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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. So then you go forward and post a spoiler that I and probably several other readers here didn't know. You dumb piece of sh!t. You should be banned just for being a complete and utter toolbag. When Max said, Don't post spoilers here. TheForce.net has a forum dedicated to that so people that can't live w/o spoilers can go there., WTF part of that didn't your small mind understand? Jackass, thanks for posting the spoiler without warning. I was making a generalization. There is nothing conclusive that shows yet wether Palpatine runs Windu though. I was merely saying a pic of something like that would be indeed spoilerish, because no one knows the dynamics of Windu's eventual fight, and who kills him in the end. The previous pic of padme reveals nothing and didn't warrant your whining about it. Again. If I see something that bad, or Anakin's actual end of something like that, I'll complain as well, but there isn't anything that bad anymore since the Dooku missing parts pics. You sir are bordering drama queen status. I fixed my post from before so that there won't be anymore confusion as to what was trying to say.
  2. I'd say the Patlabor's and the Gasaraki mecha. Something like a Tachikoma is pretty feasible too, the ways things keep advancing these days.
  3. So she's lying on a bed (wherever the scene takes place). It's a scne we all know is in there, i.e. common knowledge. The pic where Yoda and Obi-wan are walking in the great hall with all the bodies strewn around was a lot more revealing and no one bitched about that one. Personally, the title says Ep. III ***PICS*** so some spoilerish pics are to be expected, but I don't consider anything shown so far to be too spoilerish. If you don't want to risk seeing pics DON'T OPEN THE THREAD people. All you've done lately Duke is bitch and it's getting annoying. No offence though. A pic along the lines of Windu's death at the hands of whoever the hell it is that whacks him, would be spoilerish. (Edited the above so there's no more confusion as to what I was saying.)
  4. My Red Alpha finally arrived from Toynk. Took a month from the time I won the auction (and paid them the same day). Not happy about that, I had to email him twice, but I only paid 55 for it though. Not bad overall. It's definately not worth 80, and feels like it'll break if I'm not careful, but for under 60 sure. Several parts were too tight during transformation, so I felt like I would break it. Arms are a little loose in Soldier, but hold their pose. The arms in particular feel quite fragile, and I can see how easy it would be to break the forearm fins. My only issues really are that one leg pulled out nice and easy, but I had to force the right leg and I was so afriad I was going to break it. It seems to move easier now. That same knee seemed to have some excess glue, as it didn't want to move until I kind of forced that. Now it moves fine. The head seems to be crooked a little too, as it doesn't want to sit flush in Soldier mode, so I just turned it's head to the side some and it looks all right. My left shoulder missle cover looks like it has a little bit shaved off one edge. Thankfully the greasy monkey did not touch this Alpha. Overall problems with mine were minimal and I feel I could transform it again without breaking it. It looks really nice though. It's an impressive looking mecha on the shelf, and I'm glad I got it. At least any issues I had with mine were fairly minimal. I might get those decals from Tam and really spruce it up. I am kind of tempted to get the Shadow Alpha, but not right now due to lack of fundage. This and my SD Red Alpha will at least cover me on Alphas for now. What I really want though are cyclones, I would easily buy all of those as I've said before. Hopefully by con season this summer we'll hear something about those.
  5. I managed to catch last Friday's episode last night. The Captain rocks. I love how he told the security lady she was done and kicked the inquisition panel off his ship. You don't tell this guy what to do on his own ship.' I'm liking it so far. I missed some of the early episodes, so I guess I'll try to find a bittorrent online. This is one show I think I'll buy the boxsets of.
  6. Awesome, and the Kids can have real Haros.
  7. You're right, the clone -19S isn't accurate. The clone has the Fire Valk's wings, and not the reshaped wings the F/S models are supposed to have. I haven't put the stickers on yet because I didn't feel like it yet. I have them out to do it, just haven't. I also wanted to look for a better color reference because the instuction sheet isn't very useful for the sticker placement.
