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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. That's pretty funny too.
  2. A chibi combination of Gundam and Eva. I found it quite funny actually. Very interesting seeing a Guntank covered in blood.
  3. A spot for the 3rd season of Clone Wars aired tonight on CN. The new episodes start the 21st of this month. Anakin has the long hair and everthing, as well as the scar on his eye. When does he get this? Seeing the scar in the trailer, I figured it's something he gets fighting Dooku in ep III. Does that mean this season takes place during the timespan of Episode III? I wonder how much time Ep. III covers. Or does Anakin just simply have a scar on his eye now, something he got at some point during the war?
  4. I would take imediate advantage of that situation. Why doesn't Athrun? I'm assuming he doesn't, does he?
  5. If it has "Nu" in the title it better have funnels. Dammit. The notes weren'y in reference to the Nu Gundam at all. I have no idea why, how, what they're thinking, why that, or anything. I just find it wierd.
  6. The sculpt is great, but I'm not down with the pink. This one would need to be painted to look best.
  7. This movie is going to rock. They showed Palpatine force throwing those repulsorlift platforms at Yoda, and lots of other itdbits of goodness. Sweet. Awesome trailer. Can't wait to download it.
  8. Who knows, maybe Dullindal asks Kira to bring Freedom in for an upgrade when the Destiny rolls out.
  9. An idiot and his money will soon part ways. In this case 2 idiots. One bid a max of 300 and someone actuallt passed him. Dumbass. I want to be there when he sees what he's won once he opens it up.
  10. The Destiny looks kinda cool like that actually. Next up: Nu-Freedom If it has "Nu" in the title it better have funnels.
  11. downloadanime still has it, and they sometimes have the raw links
  12. Pre-ordered!! Thanks!
  13. Sweet! That's a great custom Ex-S Girl. Polidread's is nice too. We already have the great ValkGirl thread, now we need a GundamGirl thread that can match it.
  14. I thought the first one did bad enough to preclude any chance of a sequel. That was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Friend of mone made me watch it to see how bad it was and make fun of it.
  15. I end up watching Anime on my PC monitor usually. Other than that there's a 27" regular TV in the basement I use.
  16. I still plan to download Destiny however possible, and buy the R1 discs when they come out. Just like I'm doing for Seed.
  17. Hopefully CN doesn't butcher Destiny and banish it to a crappy timeslot and ruin it like they did to Seed. They treated G gundam well and it did great. They treated Seed like crap and they actually wondered why it was a midrange performer. Duh. Destiny DVD's by the end of the year hopefully (however "soon" translates to) is good news and the specials in the summer explains the rush in releasing the Seed DVD's. Good news all around. Hopefully they don't delay ZZ unnecessarily at least and get that out. I never liked Heero. Thought he was an ass personally. Actually the only Wing pilots I liked at all was Duo, Zechs and Treize. I like Shin better. Ep. 20 helped explain his position a little. There's sonethine important to remember: how young Shinn was when his family was killed. That was sure to mess him up. Not a bad way to squeeze another recap episode in there. Done in a way that reflects where Shinn was and the simple like he was leading as the events from the first series were happening. I also noticed in Ep. 20 they showed Mwu die again during all the flashback footage. They showed his looking back to say his "I make the impossible possible" line, all the smoke fill around him, and the destruction exactly as in the first show.
  18. The Escaflowne makes a decent display piece at least. Posability sucks, but still a good static display in either mode (dragon if you have space). I'd agree on making Prime the priority though of course. Really is a masterpiece and worth every cent.
  19. Nice Stellar Drawing.
  20. Dragonslayer. Can't forget that one.
  21. Destiny Finger? Haha That means Shinn gets to yell a lot. Seems like too diverse a weapons spread. BFG (?), Beam Boomerangs, Anti-Ship Beam Sword (?), Beam Rifle, "Destiny" Finger (It would be funy as hell if they call it Shining Finger). Covers all the bases though. Close and long range. I'm curious about the bfg. Looks like it unfolds, you can see the hinge at the bottom of the second pic. Looks like the sword unfolds too, it has a hinge at the bottom too. That's going to be one long ass sword. With this much stuff and those wings it's got to be another Nuclear Suit. The other option if not a Shining Finger-type attack is it could have some kind of large beam cannon in it's arms. Compact Particle Cannon or something.
  22. Oh I have bought the dvd's. I just happened to be home at the time and turned it on to my dismay.
  23. Nice battle damage!
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