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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Limited stickers (UN Spacy, numbers (011, etc.) that's about it. If I had the Anasazi or Takatoys decals I would have decked them out more, but I haven't felt like spending the money to get those. The time to cut them all out nicely is another factor. Eventually maybe. Then I can convert Hikaru -1A into a -1S. I bought the recast head but never used it.
  2. How rare exactly are these older Yamato Rurouni Kenshin OVA figures? I want a better kenshin figure with the blue outfit. I have the Kenshin OVA and Hiko figures. The story image figures while nicely detailed are still craptactular. The legs give over time and they don't stay stable. To fix that I added a rubber piece under the base to level the figure off. Did the same thing to my Hiko figure, and last night I found him tipped over from bending more over time. Kenshin is still stable for now, but who knows how long that will last. So I was looking for (hopefully) the statue, but that's too expensive. Next alternative: the older 7-inch figures which are now harder to come by. I found one for $90 and was wondering if it was a good deal or not. I know it's expensive as hell but it's a rare figure now. How are the quality of these figures?
  3. I liked the episode, and it plugged a story element from TOS in explaining exactly what happened to the Defiant when it disappeared. I always liked the Mirror Universe episodes, and this one does well. Nice way to use some space in the final episodes to do something fun.
  4. At least Athrun doesn't have to self-destruct. I'm looking forward to Shinn kicking all kinds of ass again.
  5. Torrent for Seed Destiny OST II is out! link Pretty good tracklist.
  6. OK, having the wing sabers helps a little, he can hack some serious stuff up with that mobility. The running gag though still applies. Phallus on the head and red. CF 18 posted new pics of the Destiny figure in the figre thread, it's growing on me some the more I see it. The beam boomerangs double as it's beam sabers. The Shield also opens up just a little. Wonder what that could be for... Beam Shield? Could still have the beam shield since the wing trails isn't in the pic either.
  7. The VF-17's were black. Diamond Force flies black with yellow trim, so Gamlin's VF-22S should be black with that yellow trim. Emerald Force flew in the dark blue scheme for their 19's.
  8. The chest S emblem is way too small. Other than that acceptable.
  9. At least the new Justice looks way better than the last one. The original was poo. Never liked it. This one is a bit sleeker, and should be extremely agile with that config. It is seriously undergunned compared to the Super Freedom though, or the Destiny.
  10. Athrun once again gets the short end of the stick. He deserves to be pissed, though the folding wings look cool. I also disagree with the focus they've given to the original crew. They should have stayed more secondary, not share the spotlight like they've been doing. All the time they spend on the AA is taking away from the Minerva crew. Also, since they have Kira being some kind of god of mobile suit combat, the aces on the Minerva somehow look like rookies. Hopefully this will change soon.
  11. Same stuff as before, but now with project on hold. They didn't even have a financer back before. It'll be a long time before anything new comes form this, if it ever does.
  12. That's one of the problems with having a bad guy in the movie as bad assed as Grievous. You want him do so a lot (I so wish he does at least half of the stuff he did in clone wars), but his fight with Obi-Wan isn't the climax of the movie If you make the fight against the quad-lightsaber wielding super bad guy too diffcult, too flashy, or too long, it could have made the fight with Anakin less climactic. It sucks if Greivous has to be downplayed, but the fight against Anakin has to be THE fight of the movie. I still expect a good battle with Grievous, and likewise the battle with Yoda and Palpatine can't run that long by comparison either.
  13. Sticking with GQ and higher quality figures huh? The HCM Pro's don't suffer any warping, so those might be worth picking up, at least for the Zakus and such since you have all the GQ Impulses already. I love my little Zaku Warrior. I broke down and ordered a GQ Sword Impulse this week.
  14. Anybody see the new M&M add with Vader proposing Dark M&M's to red and yellow. Red declines so Vader force chokes him.
  15. Kind of reminds me of a strip from one of the UC mangas (I think that's where it was) with CF pilots going to the hangar and the pilots have to draw for their mecha. First guy gets a GM. Second guy gets a ball. Last guy gets a ball with the cannon removed and a note saying "sorry we had to borrow the gun there's one on order." Something to that effect. So back to our mysterious gundam, guess it likely is the next providence, so that should go to Rey, and Luna takes the Impulse. So now everyone has a gundam. Since Luna is used to the Gunner Zaku, maybe she'll opt to use the Blast Sillouette in space over the Force Sillouette more often?
  16. I was thinking, could the Providence-ish looking MS actually be the Knight Justice? There hasn't been any info at all about a new Providence yet, and we haven't seen lineart for the Justice yet, though it has at least been added to the upcoming lineup. That could be it. That could be a new style Justice backpack. Though with the funnels (if those are funnels, which they do look like) I'm hesitant to say it's the Justice. That would make a nice change for Athrun. Not a red suit, but has some red parts. I actually think the red parts clash a little but it looks pretty good overall. Still hoping for it to be a providence though. Give it to Rey. I hope they put the Gaia back into service and let the Minerva have it. Anyone else notice the Minerva will reach Gibraltar about the same time the Archangel reached Alaska in the first show? The Minerva has gotten a lot more done though.
  17. The manga has loads of good material.
  18. Comments: Well, doesn't this put even more doubt on the good chairman... That ain't that bad. How about the animated gif/avata version from Animesuki..... Love the image As for 27 Guess this does indeed cast some solid doubt on the Chairman finally.
  19. Shinn hits it again.
  20. I thought the 5th one was the best: the one with the biker chick who said Kentaro could have her if he beat her in a race, with a BICYCLE.
  21. Maybe we should start a pool on when/if Athrun self destucts. I think he will. Either that or Destroy will tear him up.
  22. I'm sure Andy left him in charge of their space operations. If there's any arrangements that need to be done to get to or from PLANT, DaCosta's your man. Meer's expression was the best moment of this episode. It should be easy to tell Lacus from Meer if you put them side by side: Lacus looks about 2 cup sizes smaller than Meer the way they've been animating her in this series.
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