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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Mine's shipped out from right stuf.
  2. I used to watch a disc a night back when I have time. Now I watch it as I have time, and episode or two at a time. January is catch up time until the Spring term starts.
  3. My Silverstreak's steering wheel is on the left. I got Smokescreen and Sideswipe in Target, Meister on Wal-mart online, and all the others I got from BBTS. Edit: Forgot I got Hound in Wal Mart. Found two. Kept one and sold the other here for cost.
  4. Most likely HG gave Animeigo a time limited sub-liscense and now that time is up. Really really sucks indeed. Unless HG milks the material and lets ADV release bricks of SDF Macross. They already took Animeigo's restored footage for their own use, wouldn't surprise me if they usurped Animeigo's subtitles as well. More likely they'll bottle up the original for at least a few years. 25th anniversary HG box sets.
  5. uh oh.. maybe toynami took over takara!!!! Hasbro seems to have gotten the monkey. The greasy monkey seemed to handle my grimlock because the Windows were greasier than any alternaotr I've gotten yet. Dead End's windows were pretty bad, Grimlocks were straight up fogged. Wierd. Soft cloth fixes though.
  6. Anubis

    1/60 Yamato VF-1A CF

    I would immediately buy 1 or 2 1/48 CF Valks. I would then ask for someone to recast J heads so we can make some CF VF-1J's.
  7. I still think at least one PLANT colony will be destroyed at some point. With what's gone on so far already, it's an easy probability. Something might happen to Carpentaria base as well or the other one. Zaft still has a couple bases on Earth. They said they were launching aid after the colony drop from those bases, as well as from orbit. Those might be blitzed soon. Orb's going to be bit in the butt as well soon too. Those guys picked the wrong side to cozy up with.
  8. Anubis

