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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Yeah, changing the guns into sci-fi pistols is ludicrous. Especially given it's time slot. Hell, it's original 10:30 Sat. time slot should have been fine. Airing the show at 1AM there is no excuse to be editing it at all. They still seem to be rishing the pan shots too. It doesn't look right.
  2. The first girl was the Ex-S Gundam.
  3. To me Freedom and Providence looked may more advanced than this Destiny Gundam. Hell, IMO the IWSP for the Strike Rouge looks like it brings more to the table than this guy. If the Destiny has it's own Beam Shilds that would fefinately help it out some. A darker paint sceme would have been better. It's too bright with the traditional gundam colors. Put this with Providence's Titans-ish paint scheme and it would look cooler.
  4. Awesome. Simply gorgeous.
  5. Nintendo will release DS in 4 colors in japan That was a given the moment the DS came out. I don't think anyone was really surprized there. For Hikuro, I thought the DS was only supposed to play GBA games along with the DS games? I didn't think it could play the GB/GBC games.
  6. Doesn't seem to me like the developers have really pounced on the DS. How many good games are out now and the system has been out for how long? The touch screen is a really interesting idea, but the DS should have been produced with an Analog control. If you're only going to have one directional control, it should have been a small analog control, not a d-pad. That omission really hurts a lot of game prospects, because using the touch screen to compensate isn't a very accurrate or intuitive substitution. Super Mario 64DS for example showed the usefulness of the touchscreen, but also the limitations of no analog control. Mario 64 was designed for the analog control to begin with. Some developers were probably scrared off because you're pretty much obligated to at least try to incorporate the 2nd screen for more than just a map, as well as fit the touch pad into your game. You can't really do a true 3D game without an analog control. So once again Castlevania is going to be side scrolling in the DS game, instead of the 3D game the DS actually has the horsepower to handle. I actually almost got a DS, but held off because I wanted to see how well everything developed, and got a new GBA SP instead to replace my older GBA. Unfortunately it seems like Nintendo might have a problem with the DS. The PSP beats it on features hands down if you exclude the touch screen. That's about the only advantage the DS has, aside from the lower price. I really like that the PSP is using memory cards as well. No more battery backed saves. I'm not going to get either for the time being, but I'm watching. I've decided all I want for video games personally is my PC and then handhelds. I never play my Gamecube (actually thinking about selling that), I play my GBA far more.
  7. That would be interesting. They already have different packs for Dagger L's and Windams, it would make sense for there to be other packs like the Sword pack as well. They've already had the shoulder gun pack, and Jet Striker packs for the Dagger L's. The Windams seem to share the same equipment options as the Dagger L's, plus the nuclear missle pack. I expect we'll see a gunbarrel Windam at some point as well.
  8. That's what I was wondering. Rey just gave him a big ol gay looking hug out of nowhere. Weird... Speculation is that Dullindal is Rey's adopted father, or some sort of fatherly figure. Even so, it was surprising to see him react that way. Not 'gay' or anything, in my eyes, just surprising. They share similar looks in the first episode and a few others near the beginning, I believe. That what I was getting the father figure or he was his real father. I did not see anything wrong with it. I didn't mean about any kind of gay comment. I meant surprise at the excitement Rey had, as yet never shown before excitement. The father figure or "father" aspect is what I was thinking. Suspicious, yes. Master geneticist. "Father." Intro shot of Gil, Rey, and Neo. Suspicious, yet seemingly innocent for now. Dullindal is a master chess player. To me it seems like he was giving Talia and co. some clues in this episode without making it look like clues. Dudes a frigging puppet master. Dance puppets. Haha, I mesmorize you with extremely hot, hotter than the original Lacus Mk. II and no one notices anything's wrong. Parade hot chick in front of the populace and you can do whatever the hell you want. Dude is the fricking master. One of my favorite characters in this series so far. If he is a villain he's one of the coolest bad guys I've seen in a long time. If he's actually a good guy, then he's just slick. His innocent "Do you know where the Archangel is Athrun?" bit was great as well. "I'd love it if the original came back." Yeah. As if no one would notice the chest reduction. Lacus has been absent for a while, so it was easy to introduce Meer with the more "mature" figure and modified singing style. No way he has any plans of asking the real Lacus to come back. He wants her removed.
