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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. I loved it when the car landed on the two guys and exploded.
  2. Happy new year to all!
  3. Got mine in today! Two words: KICK ASS! Every bit worth the price and the wait. Thank you Tam!
  4. Are these the same ship grade reaction missles used by the fleet in M7?
  5. Check this out. I never saw this before. Looks like Minmei's DYRL glowing dress isn't too far off. Kinda cool. Click on the company link at the bottom of the article, and there they have some dresses made with the material.
  6. The transformation system would be hardware locked in Battroid until the armor is jettisoned. You could probably flip levers all day with nothing.
  7. The mezzo forte OVA was the one instance I can actually kind of say I could have handled getting the cut one instead of the full one. I don't like rape scenes, and the 2 were placed where they could have been removed without losing anything. Almost like they were designed that way. Other than that it was a great little OVA. Good action, fast paced, with a touch of dark comedy. A series for it could be pretty good. I'll have to keep an eye out for a fansub version.
  8. Well, I'm not gonna comment over Taken, since I haven't seen it yet. But I'll say that G-Saviour makes the new Battlestar Galactica look like The Empire Strikes Back. It's funny because it's so true.
  9. Let's not forget the hard rock of Instruments of Destruction as the shuttle was cleaned out. Who was NRG anyway? Never heard of them outside of there. I don't like Marky. Hearing him mangle the Touch added to my dislike, while I laughed at how stupid he sounded. You know there was a music video for the touch, with TF footage in the background? I remember seeing it once as a kid, but never again. My favorite part of the movie Starscream's coronation. I haven't seen any of the Unicron battles in Armada. With work and school, I never get to watch it at 6. How far along are they in there? I gave up trying months ago because of how hokey it was, and then I found out unicron was going to be in it, but again haven't been able to try it.
  10. Tam has the Takara version.
  11. I kinda enjoyed Last Starfighter too.
  12. I liked Krull, Predator 2, and Starship Troopers, actually. I didn't think Krull was that cheesy at all really. Just a fantasy movie. While some aspects of Predator 2 were hokey, the urban jungle idea itself was not a bad one. Starship Troopers, just a fun movie, two hours of run and gun, some humor, and Diz was hot. I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously, unlike the book. (The book I found to be quite slow, but liked the inclusion of the support equipment) Let's not forget the classics of classics: Spaceballs. I love it.
  13. Where can those be found at? They're not that hard to install, right? Is it just the boot CD, and then open the top to swap discs?
  14. Man the EE is going to be so long. I can't wait to see it. Whether the Scouring of the Shire is in there or not, there will be a lot of good stuff to see.
  15. Not exactly. Tom Bombadil was most likely a Maia spirit of Nature (one of Yavanna Kementari's people). His wife, Goldberry, was also a Maia...she being the Daughter of the River Withywindle (a water themed Maia). He was the oldest being still in Middle-Earth (as all others either came after him...or in the case of his boss Yavanna, left for Aman long before). He had become tied to the land that he protected (the Old Forest being the last of that land). Like Sauron, much of his power that was native to him in his begining had passed into the forest itself. I could have sworn she was an elf. Oh well. I did always picture Tom as looking a little leprechaun-ish from his description. It was a very long time ago that I read the first part. One of these days I'll read all 3.
  16. Who was Tom Bombadil? I've never read the novels. A singing leprechan looking guy. Strange fellow. With a supposedly hot elf wife.
  17. Is kevlar really that flexible? Especially at the required thickness?
  18. Yep, just like a cargo strap complete with reel. A big version of what you use for pallets.
  19. I can't wait for mine. I can't wait for mine. I can't wait for mine.
  20. Very tempting, great price, but I've never tried a resin kit before. My modeling skills are limited to a MG Gundam kit. I would so love to add a VF-4 to my shelf though.
  21. Actually, those WERE the starship troopers uniforms. Right out of storage.
  22. Jemstone and Keith do have the best ones so far
  23. Has anyone actually bought one of the Helmets yet?
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