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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Nice job, especially considering you were battling Windows XP at the same time. It really is a bear on older systems.
  2. I didn't know X vs Tie had a single player campaign. My bad. Guess I should have piocked it up after all. Oh well. A few years back they came out with an X-Wing Collector's Series. This I definately have. It had X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and X vs Tie: Flight School (basically a demo of it). It was for Windows 95/98 and both X-wing and Tie fighter had the graphics upgraded to x vs tie quality. Not far off from Alliance in quality IMO. Man Tie Fighter looked nice like that. I only sampled it like that though. I never got around to actually playing the full game enhanced , unfortunately. Add one more thing on my ever growing to do list. Yes the missle boat kicked ass, but give me my Tie Advanced or Tie Defender. I loved flying those.
  3. What about X-Wing VS TIE Fighter? I never got that one,(my system was inadequate when it was available), but it looked good. X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter was a Multiplayer game mainly. You might have been able to use a quick skirmish generator by yourself but i think that was it. Never bought it myself because there was no single player campaign. Edit in: I haven't heard of X2: the threat. Can someone put up a link to some info about it?
  4. I miss Wing Commander. I was waiting for a sequel to prophecy when they left so much open. Sadly nothing, and and I gave up some years ago. Tie Fighter remains one of my favorite games ever. Even lucas hasn't put out a really good star wars space sim since then. While I wanted to like X-Wing Alliance, I just couldn't. Didn't hold a candle to Tie Figher. The rogue games on gamecube don't do it for me either. It's a shame. I picked up Tachyon: The Fringe a while back, in the bargain bin. Have'nt tried it myself yet, but I heard decent things about it. I read about Freelancer's point-and-click system, and never bought it for that reason. I miss this genre. I wonder why it has lingered for so long. Anyone remember the Babylon 5 game they were going to make? It was scrapped years ago, but it looked oh so promising at the time. Another shame.
  5. He's only 4, so try one doll out and see how it goes. If the results are ... unsatisfactory and disturbing, then put him on a strict diet of macross, gundam, and dare I say it, DBZ or Yu Gi Oh. That should bring a kid his age back to the light.
  6. Nice
  7. Yeah, I participated in that thread. That ended back in September. 12 and 13 made me want to bring it up again. The fanservice content in 12 was very good, I agree. And Kazama was well entitled to be in the back of the van sobbing after what happened to him.
  8. Sucks to be him. That's the one thing about the end of M7... "yeah you guys have killed probably billions but since you can enjoy song now, have fun!" The actual body was destroyed after all was said and done. What was left was that "entity" thing. It was kind of screwed up, and much of a jackass as gavil was throughout the show, he just says "OK" and leaves totally agreeing about what geppels said about having all the spiritia they needed form song.
  9. Just because they only showed the trio doesn't mean the rest of Skull wasn't out there. Of course they were. They just didn't show much of the CF's or anyone in general flying around except for the cast in most of the movie.
  10. I don't remember what the final count will be, but I want to say 24 or 25 parts total. Some are 2 parts per half hour episode. That's why when you see it online it will read Ep 1-2,3,4-5 and so forth. The last few have been full episodes. You don' have to have seen the full first season to understand Funoffu, but seeing what's already out would definately help, so you will understand the characters better. This second season is character driven, no mecha yet outside of the Bonta-kun power armor.
  11. I'm up to Ep. 13 of the show now, and I'm loving it. There has been no real extended plot for FMP: Fumoffu so far, but it still a very enjoyable show. They just have fun with the characters. Sousuke and Kaname's relationship is expanding fairly well. A couple of characters get more screen time than before. It just works, and is funny as hell. I don't know about any one else but I kinda like the Bonta-kun suit. Hell, Ep. 13 has a squad of Bonta-kuns, with Sousuke in charge of course. His helmet even has the Zeon-type commander antenna on it. Good stuff. Another funny Gundam homage was in 12 where Kazama goes into seed mode trying to get to the women's bath at the hot spring they were all visiting. Situations only these people can get into, some things stick close to the manga's style it seems. Does the Council President seem kind of like a young Illpallazo to anyone else? In any case, good stuff, I highly remommend trying the show out.
  12. I don't mind the special editions, except for two dumb edits made to ESB: Putting the emperor's yell while Luke fell in the end, and changing Vaders "Bring my shuttle" to "Alert my star destroyer to prepare for my arrival" Really bad sounding edit. Those are my two cents. Everything else is fine with me. At least he didn't digitally add in any Gungans. I'd agree with the uber 6 disc box for the 30th anniversary theory, after we all have already bought them once. Would fit Lucas's MO. Oh yeah: forgot the "Greedo Shoots first" bull. That was asinine.
  13. Slashdot's confirmed it too. Finally. We still have to wait until September for the original trilogy, but at least we know it's coming.
  14. No matter what, I still love my YF-19. Just after the VF-1 and -17
  15. Look at this one: Yeah it's an old one, but I thought it was funny to see.
  16. Well, it's either that, or the debates we had in those 19 vs 21/22 polls awhile back. A few people will admit that they convereted to the 21/22 after that thread. Very true. While not really converting, I found myself liking the 22 a bit more myself after that thread, once we got into the detailed technical nitty-gritty.
  17. Looks like the F/S model 19's hurt some people's opinions of it, as the 21/22 is kicking its butt now.
  18. Try VF-14, what it was based on. I thought about putting the VF-0, but I wanted to encompass as big a spread of UN Spacy valks as I could. NOT to spark a debate about how they are different, I already know they are separate entities, but since the VF-0 is really kind of a based off of the VF-1, just built around conventional engines instead of the nuclear ones, I left it alone for purposes here. If I had space I would have, and the VA-3, and any others I missed. Like I said 10 choices meant I had to leave something out. Sorry if yours isn't on the list, but go ahead and voice your opinion anyway, as some already have. How come no love for the 17? I expected it to do a little better.
  19. Whoa, not very nice opinions so far. I will reserve final judgement until I actually see it. It seems people's expectations were so high there was no way it wouldn't draw criticism. I still want to see the end though period. I will be seeing a matinee of it though, not evening.
  20. I admit I love the VF-1 too (don't we all), it comes a close second to the 17 in fact. I just like the 17's design better. I'm not really surprized the VF-1 has a commanding lead so far, I want to see how the spread looks after a day or two.
  21. I can't remember the last time we did this, so here we go: What is your favorite Variable Fighter? Sorry if I missed one, but there are only ten choices allowed anyway. Each VF encompases all variants. For example the VF-1 would include all heads, GBP, VE-1, etc. The VF-17 is still my precious.
  22. Do you still have your CMS Minmei Figure posed for Hikaru's "private performance"?
  23. Any one get any captures of the VF-4's transformation?
  24. I feel your pain. I have become very careful what movie I will pay evening price for. Got burned a few times.
  25. My HP DVD Writer 300i is a piece of crap. I would hesitate before I buy another HP PC product. Go with the toshiba. They make good stuff.
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