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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I typically don't like yellow cars, but I still like the Alternator's yellow compared to the BT version.
  2. I was thinking Isamu looked kind of like a midget too. Wierd. The uniform is also way too baggy. Anyone else notice Max has a "bulge"? Ewwwww.
  3. Fumoffu was awesome. Great stuff. Many of Fumoffu's stories actually were in the manga version mixed in with the other stuff to begin with.
  4. I like the red/maroonish color scheme for the uniforms. Nice alternative.
  5. Not the argument again please. Not again. Show the man how to copy the pics and call it good. I do remember N saying he wasn't going to use the disable feature anymore though. Maybe he forgot.
  6. It's not even spelled Shiyami there though.
  7. I thought it was Shammy too, but wasn't sure so I used the spelling because BlackAces used. Thinking about it I don't even need Isamu really since I don't have a YF-19 to put Isamu in front of. Damn vaporware. I only have 1 CM figure on display: Roy, next to his 1/48 1S. I also have Misa but I put her away in favor of the ARII 1/6 scale figure. I would like another Hikaru though. Shouldn't have given him up.
  8. XSTOYS got the new YF-19 toy?!?
  9. Isn't Metroplex supposed to be a CITY.
  10. I guess I may have to get the set then, just for the DYRL-opening Minmay and Isamu. Maybe. That's about enough from that set for me. Come on, the FLOWER GIRL?! Of all the characters in the series they pick one that IIRC never said a full sentence in the entire series. She just waited like an idiot in a series long running gag to give Basara flowers and always failing until right before the end battle when she threw them to him. WASTED FIGURE. Also, I REALLY wish they'd stop making even more Minmays and get to making other characters. Shinn deserves one. They also need a Sharon, Guld, and Myung. The opening concert Minmay will be a nice figure, but more characters would be nice. If that actually is another Minmay in uniform then that would be just plain wrong. If it's Shiyami then sweet, release some bridge bunny goodness. A set of the bunnies and a Captain Global would be awesome. However for them to do a Shiyami figure they should have done a Claudia first. At least this is a clue they'll do a set 4. With an Isamu figure and possible a Shiyami in this one.
  11. Thanks for the head's-up. Just ordered me a MG Zaku IIF/J. They got several MG kits in it seems. Kampfer GP01 GP01FB GP02 RX-78-2 Zaku II F/J Zaku IIS Char RX-79 GM RX-79G Gundam EZ-8 Those are the ones I saw at least.
  12. It's ok, I haven't seen Zeta yet either. I'm finishing up Mobile Suit Gundam first. The pacing so far is at least better than the first show, so I'm still pleased with how it's going. I just wish they got to Gibraltar earlier to get to the good stuff without quite as much filler. Things are heating up with 15 episodes or so to go so I'm hopeful for a good ending. Then wait for Shinn's Counterattack next year.
  13. Tamashii has the Cosmic Region Freedom Gundam pics up. link Not bad, except for the Shield only mounting in the one spot. Wonder if the shoulder cannons move like they do on the MG kit.
  14. So I guess the Gouf Athrun takes would have been meant for Luna? Assuming there's now a new one on the Minerva. Edit: stupid me. If Athrun took the Legend, then Impulse would have gone to Rey, and then Luna would still need a new Mobile Suit.
  15. I do have one question I'd like to clear up: SPOILER: That's my only confusion. I like how they set it up for any number of sequels by having Arkham's mass escape, and Gordon's speech about escalation. Great stuff. Occasionally Bale's bat-voice sounded kind of funny, but at least he tried hard and usually sounded fine. They even managed to keep some of the Ras' Al Ghul mass destruction tendency, just with a different motivation.
  16. When you take down the FREEDOM, the king of the hill, the Gundam of Gundams, you deserve to brag about it. Shinn succeeded in his mission and took out a mobile suit that had a big advantage over him. Shinn was well within his rights to step on that hangar floor, procaim himself as the shiznit, be worshipped by the crew cheifs, point at the wreckage of the Saviour and laugh at Athrun, then finally go see the Captain and collect his medal. Like the Captain said, if he didn't want to see the Minerva blitz the AA and Freedom, Athrun should have stayed in his room.
  17. That movie was awesome. Loved every minute of it.
  18. Shinn did nothing for Athrun to punch him. Shinn did his JOB and his assignmed mission. He took out Freedom which was exactly what he was supposed to do. Athrun is just pissed because Shinn downed Kira. So Athrun is wrong in this case technically. He just hit Shinn for doing his job.
  19. I still enjoyed the movie, but the abridged script was still quite funny.
  20. I think what it is more is Athrun is NOT used to transformable mobile suits. In Aegis, he rarely used the MA mode except to get somewhere fast, or take a shot with the big beam cannon. Other than that it was all mobile suit mode. He did very well in Justice. He used a Zaku to it's full potential. In the Saviour, he did well, but his transformations were kind of random. He could use it, just not that well by comparison. I-Justice will be exactly his kind of Gundam. That type of MS is tailored for him. He seems to do very well in close combat as well. Just not against Kira. I think he would have done better if Dullindal just gave him a Gouf. Heine did just fine with his Gouf until he got stupid and turned his back to Stellar. Meyrin has been an underused character, and some more development for her would be nice. That would also introduce a situation with the two sisters on different sides of the line. She also does look way better with her hair down. I kind of like how they have the Orb commander in the seat Natarle used to have on the AA. They haven't even shown that pit since the AA reached Alaska in the first series. Once again about Kira: He was too used to being King of the Hill. No one could handle Freedom, and he controlled any fight he was in with any number of mobile suits going after him. Shinn's closing the gap and actually presenting a CHALLENGE was not something Kira expected. Shinn gave Kira a nasty surprize. He underestimated Shinn's ability and Shinn scored the win.
  21. NICE, thanks.
  22. Of course Stellar if frowning.
  23. Sorry, the red didn't come out as good as I thought.
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