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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. The story and art are being done by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, who had a large role in the original production. He makes some of his takes on the story, and rearranges some of the events and handles some things a little different. Character development is increased in the manga version, and the characters get a lot more interaction time with each other. Shinji visiting Rei at her apartment for one example. Kaji and Shinji have a few very important conversations with each other. Shinji and Asuka get more time together. Toji's situation was delt with much differently. Overall I think it is an excellent work. I love the new interactions between the characters, and Shinji is developed much better in the manga IMO, having a bit more of a backbone when pushed. Definately worth a read. They are up to Volume 7 now, I haven't seen anything about when Vol. 8 will come out here. The different takes and how "canon" it is would have me classify it as similar to the Tenchi OVA and Universe TV. It is a remake of sorts to the original. Which you prefer and which elements you can apply to the other is up to you. The nature of the medium allows more story details to be explored in the manga just by virtue of the extra space. Especially by having the characters simply be able to talk with each other more. If you wished Kaji got more screen time in the show, the manga will please you. In short, it's Gainax approved, and a very intriguing remake to the original. It's a personal decision whether or not you like the differences, but I recommend giving it a shot.
  2. Looks like another squadron's CF to me as well. Anyone have some of the other squardon's names?
  3. The same site just mentioned with the wallpapers and screenshots is now saying they'll have pics of the finale soon once it airs, with a larger grouping than the previous episodes. I'm not sure yet if I want the spoilers or not. link
  4. Hopefully these graphics are just early stills. It looks like something for the PS1 right now to me. Not even N-64. Original Playstation.
  5. Or are we UNlucky that Hikaru didn't kill Minmay? True we may have been spare some annoyance, but who then would have sung at the end? If anything, the question is why did he bring Kaifun to the ship instead of telling him to get bent on the spot. The blue thing on the wall is damn funny though.
  6. Yeah, he's probably dead. Hell, Hikaru was lucky he didn't kill Minmei.
  7. To do AvP they should have stuck to the original 4-part comic and made that. Fits in with both continuities, it's not on earth, and it was good. Very good.
  8. Not canon in the slightest, but the armor seems interesting at least.
  9. Has anyone actually tried to order parts for current Yamato's from HLJ? The possibility has been mentioned, but I don't think anyone said they actually tried it.
  10. No, Hikaru's 1J did not have the collapsable gunpod, it was the last one released like that. It's my only 1J. For now.
  11. Did Max and Millia's VF-1J's originally have the collapsable gunpods like Roy had? I thought they did, but I'm not sure now. If not does anyone know if these will? Just curious.
  12. Is there anything you can't do with these things? Awesome detail Master Cheng.
  13. I detect sarcasm.....
  14. Having a re-issue Roy w/ Fast Packs included still leads me to think they won't release the separate FP kits. For the trouble and parts involved to do it, they might as well reissue the old valks, just like they did for Roy. I still want a Hikaru Strike in 1/60 since Roy is the only S head they have released.
  15. They may not re-issue the Hikaru 1J super, since it used an older mold. Non-collapsing gunpod, and old style arms. Unless they reissue it afterwards with the enhancements Max, Millia, and Roy got. Already have Hikaru so it doesn't matter much to me now. Millia on the other hand I could use.
  16. http://www.gundams.net/index2.shtml for some better wallpapers I got a nice picture of a meteor unit with Freedom attached but it has full of writings, and I dont like that in a wallpaper Nice wallpapers! Thanks for the link. They even had a copy of Meteor there for me.
  17. I would still like to see a Hikaru Strike come out, but I'm happy at least to see these are coming back out.
  18. Anubis


    I just put fast packs of my Roy 1/48, and it looks outstanding in battroid with them on. My question is, how do you guys get them to stay balanced in battroid. I've leaned him forward as best I can and he still leans backwards. I stood him up against the wall to correct that, but it's wierd since there are a plenty of shots of guys posing theirs freestanding. Are my legs loose? I can forgive the extreme top-heaviness, since they are oh so sweet looking. Even in the regular Fast Pack colors, they look good on the Low-vis to me.
  19. I agree, if they make a Minmei Guard, it should be the first version. The purple kind of kills the second one. Anyone got Angel Birds Pics? All I've seen of it are the Hasegawa box pics.
  20. --- upcoming Aliens Versus Predator movie--- Sweeeet. What movie news sites do you guys use? I haven't seen anything about AvP yet.
  21. Some of my all-time favorites include: Braveheart Aliens Spaceballs Macross DYRL Army of Darkness Willow the first 2 Halloweens Gladiator Snatch Monty Python and the Holy Grail and from my days of youth, the Transformers Movie. to name a few. Edit: Spelling. Again.
  22. Only descent Seed wallpaper I've come across is here. Anybody else find some good ones? A meteor wallpaper would be nice to see, as well. And where are the wallscrolls for Seed? Surprised I haven't seen any online yet.
  23. I was kind of thinking Limited VF-1's for this poll. LE's for other valks would be great as well, though. How can the Thunder Hummer move being so bulky? It is sweet indeed, but I would rather see a good GBP come out, personally. Then I might be tempted to buy a 1J. While we're at it, have there been any good VF-11 customs?
  24. Just curious. If you have another suggestion you would rather have, vote Seomething Else and let's hear it. I didn't put Max 1S, GBP, Kakizaki, and such on here since we are still hoping to see those for regular release. Just thinking on Limited Release terms, just like the Low-vis. I would love to see a Blue Rose. Maybe an Angel Birds as a second choice.
  25. They were custom jobs featured in some of the hobby magazines. They should be in the magazine archives on this site.
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