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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Very tempting. I have not made a PG kit yet. I have considered a Mk. II Titans on occasion, but that's it though. A GP-03S might tempt me more than Unit 01. Imagine how bulky the GP-02 would be, too. It would be a monster!
  2. I need my packs. Where are my packs? I'll have to order a second set for Roy now when they come back in stock. Hikaru's waiting for his, which shipped today.
  3. How did Shoji Kawamori earn the nickname Great Froating Head, anyway? I've heard it a lot here, but must have missed something.
  4. One hour for the initial premier. Split in 2 parts of course for subsequent airings. That will allow for a nice solid, start, to introduce the setting and cast, and throw in some initial action. The dvd of course must retain the hour version.
  5. 2020-2035 range, to fill that gap some. Give some new characters the spotlight, to keep things fresh. Maybe give Max and Millia a small role, so as not to make them the center of things again. This will allow them to skip over song energy this time, and keep it more traditional combat style. Were the VF-17's out in the 2030's? I can't find their rollout date for some reason. I would still like to see more on the Megaroad 1 and it's disappearance. Hikaru, Misa, and VF-4's. But Kawamori said he was done with that story unfortunately. Unless he changes his mind.
  6. Knights in the Sky was the initial form of Escaflowne during the planning phase. The Fz-109 from Macross 7 was actually drawn up there first. Over time, the story and mecha developed and moved over to what we saw in the show. [Edit: The insert for the movie has some pretty good tidbits on the development complete with pics of the initial mecha. Would have been Medieval Macross basically. LOL.] Escaflowne was great, in my top 5 actually. If the new Kawamori show is another Macross series, then sweeeeet. Maybe we'll see some Supervision Army this time, but who knows what direction will be taken next. If it isn't Macross, then I will wait and see what he comes up with for us with great curiosity. He's rare to disappoint.
  7. The perfect gift for any son or nephew.
  8. You have taught him well.
  9. The beginning and the end were great. The middle discs varies by person, but still generate some laughs. The payoff is all worth it. They parody everything from a Gundam colony drop, Fist of the Northstar, a car goes into Gerwalk, and just about everything over the course of the show. Worth a viewing at least once. Maybe hold out for one of Right Stuf's studio sales, or everything in stock sales, and pick it up then if you're not sure about it. The vid notes were a very useful as well to catch a lot of the references. A few episodes got on my nerves, but it was a good show overall. Added: I haven't seen those Escaflowne or Eva parodies, are they on the net anywhere?
  10. Anubis

    Macross Figures

    Well, my first set of 5 just shipped from Kevin. I hope my second one does soon, too.
  11. Only if it came with the Launcher and Sword Packages. I am not buying 3 versions of the mobile suit. But I would like to be able to change the equipment.
  12. I guess I have to set the timer and tape it once or twice and give it a shot. Quick humor at the very least.
  13. Still trying to deny he might die, but it is true he has been in none of the endings. I'm guessing we'll learn soon about that pendant we have seen Ramius with. too. Last time we saw it in the show was at Unius 7, wasn't it? Way back. Also, I am glad to see Bartfeld again. He was one of my favorite characters from earlier. Question: Any guesses on the deal with Frey seeming to know Kuruuze? She recognized his voice when he found her at Alaska, and she has never been afraid around him, maybe a bit nervous, but that's a given considering her situation. I'm guessing he worked for her father before he got mixed up with Azrael, or in the beginnings of dealing with him.
  14. I hope he ends up fine. Fraga's one character that does not need to die. As far as the Zero in the end credits you also see Bartfeld's custom B'cue ground suit, and the Blitz Gundam, so hopefully the zero is there just to be there. I would like to think the Rouge is a second unit, one the Kusanagi brought from Orb as a reserve if they needed it, and of course Cagalli will go help Asuran out when he will eventually find himself in a pinch. They had plenty of time to copy the Strike when it was in thier hands being rebuilt, and Morganrater helped design the first 5 anyway. I still want to see what attributes the Meteors have when they throw them out in an episode or so. Still trying to find Ep. 46, with no luck yet.
  15. I need both the left and right leg intakes, Parts R-L2 and L-L2, for my 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru. I also need Part BC1, the chestplate, and L-W1, the left wing for my 1/48 VF-1S Roy. Thanks a lot.
  16. I going to hold out and hope they come out with a MG kit or a Chogokin for the Freedom Gundam.
  17. Interesting, where can I find this so called Macross Design Works book? Is that the full title/name of that book? Better yet, what are some of the good books that have all of the Macross valks images in term of designs and all references such as specification? I think Valkyrie-exchange still has a few copies of the Design Works
  18. Crap! And I just bought a Roy! Aaarrggghhhhh. Oh well. He'll be in permanent battroid anyway, so if I get the crooked tailfin markings I won't see them anyway.
  19. Damn, those pics make the Elint look great. Kind of makes we want to order an Elint sooner than I had planned on. Though the head is so tiny though. The valk with a shrunken head. Gerwalk and fighter look pretty sweet.
  20. Anubis

    I got my VE-1

    Ditto. Now all I have to do is find something to use as a stand so I can display it in flight with the radar array on the bottom fully deployed. I know someone around here [sithlord maybe] sells really cool stands periodically that work great displaying complex things off the ground. GO throuh the "for sale" section a few pages and I'm sure you will find it. I need to get one myself as it's the only way I'll ever be able to display my violator valk in fighter mode LOL. Just PM s i t h l o r d and ask him if he still has any left. He said before a new shipment would be coming relatively soon, as well. Affordable stands, very good quality. There was a thread in the old For Sale forum where he put up a lot of pictures.
  21. Just like a lot of modern day D models, especially F-16's. Actual use, trainers, and for incentive rides.
  22. I'm keeping the 1/60's I have, with the exception of the VF-1S Roy which I will give to my brother when my 1/48 Roy arrives. I still like my J Hikaru and my CF, and if I get a Q-rau, I could even see getting a DYRL Max to pose fighting with it.
  23. Wow, that was an amazing job there! Nice work.
  24. It was kind of funny when this pic came out a few years ago. I think it was for April Fools. Any case it spread real quick on the net. Renewal as far as I know is a 5.1 Audio remaster, and they updated some of the animation including the backgrounds and stuff they didn't have the budget to do better at first. I think they dealt with the screen jitter as well. I have not seen the Renewal box, so this is just based off of what I've read. Odds of it coming here are slim unfortunately, but surprises have occurred. Apparently ADV has the rights to the Director's cut episodes 21-24, but that's about all you can expect from that front any time soon. The live action movie is still in pre-production, so I wouldn't expect to see it for a few more years. It has high potential, but if they don't do it just right, the effort will fail, so I will wait and see what happens there. For story expansion and something new now you have to read the Eva manga, if you have not already. I love how they flesh out the characters even more in there. Some of the conversations they have, especially between Shinji and Kaji, play out very well. Very well done manga. A nice compliment and kind-of-retelling to one of my favorite series. By the way, does anyone have any pics of what the renewal box set packaging look like? I'm kind of curious to see it.
  25. Those Fast Packs look every bit as good as I could have hoped. Can't wait to get a hold of mine. Also, thanks from me as well for the pics and mini-review, tamim.
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