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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. First shot of Neo's custom Windam as well. Interesting paint scheme.
  2. The HCM Pro Hyaku-shiki is looking quite better now. I am still impressed at the Force Impulse's detail at this size. The core splendor is going to be so very small.
  3. its an eva valkerie Now that I think baout it... First thing I thought when I saw that pic was Eva-03 as well.
  4. they probably didn't have that kind of technology at the time. EP4 is 20 years later. With begs of pardon to the Pythons: Luke: Yeah, all right, Han. Don't labor the point. And what has the Empire ever given us in return? Rebel2: Skinned prostheses? Luke: What? Rebel2: Skinned prostheses. Luke: Oh yeah, yeah. They did give us that. That's true, yeah. Rebel3: And sanitation. Leia: Oh yeah, the sanitation, Luke . Remember what the planets used to be like. Luke: Yeah, all right, I'll grant you the skinned protheses (looks at own hand) and the santation are two things the Empire has done... Lando: And the guarded hyperspace lanes. Luke: Well, yeah. Obviously the hyperspace lanes, I mean the hyperspace lanes go without saying, don't they? But apart from the sanitation, the skinned protheses, and the well regulated hyperspace lanes... Rebel4: Ability to destroy planets. Rebel2: Medicine. Rebel5: Academy Education. Luke: Yeah, yeah, all right. Fair enough... Rebel1: No Gungans. Rebels: Oh, yeah <mumbled agreement> Wedge: Yeah. Yeah, That's something that we'd really miss, Luke, if the Empire left, huh. Rebel6: Better ship designs. Leia: And it's safe to walk the in streets at night now, Luke. Han: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let's face it, the only ones who could in a place like this. Rebels: Huhuhuh. Huhuhuhuhuh. Luke: All right. But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, the Academy, no Gungans, public order, the ability to destroy planets, guarded hyperspace lanes, better ship designs, and realistically skinned prostheses... What has the Empire ever done for us? Rebel2: Brought peace? Luke: Oh, peace. Shaddup. Sorry...long winded, but wanted to share what went through my head after reading the last few posts. I think we need a locked "Classic Posts" thread, a place to keep awesome posts like this forever. That was great!
  5. Anubis

    Fast Pack yf-19

    Maybe we should pin this "Where's the YF-19" thread. I would buy 2 for myself, and even my brother wants one as well (the only valk he as expressed an interest in getting is a YF-19).
  6. The cancellation story is on the Star Trek official site now as well. A shame really, I liked Enterprise better than Voyager. Has a much better cast than Voyager did. DS9 is actually my favorite Trek series. I loved that one.
  7. I wonder if it's really that big.
  8. I doubt there will be any updates to this for a looooooooong time. It was in initial pre-development (concept art) phase, that was it. They hadn't even done studio shopping yet.
  9. What complete and worthless crap it is these days.
  10. Sounds very cool. Chaos kit looks very nice too. FUNNELS.
  11. Actually the duel was supposed to be the last time they saw each other until they met in the death star. Remember in Episode 4: The circle is complete. When last we met I was the learner, now I am the master.
  12. I think Dragstrip looks better than Windcharger.
  13. Well, I need to update anyways. Most of my books are the old ones, and missing what in some cases are actually pretty important stories like how Keichi got his temple/house. Tey released a trio of volumes to replace the incomplete 1-555-GODDESS. Those are the new 1-3. Wrong Number, Leader of the pack, and Final Exam are the titles. Did you get those 3?
  14. This caught my eye.
  15. Opps, I goofed. It's volumes 19/20 on the spine, not 20/21. I fixed it above. Paying all over again for 20 volumes probably isn't something I'm going to do, but I'm still glad the rest of the series will be in the right format, seems like OMG was one of the last hold-outs. Hopefully it'll be 9.99. That would be a nice. Just got Episode 4 of the show yesterday, and that one brought in Sayoko, with her immediately seeing Belldandy as a threat. Keiichi and the two motor club guys manage to get Belldandy listed as an exchange student.
  16. I just picked up Oh my Goddess: Sora Unchained manga yesterday (Vol. 19/20), and at the end of the book it had a letter saying that this would be the last volume in the current format and the end of the single issues Dark Horse had been using. They will finally start matching the Japanese version's size and right-left format, with a lower price finally. So Oh my Goddess will get to jump on the bandwagon finally. About time they gave the manga the right treatment. I love the series, but the 18 bucks was pushing it. Unfortunately/fortunately it also means they will be re-releasing the 20 previous volumes in the new format over time as well. Wether or not I shell out that much money will remain to be seen, but I would have to wager not any time soon on my part. At least the remainder of the series will be done properly. Also, I've got up to Episode 3 of the show, and it looks pretty good so far. It's not following the manga exactly, but keeping the essense of it. They seem to be taking their time as well which is good. In Episode 3 they just make it to and settle into the Shrine. They took time in Ep. 1 to build Keiichi's character some as well before Bell came out of the mirror at the end. So far the show looks like it'll come out ok. The goddess' outfits are the movie outfits.
  17. Hello Kitty Squad is still better than Pink Pecker. A low-vis grey camo scheme or desert camo scheme would be interesting to see on the VB-6. A Blue Rose scheme could also look cool.
  18. The new sharon pic is hella nice.
  19. A. OMG the cockpit box is gorgeous. It's simple, yet completely eye-catching. DAMMIT. Which to choose. SDF Box all over again.
  20. That kinda sucks. Good thing I bought M7 already. All I had from them is M7 and DYRL, the only bootlegs I have so far. Bought Voltes V on ebay for the GF. Someday I want to get Mazinger Z and possibly Yamato. Other than that it's all downloaded fansubs for me.
  21. I was wondering where the Blast Impulse stored the beam javelins.
  22. The cockpit one is looking pretty good too, though something should go on the top. I'm only going to get one (space and $$$), and #1 will go nicely with the Mech SDF Macross Box.
  23. OK, 66 x $100 (lowball estimate) = $6600, which means you have spent in the ballpark area of $7000+ on 1/48's (more counting Fast Packs and Low-Vis's)! What are you dealing and how did you embark on your lucrative venture. I change mine display cases and shelves around occasionally, but now that I'm getting cramped for space I mainly rearrange to fit everything yet still look good. A couple things I have put away.
  24. Golden.
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