had. Though I wouldn't mind if it is never mentioned ever again personally. I always thought that was a strange add-on, but I guess Lucas felt he had to have something tangible to showcase Anakin's potential as a kid besides Qui-gon saying "Damn the force is strong with this kid."
  9. Gunota has a link to the Ep. 5 trailer, and it looks like they are heading right for Junius 7. I am amazed they are doing something like this already so soon in the series. Also, Yzak's team shows up. Here's the media player link to the trailer.
  10. Remember, the Phase Shift has no effect on beam weaponry. It's only for physical attacks, such as bullets or conventional explosives. Beams get right through, which is the reason for having the shield to block beam weapons. Azrael was pretty much dead on about the strike packs vs sillouette pack. The first time they shot the Launcher out to replace the Aile Pack in space the crew though it was nuts, but they did it anyway cause Kira's power was out.
  11. I'm going to try something someone used last week I think it was. Thanks to whoever it was that came up with this card.
  12. The situation between EA and PLANT is probably tense. The treaty ended the war, but both have kept up their development, and the EA is probably keeping just as prepared as Zaft has been. ORB was merely occupied in the first Seed, and thus the EA would have pulled out when the war was over. All the EA wanted anyway was the Mass Driver. ORB itself is a group of islands in the southern Pacific. This one Earth ship stealing the Gundams smacks of Blue Cosmos direct involvement somewhere. Add in the fact that they have a new enhanced trio on board, a program the Captain and Neo were very knowledgable on. All this remains to be seen fully of course. The principal EA itself wouldn't dare stage a raid on the Plant colony that houses Zaft HQ. There were enough Blue Cosmos members in the EA's heirarchy that a secret mission could easily be organized and supplied for their ends. As for what lands Zaft currently controls on Earth, I'm curious as to that myself, as well as wether the Energy Crisis on Earth was ended. That would have required Zaft coming a disabling all the N-Jammers that are burried beneath the surface.
  13. Wow...repaint white version. The old ones were pearly blue and pink BAHHH DEM U SEGA!! Must....stop....building.....Rei/Asuka shrine! It's gonna be a hell of a big shrine at this rate. Looks like I'll have a couple of pre-orders to make with Tam then next week too.
  14. Kira's girlfriend is still Lacus Clyne after all. She probably has plenty of clout still to be able get the Freedom rebuilt/repaired. The Opening distinctly shows Kira piloting the Freedom as it fights Shinn's Impulse. I am eager to see where this goes. They're trying for a colony drop very early in this series. Hopefully that's a good sign for the kind of chaos that may ensue later. I will wager that if the drop is not prevented and Junius 7 does manage to connect on Earth, then we'll see a PLANT colony destroyed at some point.
  15. I remember reading about that. What was novel about the robot I posted was that the suction itself is done without making contact to the surface, that way the legs can move as easily as on the ground
  16. Well I guess I'll have to get the taskforce Asuka then at least. The repaint wedding dress figures are nice too with the white normal dresses. Haha, I totally forgot the original listing had the 20cm for the Christmas figures. I ended up cancelling those though anyway after the Hobby Search fiasco. Nice though. The repaint beach figures are tempting, kind of different with the tan lines and all. They can't beat the Kotubukia beach statues I picked up already though. Still kinda disappointing there are no Misato figures in this rather large upcoming lineup. And still only one Shinji in the whole bunch (in the EoE set). I still don't know what to make of the Ninja outfit set. Shoool and Gym uniform ones were not unexpected. At least my wallet will thank me for now with just the Asuka task force figure and the EoE set to pick up. Are you going to carry these as well Tam?
  17. Wall-climbing autonomous vehicle wins robotics competition at international conference Use air circulation to create suction to walk on the walls and ceiling.
  18. In Dark Empire once Palpatine got a younger body, he had some fight time with Luke. Still seeing him with one on screen is a surprise. The lava planet is a whole new one. That starfight battle is supposed to be in the beginning of the movie. I am rather excited about this one. Lots and lots of action. I want to see some Grievous previews as well.
  19. but they don't use the extra time for anything useful, that's the problem, they just delay
  20. That image was from the Macross VF-X2 ads that circulated in US magazines before the release was cancelled, therefore it would be a VF-19A. The YF-19 and VF-19A were virtually identical anyway. It was only the F/S space models that had the changes made.
  21. Also Rooy Kanu and Waka might have made the flying fish because they felt like it. One liked fish, one liked birds. so they conbined them. Wouln't be a big deal for Protoculture to create some kind of novelty animal on the side. Kind of like how a company today wants to develop and sell hypoallergenic cats. Gotta watch this show front to back still.
  22. It would be a miracle if the Monster came out on time. It's at the point that an extra month or two from their initial release date is little to no surprise, so I wager late Jan-late Feb for the Monster. In other "where is it" pondering, where's the VF-0? That probably means they have no idea when it's coming.
  23. All very good points there. Gilbert did say the engineers called it their most efficient design, so that could be a part of it, conserving the battery power as much as possible. The sillouette idea is a very smart one. They could have picked that idea easily after analysing Le Crueset Team's reports back from when Blitz was destoyed. The 4 were very surprized when Strike started changing equipment in the air. To do that though required good timing on Mwu and Kira's part though. Using the Sillouettes gives a nice versatility to the Impulse. I do like how the beam rifle and shield come by default with the Impulse, with the sheild staying compacted when not using the Force sillouette. There's no worry about being stuck with a particular pack (like when Mwu got caught with the launcher pack in close quarters against Le Creuset), unless the sillouettes start to be shot at. A shown in Ep 2 though, at least Rey and Lunimaria have trained to provide cover for Shinn so he can swap the equipment. I found it funny that Sting and Auel were already calling the Impulse "that combining bastard." I don't know if the Savoir will fit on that pad either, hard to guess until we see it roll out. Looks like there's a lot of space on the elevator pad around each component. Maybe, maybe not. Once again I love the Zakus in here. Great addition. In other news, hot off Gunota: Freedom might just be on the way!
  24. I like what mikeszekely put in depth up there about the AFOS.
  25. Just got Alternator Tracks today. Love it, though I areee that he really needed ball joints for his ankles. Their omission on the Corvettes, when the Vipers had ball joints is quite odd. Looks great though. The only places I've been able to get Hasbro Alternators online has been BBTS and Wal Mart. The local wal-mart doesn't have crap anymore, and it's not worth going there all the time to check. Wal Mart overcharges shipping a little, but it still comes out to under 30 bucks, so that's cool. I got Meister fromWal-mart.com, and Tracks from BBTS. I have Grimlock on Preorder from BBTS as well. I'm taking a pass on Swindle and Windcharger though.
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