Alls you gotta do is ask! Awww. crap... my scanner doesn't work. Oh well I'm just gonna have to throw away my Minmay Hentai fanart!
Don't you dare throw that away! If you don't want it I'll take it!
Seriously though. On topic, I don't think I've had any real problems with any mods. Sometimes one of them may be a little coarse, but really, I would be too on occasion. There have been a lot of OT threads lately, and I think they have been a little generous leaving some of them open. Some of them get a little out of hand. Add in the recent batch of Trolls, which were fed continually leading to 5 page arguments, and I would be annoyed too. The Secret Elves thread started innocent enough, then really has started to push it a little. Like Max and Roy said, if it weren't for x-mas the thread would have been closed loooong ago. I'm curious how it all turns out of course, and who's behind it all. They spend a lot of time here making sure things go somewhat smoothly, so I say give them a break. They haven't been directly targeting anyone.