  9. For that Gil would have had to hit Rey on the head with something. Oro.
  10. Touching on that for a second. Since the BC ran the Earth Forces (OMNI) anyway (many of the bigwigs strategically seem to be BC, with the director of the time, Azrael also being the BC leader) they were in a position to slap the nukes on that ship, and when the colony got glassed, they were able to say "yeah we nuked the colony, so what?" No one was going to punish the orchastrators since the chiefs were BC anyway. Hell, the President of the Alliance is BC, with Washington serving as the Alliance capital. OMNI is kind of a BC puppet. The main arm of OMNI does what it's supposed to do, while the secretive BC part of it does what they want to do, and also influences how the main arm does things. The BC part of the military is in a way like the Titans if you want to use that analogy. They have their own ships, resources, etc. at their disposal. These units probably comingle with the regular forces as necessary as well, with the Junis 7 incident having at least one BC ship as part of the attack fleet.
  11. And that waqs the quality of the UC shows. Both sides did stuff wrong, both sides were to blame for things. We're seeing that now in Destiny as well. This Logos talk might mean a little something deeper. Since money is the factor, thes Logos guys probsbly wouldn't really care whether their business partners were coordinators or not. Plant is producing a lot of weapons very quickly, and had been before the hostilities broke out. Earth is cranking out designs at record paces. Dullindal might well be in league with these guys. Keep the war machine moving, keep people producing. The BC serves their own interest, but could easily be encouraged by the Logos, as it is in their interest for the BC to keep starting stuff. Meer is so hot. I sincerely hope we can have a duet concert at some point. I also want a statue to go with the Lacus one I got from Hobby fan. Hopefully Megahouse steps up at least. Given the impressive job they did with their latest 3 Destiny pvc statues, they could do a sweet Meer.
  12. I don't know, they sported a Takara MP Prime instead of the Hasbro.
  13. What's with Rey hugging Dullindal?
  14. From the binalternators.de page, it turns out the Alternator Ravage comes from both the "current" Ravage and the Baast Wars Future Ravage.
  15. I like lacus's new nightie from that lineart
  16. I had only transformed my Red alpha once after I got it. Into soldier mode, then onto the shelf. I went to transform it back to fighter and muddled through it, except for the hips. Is there any trick to sliding the hips on it to the fighter mode position? I worry that I'll break it forcing the legs too much.
  17. All hail the Gouf. That thing looks great. Who'd have thought an orange Mobile Suit would look pretty good.
  18. sweet.
  19. Well, he was stuck on the Meltran ship when the fight started, and since he just made a new friend, he was able to get macronized, hop in a Q-rau, and join the fight. No way Max would have stayed idle. I'm sure right after the fight was all over, he radioed in and let everyone know what happened.
  20. I like the fighter mode lock mechanism idea.
  21. There's a lot of good stuff in there this year.
  22. Thanks, I'll have to take a peek there. I always miss JLU.
  23. If he had the trailer I might have considered it, but I'm taking a pass on UM as well. Just wanted to show the pic is all. Black Prime might be cool. Wish they'd do a new masterpiece though. They could probably make a sweet Megatron or something at least.
  24. She's in one of the artbooks with that color plugsuit. Nice "what if they got up to her" piece. I believe there was also a shot of Kensuke in his plugsuit, though I don't remember the color. If the eva program continued as it was orginally scheduled (using the Eva-02 based design instead of the dummy plug Eva-05 based ones), then Hikari would have been next after Toji. Use shinji's friend first, then asuka's. Nice.
  25. Greivous is on Dooku's "side" so as far as Grievous was concerned Dooku was his boss. He may not have even had any dealings with Sidious directly. He's basically the Separatist commander, so he wouldn't know aout Palpatine. I don't really think Palpatiine cares who wins the grievous/obi-wan fight. The victor would meet his end anyway somehow.
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