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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. My opinions were kind of mixed about it. I'll give some leeway tonight since it was the first part, but there was way too much talk and time devoted to the decommisioning ceremony. That, and the intro was stupid. Outright dumb. The guards were cool though. I liked that update on those cylons. I must have missed a few minutes, but how the hell did they shut down all the Vipers with that electronic jamming. If the older battlestar and Mark II Vipers were designed not to be hacked into and what not, wouldn't the new stuff be the same way? The SWACS plane didn't settle with me too good, in that there was a fuel leak, yet they subjected the craft to a stressful, and HOT reentry and landed. Bull. Park next to wreckage, turn systems off, go outside and fix problem. And the new president is anooying as hell. She sure settled into bossy mode quick. " We need to get the civiliands off that ship." "There are cylons coming to kill us in two minutes you know." "Don't care. I've made my decision do it." Bitch goes out the airlock. Move to number 44 in line. Next. I like the ship designs so far, but the story suffers from made-for-sci-fi-channel syndrome big time. Guess my feelings weren't so mixed after all. Hopefully it redeems itself next part.
  2. And the sithlord doth raised his hand and smote those who would disrupt the um...harmony of this board.
  3. Wohooo , at last ! someone that agrees with me I've also always thought that the VF-0 has far superior capabilities to the VF-1. Graham Wow, I need to read the compendium updates more often. I didn't know about all those differences. How well does the SV-51 really match up spec wise then to the VF-1 and VF-0?
  4. Sorry, I put a link in the FMP: Fumoffu thread to a bit-torrent site for the unaired ep. My bad. I'll use the magic power of the edit button and take the link out. Edit in: never mind, there are still a couple links in the thread, one from someone else, and a quote of the one i just changed. The thread's probably served its purpose by now, so you can kill it if you want Max.
  5. DUDE! That ain't right man, just evil.
  6. I still say the VF-1's will be delivered in time to hand the SV-51's an ass whopping for once. I would also like to see it end with Roy transferring to the ASS-1 along with Skull Squadron. Maybe some more after that, but I doubt there will be time for that.
  7. That was absolutely beautiful. He was never touched and look how many 1-ups he got from consecutive stompings!
  8. Open the landing gear some and the chest plate should slide down no problem. I even had to do that with my Millia. The slider attached to the chestplate is probably hitting the gear wheels.
  9. Actually the TV series had the boob shot too, IIRC. Uncut Animeigo goodness.
  10. man, the troller definition is dead on. btw, great pics A7, got any more?
  11. This thread has now defeated any of the wierd Mylene threads that have popped up.
  12. At a minimum I want DD's black SV-51 and put it in Gerwalk. Don't know if I want another one yet though. I'll probably decide that when they come out. As for the VF-0, I'm not sure. Maybe a 0D with the delta wings for something different, but with so many VF-1's on my shelf I'm not sure. I'm definately making shelf space for one or two SV-51's though.
  13. VA-3 was in M7: Dynamite, too wasn't it?
  14. I don't think there is space in this show for the usual love triangle. Besides, it seems like she knows Shin and her sister are kinda into each other. She's just being ...playful. She's too young, and anyway, we all know the transfusion is going to do something very very bad, so there won't be much time for anyone to worry about a love triangle. Besides, Shin treats her like the "kid sister of the girl you're interested in" anyway.
  15. SDF Macross TV
  16. Just watched it. Nowhere near as funny as the other ones, but OK.
  17. I'd like to see Bandai get DYRL and M0.
  18. The unaired Episode of FMP: Fumoffu is now up for download. Haven't seen it yet, will give it a try tonight soon. My download finished a little while ago.
  19. Both of mine ar originals. Hikaru was just fine, even the tailfins were straight. Roy gave me several problems. The canopy doesn't move right, and it has scratches on the white along the yellow and black stipes on the chestplate. It still looks badass on my shelf though. I'd say get the new ones personally. Closer to perfection for your cash, but like was said above, if you find them cheap, then why not?
  20. Anubis

    VF-11B FP

    With the tabs, it really is an easy heatshield. You can't really click the canopy closed, but you can close it so there is no gap anyway, and the heatshield does not move. The pilot doesn't even need to come out. I don't really have a problem with it. And the hips are just fine. Transformed it several times, without so much as a stress mark.
  21. I watched that scene again and I'm positive that it is D.D. who pulls that off and not Nora. If you watch, you see D.D. go under the deck, and telling Nora to get into "Formation D", and you see a SV-51 (presemably Nora's) fly around Roy to destract him as D.D. puts his up over the deck to fire at Roy. Never mind, it was DD. Watched the piece a few more times to check. The light from the fire reflecting off the paint made it look like hers for a sec. I still like that trick. It must be DD's signature move, cause I spotted him do it a few times during that carrier fight. He took shots on the destroids like that too. They must really be trying to show the benefits of Gerwalk mode in this OVA series, to quell any disbelievers.
  22. Re-watching the piece, it looks to me like a VF-0 coming in from behind. The way Nora says They're behind me seems to me the valks were around. Ther reference to taking care of these bugs was for the destroids. Also in the sky away from the turret fire you see other explosions and stuff in the air, leading me to think there were 0's and 51's fighting in the air anyway. Just like usual they focus on the main character's points of view. Just like in DYRL focusing on Roy, Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki, never really showing the rest of Skull that often. Roy likely stayed behind to guard the AFOS knowing DD was coming and they decked him out in the armor so he could fry DD when he showed up. DD and Nora were the only SV-51's that really broke through the grid and got near the carrier. Anyone else notice Nora do DD's trick from Episode 2, extending her valk's head past the edge of the deck and reaching over with the gun to take shots at Roy's armor. If I could get a screen grab I would, but I don't have an app to do it with media player.
  23. Shin was being shot at, so was running. I'm sure he wondered where Edgar landed, but couldn't do anything about it. Their chutes were a fair ways apart as they descended.
  24. They used that excuse already the last time they delayed the latest round of stuff, I think.
  25. Boldoza's in DYRL.
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