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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. As long as I have high quality CG transformers slug it out for at least 60-75% of the movie I'll be happy. I concur with the less sentimental stuff and who cares about the human characters. They can have their human friends, but they need to shut up and watch the fight. I want to see like in Robot Chicken. "We kicked Decepticon butt with only 50 human killed. A new record!" Still wonder what Soundwave will be. Megatron is supposed to be a tank.
  2. The manga rocks. Pulls no punches. Great reading. Glad it's coming out here already. Can't wait for #7.
  3. Another interesting scenario would be when Kira sticks his nose in again and puts the Minerva in a bad position, Shinn AND Athrun might have to gang up on him to get him out of the way. I doubt they'll let Kira just step in and ruin another battle for them especially since the Minerva incurred casualties last time. Heine, plus the people Kira killed on the Minerva would have been fine if Kira hadn't stepped in. Destroying the Tannhauser could have destroyed the Minerva, especially since it was about to fire. That made it worse. I doubt they'll want to give Kira a chance to screw them over again. After Kira's interference I kinda want to see him get owned for once. Really pissed off Seed-mode-Shinn + Athrun (probably in Seed mode too) would probably kick Freedom's ass. Side note, I'd rather trust HLJ than Hobby Search. Don't trust them anymore. Good prices, but their communication sucks. A few of us had unpleasant experiences when we needed to communicate with them. They ignored at least 5 emails I sent until I sent an angry one threatening to cancel any charges they placed.
  4. To require that much of upgrading/repair Freedom would have to get completely owned. Either that or since the new Gundams are going to roll out anyway Dullindal asks for Kira bring Freedom in for an overhaul. With the excessive amounts of beam weaponry the new EA mobile armors and this Destroy Gundam are going to carry a beam reflector equipped MS would be a necessity. Destroy may not have funnels, but it'll have lots and lots of beam weapons. It would be pretty crazy if when Lacus and Andtrew go to Plant Dullindal is actually cool. More likely they'll need a quick rescue, but it would be an interesting twist to have Dullindal yet be a good guy after all. I like the old Freedom design better. I actually don't like the gold too well on the new one.
  5. Hmm. Old school beat-em up style it looks like.
  6. Just tried it today actually. Pretty cool. Doesn't work for everything, but it gets a lot. The image seems to be pretty old though. Some things that should be on the map when you scroll around aren't there yet.
  7. I'm opting out of Ultra Magnus. Don't want to pay another hundred just for him. I already have two Primes anyway (1 Takara, 1 Hasbro). One for bot mode, one for cab+trailer.
  8. Pics of the EX model of the Exass are out now, complete with cables.
  9. Use Anit-static Screen Cleaning Wipes (the LCD Safe ones). You can clean the whole unit with those things. Great for all kinds of electroinc cleaning.
  10. Figured this was an appropriate thread for this one: The 1/1 scale scopedog is completed! link Guess this wins a plausibility award.
  11. I've never seen all of Turn A. What was the Moonlight Butterfly and what could it do as a weapon? And did the Turn A really have a "shining finger" attack? The Turn-X had the shining finger attack.
  12. The Exass was wired. In Ep. 2 it looked like they were wireless, but you could see the wires clearly in ep. 3. The Chaos appears to just have wireless weapon pods, remote/computer controlled similar to how Athrun could control the backpack from the Justice Gundam. The Dragoon System uses the high speed ass-whupping funnels. The Providence is the only real Dragoon system equppied MS so far. Big step up from the gunbarrels. The Dreadnaught in Seed Astray also had a couple Dragoon bits, but those were scavenged and added to it if I'm not mistaken (haven't read it), and later would be swapped out for those wierd lasers in the Destiny Astray lineart since its new pilot couldn't use the dragoon parts.
  13. Wow, that looks awesome. Odds of my buying this are increasing.
  14. Nu Freedom has some kind of box or something on it's shoulders/where the wings attach. Maybe it had Sazabi style Funnels on it? Without the Shoulder cannons, and smaller hip cannons, it's got to have something on it, and what's in those two boxes has to be it. Reflectors in the forearms + compact funnels would equal badass.
  15. I use winamp for audio, and right now I'm using Zoom PLayer for video. I might switch to VideoLAN or Media Player classic soon though. I have to experiment and see which I like best. If winamp played OGM files I'd probably use that for everything, but oh well. What about Linux: what do you linux guys use there? (I'm also going to dabble with Suse Linux 9.2 once I have some time.)
  16. I guess that's today's April Fool's Joke.
  17. Here's one I haven't seen yet: Since Grievous had various upgrades done to him: Maybe Vader gets upgraded hands and a height extension on his legs installed at some point. feasible
  18. Glory be to the Mustang. The Jeeps are next on my list.
  19. Finally it is mine. Unfortunately the people during transit weren't very careful with her and she got some paint damage during transit, so I have to go get soem touch up paint to fix the spots. I guess I need some metallic red, a flesh color from the rpg paint section and some dark midnight blue. I'm not good enough to fix the gold trim in the few places it was marred, so I'll leave that alone. Ryuji did excellent making her, awesome job there, it sucks that transit didn't go as well as hoped though.
  20. Damn that's nice.
  21. The sculpt rocks, but the paint does look kind of sloppy on some parts. That's rather disappointing.
  22. Signs point to goodness this time around.
  23. They have done a pretty good job of inserting snuobbish moments throughout the last two films didn't they. I never quite agreed with the librarian's "If it's not in here it doesn't exist." That's just blind arrogance. The Jedi's refusal to even agree that it was a Sith that attackes Qui-Gon was stupid. What else could it have been? After Maul and Qui-gon dead, then Yoda and Mace confer "it was clearly a sith". They didn't have any kind of urgency about the second one though. No "we really need to find out if it was the master or apprentice" but more of a "meh, Obi-wan won, case closed for now". Let's not forget the classic "Count Dooku was once a Jedi Knight, it's not in his character."
  24. But that gives credit to the perception that the jedi have become overconfident and arrogant, assuming more of them showboat like Windu does.
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