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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. or some good eggnog..... Oh, yeah, eggnog. I need to go buy some. Haven't had any yet this season.
  2. The hardpoints are already present on the arms's face. I don't believe the augmentative run pallet weapon stations would interfere with transformation, as the entire arm units (including the shoulder units) are the first things to move during transformation to GERWALK or Battroid modes. They move in downward direction away from the engines. So there would be no problem. Sweet.
  3. Man, they even put minced Zentran inside the Regult. Nice pieces, but a little too pricey, especially with Prime and the Q-rau coming out close together.
  4. The pic of the Uruk-hai and kid is funny Come to think of it, found a new avatar for a little while.
  5. Since tonight is Christmas eve, hopefuly they will show themselves tonight for the finale. Then everyone can have some cocoa.
  6. Back in Ep. 15 finally. And she still has Nancy with her. I was very happy.
  7. Would attaching hardpoints to the arms instead of the gunpod lock the valk in fighter mode?
  8. All very true.
  9. yep. the TIE's have a small window in back. You mean they don't have a 360 degree display a la Zeta Gundam???!!! Yeah, I know my joke sucked.
  10. IIRC, didn't Hikaru do the same stunt by accident in ep. 2? Or in ep 1 of sdf macross when the vf-1d slid on its canopy on the ground. Kuat Drive Yards built the starships (Star Destroyers, both Victory class and the other classes) Seinar Flight Systems built the Ties. I forgot who built the Lambda Shuttles. Kuat? For impractical designs, how about the Tie Tank? P.O.C.
  11. You can swoop them back pretty far actually. Not straight back, but a fair distance.
  12. My 1/48 VF-1S Roy w/ Strike Pack takes the crown. Other favorites are my TRU VF-1A (still MISB), 1/100 MG Sazabi and Nu Gundam, Metal Material Stike Gundam, and my new Escaflowne. I'm also kind of partial to my VF-19A, but I'm sure that will be replaced with Yamato's new 19's when they eventually come out. Some day.
  13. Tempting, very tempting, But I think I will stick with my Kaiyodo's for everyone except Unit-01. Those do look awesome though. Especially that chromed out silver Unit-04.
  14. No one cares about the Escaflowne anymore?
  15. The story seemed interesting, but I couldn't get past the character designs. The artwork this guy designs is hideous to me. But to each their own.
  16. Went back to Target today and found two Smokescreens. One in the Transformer section, another by the toy cars. Go figure. I only need one, so the other is going up for sale. I thought my brother would want one, but he said no after I bought it. Might consider a Unicron too, target has it for 43 bucks, the cheapest I've seen it so far. I will see what the after-christmas sales bring.
  17. A christmas story. Always catch the marathon every Christmas.
  18. The bottom of the image has a GBP armor 1J. Is there a scan of the rest of the page anywhere? Where is the pic from anyway?
  19. Actually the flamethrower was fired on the ground, not in space, so why not have some AP weaponry.
  20. Alls you gotta do is ask! Awww. crap... my scanner doesn't work. Oh well I'm just gonna have to throw away my Minmay Hentai fanart! Don't you dare throw that away! If you don't want it I'll take it! Seriously though. On topic, I don't think I've had any real problems with any mods. Sometimes one of them may be a little coarse, but really, I would be too on occasion. There have been a lot of OT threads lately, and I think they have been a little generous leaving some of them open. Some of them get a little out of hand. Add in the recent batch of Trolls, which were fed continually leading to 5 page arguments, and I would be annoyed too. The Secret Elves thread started innocent enough, then really has started to push it a little. Like Max and Roy said, if it weren't for x-mas the thread would have been closed loooong ago. I'm curious how it all turns out of course, and who's behind it all. They spend a lot of time here making sure things go somewhat smoothly, so I say give them a break. They haven't been directly targeting anyone.
  21. Anubis

    CM Figures Part 2

    That's an interesting point. I would have thought they would have had a blanket liscense, but maybe they didn't get M+? I doubt it though. I think they just felt like releasing a TV Minmei, since the DYRL Minmei from Series 1 was the most sought after of the 5.
  22. IT IS IT! toy wave pre-order! GRAHAM!!!??? Can you give a confirmation???
  23. Anubis

    CM Figures Part 2

    My Guess for Series 3 Macross: Max and Millia M+: Myung M0: Shin M7: Sivil or Gamlin
  24. They are supposedly going to release multiple color schemes.
  25. It looks kinda like the Yamato sculpt pic that was shown before. But January? Where was the source from? A magazine? Could be a phtotshop job. Graham? Have they made you hold out on this? If that's it that is.
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