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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I would also like a Fz-109, but I would prefer one of those Black VF-14's from the Spiritia Dreaming clip.
  2. Not in this lifetime, BAndai refuses to relinquish their hold on the Macross 7 License so therefore Yamato cannot afford to get into a legal battle over license issues with bandai despite the fact Bandai's M7 toy and model line is crappy at best. I too like to have a 1/48 VF-19F/S Excaliber and and VF-17D/S. If they are holding on to the liscense tightly, then where are the new valks?? The crank out new MG kits in mass quantities all the time. New PG Gundams are coming. They release Chogokin Eva's. Some kind of new HG eva (i would guess MG style inner frame) is on the way. And lord knows what else. True Macross 7 itself itself won't be as big a seller as Gundam or Eva, but I am still rather surprised they haven't tried to milk their Macross 7 liscense more. They have to know that new high quality VF-17's or 19's would fly off the shelves, or a VF-11C, with or without armor. Maybe they are planning to surprise us next year. One can hope. Odds are that if they are holding onto the liscence they are planning to do something with it, otherwise why not sub-liscence it to Yamato and still make some profit? The old 17's and 19's weren't bad, just too "toyish". Not something they would make for their Chogokin buyer crowd.
  3. Macross, both TV and DYRL. Star Trek TNG's final poker game. Crest/Banner of the Stars. Escaflowne. Babylon 5.
  4. I definately don't see Punisher being as subtle as using a bow and arrow. Lot's of guns, some explosives, and maybe a knife.
  5. May want to have the phone company come out and check your lines, make sure nothing is wrong with them. That's what it kind of sounds like to me, especially if you have tried both earthlink and netzero with the same problem. By the way: Sweet avatar.
  6. With a bunch of sithlord's stands to go with them, you could have one hell of a nice display. Maybe if I win Megamillions or Powerball.
  7. The ship had some kind of modular blocks in it. After the initial fold in the show, the fold system vanished, never rematerializing with the ship. This left a large gap in the power relays, cutting off use of the main cannon. By figuring out how to reconfigure the ship, the relays woud connect and the cannon could fire. They never said how much of it the ship could do on its own beforehand. The cannon pylons separated to fire, like in the show intro, originally, but it's any one's guess how the engineers got the ship to transform quite like that. I agree at least some of the transformation ability had to have been present originally. Maybe it's how it was supposed to land, if it needed to be in a defensive position, that way it could fire into orbit if need be? Kind of like in M7 you have battle 7 standing on Lux with the macross cannon pointed at the sky. The picture doesn't seem too bad, the leg section does seem a little big, but I'm sure there were some cosmetic changes when it was rebuilt. The lineart looks quite good for it. Were the "docks" where the arms connected always there? Even in the show, it was originally supposed to dock with the ARMD cruisers, just never got the chance to. I wonder that capability was added on to add more carrier space to the ship. If all else fails, one can always go with the super engineers clause. These are the same guys who cooked up the barrier system from studying the residual enery left from the fold system's disappearance, right?
  8. It's not that my friend or I were comparing the two. He said kind of like Top Gun when the question was asked what it was about. Simple explanations are better done first. Whether or not any of us like Top Gun (I can't stand the bar scenes, I don't particularly care for Tom Cruise, but the dogfights were very good) everyone knows what Top Gun is. I wouldn't have used the analogy, but as a simple reference point, it got a few more people to sit down and give it a try. Newcomers into anime often need a familiar entry point to get them hooked. This combined with getting people to remember the Macross saga they saw in Robotech as kids helped fill the room. Almost 5 years have gone by since then. My friend and I showcased M+, Ninja Scroll, and a few other titles I cannot remember. It was before I got really into anime myself, and only knew a few titles back then.
  9. Got mine on preorder from Tam.
  10. That's pretty badass. Nice custom job. Like the eyepiece, too. Did it start off as a ZZ kit or what was the base of it?
