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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. That is awesome artwork.
  2. My family doesn't buy me anything anime related (though I do hope they get me the Plextor Dual Layer DVD burner I wanted). I have got HCM Pro Zaku IIF and Gundam Mk. II Titans figures on the way. Got an Eva Mana Vol. 7 w/ the Asuka Xmas figure to complete that pair. I won an auction for a Bandai reissue VF-1J Hikaru (so now I'll have an A,J, and S in storage), and I have the VB-6 on order of course as well, that's it for Macross items right now. My Grimlock Alternator just shipped. I'm waiting for my Zeta Gundam box to ship someday, and on Tuesday I'm going to but the LotR Return of the King Extended ver. Giftset. Last month I got an Audigy 2 sound card and AIW 9600XT Video Card. I've spent too much. I have to fork over 1300 by the 19th to Montgomery College for the Spring term.
  3. Dude, that sounds like something you'd do. When I get back we going on a mass burning session. not on my computer ...you might wanna get a bigger pen hdd and i could send 'em to you that way DVD+R's are our friends. DVD+R DL's even more so. my computer is too OLD to handle a DVD burner...or else i would've got one already saddly enough, my computer barely meets up to the processor speed needed for a regular CD-R/RW burner besides...i don't really wanna burn all the SEED Destiny episodes Then how are you going to watch the Seed Episodes if your PC is that old? You need at least a 500 or 700MHz system to view these kinds of files right? I remember my old PII 233 laptop (now deceased) choking on any divx files I threw at it then, and that was in 2002.
  4. A Got Anime mebership at Right Stuff is a godsend. Makes pre-orders very cheap, and during a studio sale you make out like a bandit.
  5. Dude, that sounds like something you'd do. When I get back we going on a mass burning session. not on my computer ...you might wanna get a bigger pen hdd and i could send 'em to you that way DVD+R's are our friends. DVD+R DL's even more so.
  6. Mine went from processing to on order again in the order list.
  7. At least my pre-ordered Grimlock is on the way.
  8. Here's the pic form the scan.
  9. several times. Against Bruticus on Cybertron and when there was this super exploding thingy that threaten to destroy all of them and Megatron transormed so Prime could fire it off and save their asses. Sorry it's been almost two decades since I've seen TF. But I do know there were several times when that happened. vinnie If Prime wasn't Prime then those times he could have said "GOTCHA" after firing and then break Megatron in half.
  10. Interesting enough the Hazel Kai is the next HGUC apparrently. What is it? Never heard of it before. MSV or side story?
  11. There is one episode of G1 where the Autobots and Decepticons cooperate I don't remember well but I think it was against Starscream On Cybertron against Starscream and Bruticus, right?
  12. I checked my order status list, and Right Stuf has my Zeta preorder listed as Processing, so it should be rolling out soon.
  13. The walker is kinda wierd, but the 4 wheeled vehicle one is pretty cool.
  14. I don't think those pills he takes has anything to do with him being a clone but more with something like the drugs the EA's three Gundam pilots were cranked up on. My thoughts as well. Ariga was a Natural, therefore as his clone Rau needed to be enhanced in order to infiltrate Zaft's forces. He seemed to especially need the pills before and after a battle, just like the crazies. Did anyone save the scan about the Seed Special that shows his face. I swear he looks exactly like Rey, just Rey is obviously younger in appearance. I'm waittng to see if Athrun picks up on a similarity eventually.
  15. Here's a couple Zeta Gundam Fix pics. With the big big big gun
  16. Here's the GQ model Sword Impulse. Pretty impressive I think. I'll give this some consideration. I just ordered the Zaku IIF and Gundam Mk. II Titans HCM pro figures to see how I like that line. The pics for those are awesome. If I like those enough I may hold out for HCM Pro Seed Destiny mecha and go with that for the new Zaku's and the Sword Impulse.
  17. I stamp seal and sign off on that. (As far as Eva and RahXephon, haven't seen Dunbine though I'm interested in seeing it). I also highly recommend Escaflowne, and also Crest/Banner of the Stars.
  18. Either that or Ariga had a third son that neither Mwu nor Raww knew about. Or is Rey too young for that senario? Possible. Rey's age could allow for that. Rey's a coordinator though, and I doubt Ariga would have had anything to do with that. Even Rau looked to be enhanced, not a real coordinator, hence all the medicine he had to pop all the time. Unless Rey was an illigitimate child and his mother either made Rey a first-gen, or was a coordinator herself.
  19. Anubis


    I admit this is in the running for best custom of the year. Pics lasted longer than I thought they would.
  20. Yeah, no gun turret so far, that's it though. Supposed to be retactable I think. I adore the sculpt of this thing though. Can't wait for it actually.
  21. She can't die, who's gonna run Orb? Well,, there's still Kira. Or perhaps Orb will be no more. But I'm sure she's not gonna die,, love wins all,, somehow they will be together at the end, somehow. But I have a huch on something else, I'm pretty sure those 2 sexy captains are going to battle each other later. perhap over the Neo/Mwu? I don't think Cagalli will die (not yet at least, someone has to though later) but it would add to the romantic tension is Athrun was engaged, and then finds himself getting closer to Luna and then also having to deal with the 2nd Lacus. I would expect Kira and Shin to talk friendly once or twice. I don't think it'll be until the Freedom shows up that Kira will be named enemy #1 once Shinn knows that Kira is the pilot. Talia already has the Chairman, so she's not an issue. Murrue is in for some heartache though.
  22. Anubis


    these pics aren't going to last long
  23. So we're in a slow period: So what? We discussed Macross Zero plenty as it was being released and still are discussing it now even. We discuss and analyze every macross point we can thik of. We still discuss Valkyrie avionics. We still talk about every macross toy and model on the planet. When the the Q-rau got released we discussed it plenty. We're still talking about the Konig Monster and will talk about it a lot more when it's in some of our hands. Yeah, the Other Anime section is huge. That's what happens whem there is one Other Anime forum. It's as should be since this is MacrossWorld ). Other general forums can branch off separately for popular shows. There are a lot of good topics in our OtherAnime and Sci-fi section. The useless topics find their way to page 10 quickly or are closed. I don't think there's any half-assing involved here. Macross-specific news has been slower of late, but that doesn't mean the end of the world. With the number of active posters (and registered/unregistered lurkers), I can hardly call this place dying. The front page has it's uses still as well, just we recognise the forum is where the meat is now. As there is time in the future, the front page can get some updates, buit it's lower on the priority list. All pertinent news gets put up here in the forum, along with all the useful pics. I like these forums a lot better than Animeondvd's forums (which I actually avoid), and I lurk around Animepunch and Twin Moons. This is the only forum I post heavily on, and I like it here.
  24. The HCM Pro series is entirely nice, strong, sturdy ABS plastic. No drooping, no softness to worry about. I have both the Zaku (grunt) and Rick-Dom and they're rather nice. The Rick-Dom's elbows will pop off the upper arm if you fiddle with them carelessly, but they go right back on. Sweet.
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