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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Now we have an Epyon-inspired MS. Honestly I think this one is pretty ugly. They're sure going with a lot of easy transformations in this show. I'm sure the animators are quite happy for that with the number of transforming mecha.
  2. Deja vu. The whole Jet scale issue was a few pages back already. Odds are they'll be 1/72 or off scale, so they'll be the same size roughly as the alternator cars in bot mode.
  3. If they made the armor for Ultra Magnus, it would have been golden. If they wanted to do a simple repaint Prime they could have done the Scourge or whatever the black Prime is.
  4. I'm sure Graham would like to see any Lunamaria pics you have. So would I actually.
  5. Anyone watch the Venture Brothers last weekend where they made fun of the fantastic 4? Was pretty funny.
  6. His dad being Obiwan? Higher than Anakin's. Duh.
  7. To the degree that some of you guys were going apeshit over Lunamaria, it was begging to be done. Though not ehough to that degree to warrent the pic of darkness being unleashed, lest I unleash the scary Kira dress picture again. Besides, what's not to like about Lunamaria? I wish they'd make a figure that size (the Lunamaria figure is 19cm) of Lacus with the concert dress seen in my Avatar.
  8. Awesome. Cooler design than usual. This thing needs to be programmes to say "You now have 20 seconds to comply." Though this should be in the super science thread.
  9. I suspect Obi-Wan and co. will run a blood test on baby Luke and Leia and find that Luke's midichlorian count is higher than his dad's.
  10. As long as you're careful then glass + hinged doors should be fine. You can get locks for those easy too I would imagine. One for the top and bottom.
  11. I thought we agreed to never show or speak of that horrid pic again.
  12. 10 is nice but instead of the sharon logo I would say go for the character triangle, I think that owuld look better. I love the desert shot embeeded into the spine like that. Very nice valk box. 18 is also quite nice, I like the dimmed desert wraparound (nice effect), and the lineart would be quite shiny on the actual box. The lettering on the fighter mode side-by-side should probably be removed at that size though. 21 is excellent, and incorporates everything seamlessly. Characters, Mecha, Sharon, desert all accounted for. Only thing missing is the M+ triangle, which can be excused though since the box is already busy enough. Very nice photoshopping. Many nice designs, this had to take a long time to finish these. My vote would go to either 18 or 21. I'd be happy with either. I think 21 might be more deserving for the sheer amount of effort that had to go into that one, and again I think it incorporates everything we were discussing before quite well. It would go nicely with both SDF Macross boxes as well. Edit - changed 10 to 18, so either 18 or 21 for me.
  13. If you mean Lunamaria Hawke who pilots the red Zaku Warrior, she looks nothing like Frey IMO, she's much more cute and should not die, at least not before giving us some significant panty or shower scene fan service . Graham (Lunamaria's No.1 fan) Lunamaria is indeed nothing like Flay. Haven't seen one annoying thing about her yet, and she's cuter. She needs more screen time, as does the rest of the Minerva crew.
  14. Captain Arthur Gladys may unwitting, another pawn. Dullindal seems to be a master manipulator. If she's in cahoots then odds are Lacus and/or Waltfeld will take command like on the Eternal. All I can think of. Unless Arthur is more useful than he appears, and he steps up.
  15. Lookee what Hobby Fan is getting. Sweet. link
  16. Awesome paint scheme on the "Dark Wing." Worked out pretty well.
  17. I like the idea of Waltfeld's gold Murasame, knocks both the Zeta and Hyaku Shiki homages out in one shot. As an ace, he should be just fine with it.
  18. There's a lot of stuff missing from that quick summary, a LOT of the details, so I'd take the tidbits with a grain of salt. There's still hope for at least a nice Vader monologue. Some Vader ass-kicking is on my top must-see list though. Anyone that's read anything till now could have strung that article together. Not much new there.
  19. I don't know, there is NO MORE Gundam merchandise anywhere over here. Bandai/CN (especially CN with Seed's air times) really screwed the pooch when it came to marketing gundam in the US. The last of it went on clearance already in the few places that had anymore (mostly G Gundam leftovers). Never saw much Seed merchandise either. An Arch Enemy Aile Strike Gundam is news to me.
  20. But in Waldfeld's hands his gold one will be badass.
  21. Thank you, I almost had a heart attack. Anyway, the intro isn't bad. The ending music seems too somber for this early in the show. I still miss the original op/ed music.
  22. I just noticed the "Official" and the "And Others" tagline added to the thread title. NO WAY. Does that mean ALL Gundam stuff is supposed to go here? I hope not, because we filled all these pages with just Destiny stuff. Occasional slight deviation, but always goes right back to Destiny. We have to keep the separate GFF/MSia, and HG/MG threads as well. It's too much to sift through if it's all in one thread. WAY too much to sift through. The transformers thread is a already difficult enough as the mushed cluster it is now, a one-shot Gundam thread would be ridiculous. I hope the new title implies Official Seed Destiny show and destiny related toys, etc. stuff.
  23. I'll probably reserve mine for my Auto insurance, like last year.
  24. Windua dies after a (info from back when I subscribed to hyperspace) 117 hit lightsaber battle. I figure it's Grievous. Supposed to be Anakin from what I've read.
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