  11. I guess that is right. But I ordered parts from Bandai about a year back....they sent them to me no charge. Now that is Customer Service. I called again today (well not me, my partner). They told me to fax the list (of what could be ordered again). They seemed alittle more more friendly this time around.... I swear if I have to get on the train and go to their office with the list in hand.......this has become a personal battle for me that I am determined to win! Once again, many thanks to you and your partner for even attempting this, whether it works out or not. Hopefully all it takes in the end is talking to the right person.
  12. I only got the Chogokin Unit-01. The cost of the other ones was prohibitive, and until now, the Kaiyodo figures I have for the rest have been fine. MG-caliber models might make me upgrade, as long as the poseability is there. That armor is something someone cooked up for the new video game, and a huge, useless mistake. An eva does not need GBP armor. Not how it was designed to fight.
  13. Same here. The rubbed suit the PG had made the gaps look pretty good, but it was an extreme pain to get it on, and line up the holes. It did hamper it's posibility, too. Never figured out how to get the PG eva to move like the pictures, I was too afraid to break it trying, as stiff as it was. The old HG's weren't bad, but the joints were weak, and the detail was only so-so. Standard for when the old kits were made, though. A MG quality Eva series would be pretty nice to see.
  14. DVD's, shelf space, and overall lack of excess $$$ makes me try to be selective on what I buy.
  15. GBA. Great handheld, and they have, and are, porting a lot of my SNES favorites to it.
  16. If anything, I would imagine a new HG Eva would have a MG inspired skeletal frame, like the God, Master, or now the Aile Strile Gundams. If so, they might be worth a look.
  17. Yamato's customer service definately leaves something to be desired, especially when we pay an average of 130 bucks for each 1/48 Valkyrie. What happens if something breaks on the 1/60 Monster? At least they could have told him up front: Sorry, but we don't offer parts. Not jerk Monkey-N around like that. I would have been furious is the story changed everytime I called. I have immediately stopped shopping at stores that treat their customers poorly. I was looking at a PG Gundam MK. II titans in a store once, and the guy there had the nerve to get rude with me. I guess I had the box in my hands too long. I put the box down and left, and informed him of how much I had been considering to spend before I did. It doesn't make much financial sense either not to offer parts. They will still make money off the parts. I would be willing to eat the shipping cost on top of it. I can see and forgive not selling heads, as that could obviously interfere with new 1/48 s-models. But hip parts, arms, wings, chestplates, i.e. the stuff we actually do need, should be a given to make available for those of us that need them. A happy customer is generally a repeat customer. Some folks over there don't get it yet. This is the beginning of the path that Toynami took. Yamato's QC has improved lately, but some aspects of customer service need to be re-examined.
  18. -Yes. Max was skull leader because Hikaru disapeared for a few months. -Where did he go? He stayed with Millia in her battle ship. And then he was probably given a Q-rau to fight along side her. You even see them go out in their respective Red and Blue Q-raus during the final fight. Since Hikaru had disappeared, Max was 001 for a while, then when Max stayed on the Meltran ship with Millia, Hikaru became 001. Therefore if Yamato makes a Max 1S we can 3 different Skull 001's.
  19. I want an Excelsior Class and maybe a DS9.
  20. Macross Related: $250 on the Macross DVD Set from Animeigo. $180 total for my 1/48 Roy w/ Strike Pack.
  21. Anubis

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    I would probably jump on it, but the shipping kicks it back up to 40 bucks anyway, so I'll just wait for my new Millia. And the CF isn't really fast pack ready. The legs have the holes, but the backpack doesn't. Unfortunately.
  22. Anubis

    Your Valks

    This weekend I might try to put my Chogokin Aile Strike Gundam on one, and see if I can balance it.
  23. As many people that are on here, one would figure one of us would at least know someone who can read Japanese.
  24. Even with the flaws, my Strike-1S looks badass on my shelf.
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