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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. It's probably on Seed OST 4, which just came out. Seed Destiny OST 1 is out now as well.
  2. Short, but oh-so-fantastic. I'm really with you on that short thing, but what we did get made MY jaw drop in the theaters. Then on VHS. Then on DVD. And now it continues to do so with my new home theater system Nothing in AOTC came close to the energy or aura that Duel of the Fates had. The actors were really tearing into each other in Obi-wan vs Maul. That's what I want to see in ROTS. EDIT: And this fight is reputed to clock in at 12 minutes or so, and it's being called the longest sword fight in in cinematic history. "Duel of Fates" was still the longest and most action packed lightsaber fight ever. The actual Obi-Wan/Qui-gon vs Darth Maul fight was 5 minutes total after you cut all the other scenes out (Amidala's group, Space battle, etc.). I have an mpeg of just the fight. Anakin and Obi-wan's fight is supposedly going to be 12 minutes straight dedicated to them.
  3. Holy crap, he looks like Mwu... That's because Hisashi Hirai does the character designs for SEED... We debated that already way back in the thread. For anything concrete we have to wait a while. For now there's a few possibilities to work with.
  4. Holy crap, he looks like Mwu... If that's legit then that nails that one. Clone Mwu. Maybe not on the clone part.. In the compilation movie of SEED's end, they removed the helmet floating through space after Mwu takes the Dominion's shot to save the Archangel. Either way it should be very interesting.
  5. that was disturbingly funny. It shouldn't be that funny, but it is. In an Itchy and Scratchy kind of way.
  6. Holy crap, he looks like Mwu... If that's legit then that nails that one. Clone Mwu.
  7. So much for the EU's depiction of the Wookie part of Kashyyk being way up in the air, avoiding the nasty critters that live closer to the ground.
  8. The Minas Morgul polystone is limited to 8,500 pieces, that's probably why they were pricing it so high. Link for MM http://www.lotrdvdbox.com/ Thanks for the box link! One box per email and physical address? That sucks. I need 3 (myself, brother, and parents) I can wing two of them. Home email/address for one, work email/address for the other. 3rd may be tricky. Maybe only one if they check the billing address.
  9. That was the conversation Zala had with Sigel Clyne, I think the the room with the Evidence-01 fossil.
  10. I would say he's already past that point because Mwu was already a newtype. Perhaps back in the day he had a Seed mode, but he was long past that already. This SEED factor seems to me like it means "having the traits to become a newtype" and/or are in the early stages of becoming one. Kira is by far the closest to becoming another Newtype from the batch that has alreadybeen shwon with a Seed more. Now Rey shouldn't have a Seed mode for these reasons, with him already a Newtype as well. If he does have a Seed mode, then it should be becuase Rey will be at the end of the process, as he's exibiting all the traits already. The SEED factor is a theory, and one that is being researched for sure. I've said this before, but I think this is one of the things the chief Blue Cosmos guys realize, that people are taking steps toward their natural evolutions already, but the whole coordinator business takes any attention away from that with guys like Patrick Zala claiming they're the next evolutionary step. Thus having coordinators around may muck up or taint the process in their eyes.
  11. From what I understood, you only needed 'great spatial awareness' to use the Mobius Zero's weaponry.. which doesn't require you to be a newtype, but it certainly helps. That would be why Mwu was the only survivor of the Moebuis Zero squad. The fact that he's a newtype let him use the gunbarrels far more effectively than the others.
  12. Yeah, I couldn't believe the freakin' pricetag either!! Hmmm..let's see the EE:DVDs, Symphonic DVD, AND Minas Tirith for $50.......Minas Morgul for $75? What a scam!!! .....but a scam that I'm probably getting scammed by as I hope to order it. As well as the slipcase for $3, not a bad deal there. Looked at the website yesterday for the Minas Morgul, and they are throwing in a 1/4 scale Elessar's Crown replica as a "free gift." Though the crown ships in the spring and you have to pay separate shipping. still not worth 75 IMO though. What is this slipcase? I didn't see it anywhere on the weta website.
  13. Throw in INCOMS usable by your everyday Natural while you're at it.
  14. Who thinks there'll be a MS or MA with an I-field later on?
  15. I don't see any transformation seam lines.
  16. Wasn't it G System parts or something to turn it into a Wing Gundam Ver. KA?
  17. A performance tuning of the Strike Rouge could let it match the Impulse easy, especially having the IWSP pack with it's nice array of weapons. Stuff like upgraded engines, more/better thrusters, and probably further improvements to the OS. The EA had to upgrade their OS to build these Windam suits, Orb had to have worked on theirs as well. Wonder how much practice time Cagalli's put in the last two years.
  18. Someone needs to set it up to say "Terminate Terminae TERMINATE" while running after someone.
  19. If it was a level playing field and Kira couldn't go SEED on poor Mwu's ass, then I'd say Mwu would win thanks to his experience. The real fun question is.. if Mwu had the Gunbarrel strike-pack, would he be able to take down the Freedom? Or the providence. Funnels can make all the difference. If Mwu could have went barrel to funnel with Providence he could have done much better. It was the Strike being surrounded by funnels that made Mwu lose that round. Kira held up against all of Providence's funnels, so the 4 gunbarrels the Gunbarrel Strike would have had still wouldn't have been as big a deal in a Kira/Mwu face-off. Against the number of funnels the providence had, even the new Gundams would have serious trouble.
  20. That's cuz we never saw the launch from inside the catapult. We see the mech connect to the catapult and then we see them exiting the ships. Also, the Dagger-Ls launching from the 250-meter class battleships did not have their cords attached. Yeah, that's true too. Guess we'll have to wait until they build more Windams to see if they're battery or Nuclear.
  21. The name Neutron Stampeeder does sound like it's designed specifically to destroy nuclear weapons. They also show specifically the nuclear weapons detonating inside the ships. The shoulder launchers on the Windams were HUGE, there could have been more than one missile in there. Possibly. If so then this was likely the first volley, and then once the first volley hit the colonies, the Windam's could have hit the colonies with another volley, or the Windams could have turned around and launched the second volley into the Zaft fleet. The Stampeeder took care of all that though. Also, the Windams might well have been Nuclear powered. If they were slinging nuclear weapons, why wouldn't they also have the power plants? They didn't seem to have the power cord when they launched.
  22. I can imagine what a disaster Toynami's upcoming Cyclones are gonna be. We all know their track record and, with the much more intricate design of the Cyc, there is plenty of room for error. I predict a floppy pile of mispainted parts masquerading as a toy. Didn't you guys already know they're using these as the base for the MPC Cyclones?
  23. Also in the superscience thread first.
  24. LMAO! i'm loving the pic of the guy with his head shoved my his ass. reminds me of a few people i know here. The other pic was just NASTY. Is that for real? I'd rather just die and get it over with.
  25. I'm sorry I was looking for the Star Wars thread. Must be the wrong place. Don't have a problem at all with Portman personally, in fact I think she's turned out pretty cute.
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