  8. Here's my 19S from my lineup.
  9. That was great, Kira stole all of Athrun's girls.
  10. Kind of reminds me of the Devil Gundam.
  11. The TOS movies' uniforms (II-VI) were the best ones IMO.
  12. I'm going to say meh about another corvette repaint. Not planning to buy a 3rd one. If they do that though, they should be able to release a Subaru Prowl. That would be cool. Eagerly awaiting Shockwave. Any ideas what the Mitsubishi is yet?
  13. Phase Shift officially has no effect on Beam Weapons. That's what the Sheilds are for. Shields block Beam Sabers and shots. Phase shift does protect against convential weapons, projectiles, and explosives. That's why phase shift doesn't matter as much any more, and why the Zaku's can still kick ass. Beam weapons really leveled the paying field. It's who has the ace pilots in the end now. The bonus the Gundams now provide is their specialties in either transformation, or in Impulse's case the versatility of it's sillouette packs. Their performance is also kicked up a notch.
  14. The barrels are exactly as long as they are supposed to be, so I say they're fine.
  15. Lecture mode (cue Washu): Most of us already know that most long running shows, and many 26-episode shows, have recap episodes included in the show's plan. This saves animation budget for the climax and such. It also helps with the way shows are aired. When given once a week with no reruns over the span of 6 months to a year, a recap can help serve to bring newcomers up to speed as well. Macross is one example. Originally one recap episode was planned, but when the show got extended, another recap was included as well. Some shows are handling it differently now, which is cool as well. I like how Seed -Edited- was presented. More like a special than an actual episode it seems. I wonder if it'll make it into the eventual dvd release in place as aired, or as an extra (like in Chobit's release). The first recap episode in Seed SO pissed me off. You don't do a recap episode after a cliffhanger. It's just rude. At least the Orb ones were placed more apporpriately. Some shows push it in the number of recap episodes though. Seed pushed it, Chobits pushed it (though they were removed from the order during the dvd releaase ), and Wolf's Rain supposedly REALLY pushed it (with recap episodes back-to-back IINM, I haven't seen Wolf's Rain).
  16. I think Seed's problem was precisely because the shpw was still being made as it aired, just like Destiny is now. The problem with the first show was they they took entirely too damn long to get to alaska, so there wasn't enough time to play with all of the plot angles they wanted in the remaining episodes. Over half the show passed before they even made it to the Alaska base. Thankfully they seemed to learn their lesson with Destiny, and are managing the time a lot better. If this was the first series, the first 8 episodes would ave been spent chasing the Girtly Lue, instead of getting right to the colony drop. Destiny has much better pacing so far, so hopefully they'll wrap up the loose threads this time.
  17. I guess Wednesday is the day to go to target over here. They had 3 Swindles, 2 Windchargers, 3 Grimlocks, and 1 Ravage. I picked up Ravage, but still decided to pass on Swindle.
  18. He's a newtype, he's destined to be alone. And badass with a funnel equipped Gundam. I was pleased to see him get at least one character moment so far, when they show he likes to play the piano. He's been about the least developed so far outside of showing "Hey, he's a newtype!" I think Shinn and Stellar will meet again during a small shoreleave. Either that or after the Minerva gets to Gibraltar, her and her two teammates sneak on the base, and the two tragic lovebirds meet there again. No matter what, there's no way it'll end pretty for those two.
  19. OK, now it's getting a little out of hand. Please keep this thread on actual science and technology news guys. I don't want to see this thread closed.
  20. I don't think it's fair for Athrun to have 3 girls eyeing him. Two is enough, let Shinn have Lunamaria, then he can have two as well.
  21. He already has made an Ishtar. Check his page out. It's gorgeous as well. The new Minmay is awesome. Keep it up!
  22. Anubis

    Hobby Fan

    I'm having Ryuji build my Minmay as well. The man is very skilled, and he's charging a very fair price for the completion. Give him a PM. As for Hobby Fan, I have bought a Misato and a Lacus statue from them and both are wonderful. Their pre-painted statues are top-notch.
  23. Now here is a truly wonderful pic.
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