    1/60 Yamato VF-1A CF

    My 1/60 CF is actually the least floppy of all my 1/60's as well. It can actually hold it's gerwallk mode.
  9. Ep. 9 ROCKED. PLANT is not to be *&^$ed with. Good thing they knew what the EA would pull (bastards for trying to glass them in the first sortie), but Plant's new Stampede weapon was great. Zaft's new ship design was pretty cool. Of course the Sneak Attack group was entirely BC. I also agree that Lacus Mk. II was kind of scary. I kind of thought about Chi when I saw her. But...she was SO damn HOT in that dress. :drool: Athrun's expression was priceless, as was Dullindal asking him if something was wrong (while he knows damn well what's wrong). Wonder what the story with this girl is. She's show singing in the Ep. preview, could it be she was filing in for Lacus on Plant while th real one was on Earth? I doubt it since Athrun asked "What are you doing here?" This will be interesting. Of course I want to see more of that dress too. Anyone else catch the Miriallia cameo? Apparrently Athrun's visit doesn't last long, cause you see Athrun and Shinn talking, so he proably takes the Savior (maybe the other suit too?) back to earth right away. This show kicks ass. Before episode 10 we already have had: Prolonged space battles Ship to Ship combat Funnel fights Zakus owning Gundams Colony Drop Visit ORB Blue Cosmos scheming More space battle Nuclear Weapons New ships and other weapons 2 Lacuses for the price of one The Girtly Lue is autonomous BC black op ship basically. They wouldn't have gotten mixed in the space fight from Ep. 9. Besides, the EA was going to end the fight REALLY fast if they had their way.
  10. Right Stuf has begun processing the Zeta Boxes. This time for real.
  11. Yep, jumping down to grab the phone saves Shinn's life. If he hadn't jumped down for that he'd be dead too. So his sister kinda saved him actually.
  12. Well that's provided they even have Freedom. If anything I'm expecting Freedom to be stashed away at Orb somewhere. Either way. Just hypotheticizing. I've said before it's either waiting at plant, or maybe in storage with the archangel. Either way no one will have beans to say about using mirage colloids and n-jammer cancellers when the war kicks back in gear.
  13. His head in indeed supposed to come off. Supposedly he made kind of a joke in an interview about LotR, because his head comes off in the extended version of RotK, and so he'll have lost his head twice. I think that's what it was.
  14. Grimlock does stand a little higher than the Meister and Silversreak in the background. Kind of proper actually since Grimlock should be in a higher weight class anyway. Him and Silversreak have the same shade of Silver.
  15. No, Savior doesn't use an N Jammer canceller. From the early info Got the same power plant as the other 4 Gundams. It was designed when Plant was still following the treaty. Now that was will break out, both sides will surely produce new nuclear powered suits, and Plant will also have no qualms about pulling the Freedom out.
  16. It's a common technique when fighting a Jedi to lop off his swordfighting hand, that way he or she can no longer wield a lightsaber. It happened in a lot of the Dark Horse comics as well.
  17. Best looking alternator yet I think. Transforming him was trickier than it looked on the instructions though. Seems to me like the binaltech verison could easily chip or get scratched. Still looks great though. That and I love the look of the new Mustangs.
  18. I do have to admit these newer MSiA's are loking pretty good these days. The Seed Destiny Zakus look great in the preview pic we saw before. The weakness of the plastic is a big turn-off for me though. If they had HCM Pro quality ABS plastic the MSiA's would rock. Here's a pic with my two HCM Pro's with some master grades and HGUC's. I think I'm going to get the Rick-Dom as well soon.
  19. MSiA's aren't really to usual scale, but they should be somewhere around 1/144 size, right? HCM Pro's are 1/200 scale, so they measure 9-10cm in height.
  20. I'm just pissed that they did this and didn't say anything beforehand, especially knowing the fan base this particular Box Set it targeting, and how picky they are. Not wise. I'm gonna keep my order so I can watch this classic with good subs and video, but it still irks me about the songs being changed. I'm still very happy the show if finally being released in R1 though. Now if any changes have been made within the show itself, then I'll cancel.
  21. I just recieved my HCM Pro Zaku IIF and Gundam Mk. II Titans. First thing I thought was "damn these are tiny!" However after opening them up, I have to say I am rather impressed. The plastic is sturdy, as Graham said earlier in the SEED thread. The Zaku's feet feel a little loose, but that's due to the foot design, which allows a large range of motion. No floppiness though anywhere, there should be no sag worry with these toys. Really a step above regular MSiA's. They're very posable (had each of them in a full side-kick stance), and the detail is awesome, especially for something that small. Some removable parts to show interior detail. The Zaku's eye is movable (even comes with a tiny plastic screwdriver in the parts tree for that purpose). The Mk. II was great. I really think I'll pick up the Red Rick-Dias when it comes, maybe the Type-100 as well. It takes getting used to the idea of 1/200 scale, but it could lend the benefit of being able to fit many suits in a smaller space, with no detail sacrifice. They just look so good, even though they make my HGUC Char's Zaku II look big. I'll try to take some pics this weekend. I was skeptical wether I'd like them that much at first, but I am quite pleased with the HCM Pro so far. I'm thinking I'll get the majority of my Seed Destiny mecha in HCM Pro (Sword Impulse and Zakus). I do want a 1/144 Rey's Zaku Phantom though at least.
  22. Bandai Japan has been pains in the ass on the old-school Gundam before, kind of like how they allowed Bandai US to release the original Mobile Suit Gundam, but refused to allow them to have the Japanese language track, hence why we got a dub-only release. It was that or nothing. Japan could similarly have been a pain on the OP/ED music's liscense. Stubborn band, stubborn Bandai maybe, or the band and/or Bandai Japan could have given the US a "screw-you-special" price tag on the music as well if they were willing to liscence the tracks. Sometimes it's not as worth it. I'm not happy the tracks aren't on there though for whatever reason they cooked up though. Especially after all this time. How many delays, how long waiting? They could even have let people know beforehand what the problem was. Again, just like with MSG, they were up front about not being allowed to have the Japanese track at that time. If they weren't able to procure the OP/ED music they should have said something. They of all people know better than this. I am still hesitant to believe though that they couldn't get the tracks though. I agree Bandai US probably just didn't want to pay the liscence fee, wether they were being price-gouged or not. Very disappointing, but I'm not fuming about it right now, as long as there are no edits to the show itself. If anything was changed there I'll be mega-pisssed. I hope the video quality is good at least. I'm not hesitating to buy the HK versions of ZZ and V though. I waited long enough for Zeta.
  23. Made by Newtype USA. Nuff said. Robotech #7
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