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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. Anubis


    I noticed that too. I do wonder how stable it will be, but maybe these pics are still just prototype shots (resin?), which would not have the die cast content in the legs that the actual release would have. With the metal content in the legs, it should help compensate for the backpack. Even if it does tend to lean back, I'll just do what I did with my 1/48 Strike 1S Roy and prop it against the wall. I never noticed that either. Looking at the side profile, there is a ton of weight behind the legs. I don't see how you are going to stand that up on its own without leaning way forward or using support. Diecast in the legs cannot help balance and gravity. What I mean is, if the backpack is mostly plastic (it's already going to be hollow to accomodate the pilot), and legs nice and solid from the die cast, then it should be able to weight balance without leaning it too far forward. It will most likely be a little top heavy, but I doubt it will be enough for it to flop over. If does end up needing to, like I said I'll prop it against the wall or on one of the acrylic stands, and it'll be fine.
  2. 20.11834% - Geek What, so few anime questions?
  3. The stabilizer fins of the AMM-1 do not extend until after the missile is launched. Use can see the side drawing on the AMM-1 page which shows the AMM-1 with its fins retracted: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html But you just said tail fin missiles aren't AMM-1s. I think he just read the question wrong. The tailfin missles that showed up once I think was an animation mistake. Just like the nose lasers. Not a mistake. It was a special weapon arrangement VF-1 created Ichiroh Itano. He was an mechanical animation director of Macross. Creator of the "Itano Circus" (Macross' trademark missile smoke trails, etc.) and worked on some of the greatest animation sequences.... like those shown in the episode Pine Salad, etc. From the Macross Compendium: http://www.anime.net/macross/production/cr.../itano_ichiroh/ I stand corrected.
  4. And so the challenge ends. That really was an inventive Christmas stunt. Who knows, maybe within a few weeks you'll find out who it was. At least someone showed a good christmas spirit.
  5. An appropriate handle for the Agent. So that makes 3 people with member titles: Max, Roy, and Agent. Plus the banned guys.
  6. The stabilizer fins of the AMM-1 do not extend until after the missile is launched. Use can see the side drawing on the AMM-1 page which shows the AMM-1 with its fins retracted: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html But you just said tail fin missiles aren't AMM-1s. I think he just read the question wrong. The tailfin missles that showed up once I think was an animation mistake. Just like the nose lasers.
  7. I have a complete Macross DVD collection, minus M0 (which is on my pc), 2 wallscrolls, my Yamato/Bandai valks, CM Macross figures, DYRL Minmei PVC, Macross: The Complete (TV/DYRL soundtrack), and the Design Works book, with the intent to buy much more over time. Whetever merchandise seems interesting to me.
  8. I put a bunch of pics on this existing thread already, too.
  9. Anubis


    I noticed that too. I do wonder how stable it will be, but maybe these pics are still just prototype shots (resin?), which would not have the die cast content in the legs that the actual release would have. With the metal content in the legs, it should help compensate for the backpack. Even if it does tend to lean back, I'll just do what I did with my 1/48 Strike 1S Roy and prop it against the wall.
  10. Sorry, I couldn't resist this time.
  11. New DVD Player, Babylon 5 Seasons 2 and 3, and a practice sword.
  12. Probably broke out more than just eggnog.
  13. HLJ's 1/60 Armor Parts Page has a little blurb now that says Looks like it was pretty hastily written. Answers that question I guess, only question now is do I put the armor on my Hikaru 1/60 or on my CF.
  14. You are forgeting the possibility of a 1/60 mac monster... No I didn't. I'm just talking about my current shopping list. Yamato has a lot more in the works than what I put down. The Monster is way out of my price range if it actually costs $350 like was said before. The Q-rau comes out just under a 1/48 VF-1 cost (12800 yen for Q-rau/14800 yen for VF-1 1/48), which I can deal with just fine. Only thing I would consider going higher than a VF-1 w/ fast packs is an SDF-1, and I still hope that it doesn't break the 200 barrier.
  15. So two people bought it. Seriously, the only things we know are coming right now are Millia's Q-rau end of Jan/beginning of Feb, and 1/60 GBP sometime February supposedly. I'm hoping they get the 19 by summer, but we'll see when it's ready. The monster we haven't heard anything about since Black Aces or someone got pics of a sample way back when. Eventually they will do Macross Zero valks, presumably to start around fall if we're lucky. I'm still holding onto hope for the VF-4.
  16. OK. MIllia Q-rau due Jan 15th, Max and Std. Q-Rau's sometime in Feb., new YF-19 Feb 15th. 1/60 GBP Armor Feb 15th, and the SDF-1 sometime in march.
  17. Side note, I love what you put by DR after you banned him, the "Don't cry for me I'm already dead". If that was you. Quite funny.
  18. Vid Phone would be my guess.
  19. Project A-Ko was one of the first animes I watched years ago. Still a classic. The sequels weren't quite as good unfortunately. The original should be in everyone's essential collection.
  20. I just hope there's any Alternators left and Unicrons on clearence after Christmas. ~G25 Unicron I don't think there will be any problem. Toys R Us and Target had TONS of them. In fact, they might go on sale after christmas to clar inventory. Here's to hoping. Smokescreen may be easier after Christmas, but will probably continue to dosappear off the shelves. I do have to say, Hasbro's Smokescreen came out pretty good. It's all plastic, but it's good plastic, and the detail came off without a hitch. Well worth the 20 bucks.
  21. Anubis


    Merry Christmas
  22. Nanashi's AMM description In addition, reaction missles are held per wing with two sharing one hardpoint, and the 3rd independant.
  23. I will definately be getting Millia's Q-Rau. I just hope it's good and stable balanced. 2004 is going to be horribly expensive. Already on the list: Minmei Statue MPC Prime Millia's Q-Rau 1/60 GBP Armor YF-19 x 2 (when they come out) DD's SV-51 (when it eventually comes out) 1/48 VF-1 CF (if it comes out) And that's just for now.
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